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Author Topic: Hot flashes  (Read 7244 times)


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Hot flashes
« on: April 17, 2013, 05:58:31 PM »

What do your hot flashes/flushes feel like?  I'm not sure if I'm actually getting a hot flash or just heat intolerance?  I'm wondering what the difference is?

Anyone care to share their experience please?  It would really help.   :)


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Re: Hot flashes
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2013, 06:16:00 PM »

When I first started mine ... many years ago.... I would begin to feel warm from my chest upwards and my face would feel hot - although it never turned red. It lasted around a minute and then faded away. Over the next year or so they developed into an intense heat starting somewhere in my lower tummy and whooshing upwards. Just before one started I would feel a little bit nauseous or as if I wanted to go to the toilet and also have a sense of doom - like a sudden really low mood - followed by a rapid rise in heart rate and then the heat would start. Eventually the added bonus of sweating came along too leaving me dripping from head to toe. They were very regular by this stage - every twenty minutes.

I think that they are different for everyone though. Some women never get past the slightly warm feeling. I wish I was one of those!!

Taz x


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Re: Hot flashes
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2013, 08:00:40 PM »

I used to strip off or put a fan on. When it passed I was freezing. I used to wear layers, didn't wear a jumper for 3 years until I started HRT.


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Re: Hot flashes
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2013, 10:38:22 PM »

Mine started at my chest and worked up to my face and head. I always felt as if I should be bright red but I never changed colour at all. My hair always looked and felt damp though.

The night sweats were a whole body drench.....lovely.

I always felt light headed as if I might faint but I never did.



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Re: Hot flashes
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2013, 09:28:39 AM »

Thanks for sharing ladies.   :)  I think my experience is similar to littleminnie.  I feel so irritable and anxious when I get over-heated.  I just can't cope with the intense heat - I've noticed a warm bath can set one off, or exercise. I have problems particularly in warm weather - haven't had the excessive perspiration yet - 


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Re: Hot flashes
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2013, 04:11:56 PM »

I would wake up in the night with my hair stuck to the pillow. I bought a Chillo pillow and that helped.....
I think the Winter is the worst , the intense heat wakes you up, you throw back the clothes and your damp nightie gets cold and then you shiver  >:(
    Think I might come back as a man next time  :great:


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Re: Hot flashes
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2013, 05:20:07 PM »

I was trying to explain to my 16 year old daughter what it feels like... mine start somewhere in the chest region, and I can feel it spreading to my neck and head, a bit like a kettle slowly coming to the boil, sort of inside me - remember those old kettles that used to whistle when they reached boiling point!  That's what mine feel like, I'm literally at boiling point for between 2 to 5 minutes, my skin is immediately damp, but weirdly although I am boiling on the inside, I am cold on the outside, it's such a strange sensation, as well as being acutely uncomfortable, and my hairline always ****les with sweat.. the fan goes on at work, and I fling open the windows.  Then it passes, and I am left with damp clothes, and am shivering with cold - lovely!


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Re: Hot flashes
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2013, 08:50:50 PM »

I think Taz's description of it whooshing upwards is very accurate.   For the daytime ones I get an intense whoosh in chest which quickly whooshes to my head and face and feel red hot.  I also agree with the blush turning into a flush someone posted about and sometimes just thinking about one can set me off.  At night I just wake feeling really damp between breasts and at hairline and it makes me feel  :sick02:  and I don't like the chills after it.  I haven't had the drenching bed, but it's early days - hoping mine don't get as bad as that.