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Author Topic: Frozen shoulder  (Read 38157 times)


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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #60 on: April 18, 2013, 01:17:06 PM »

A fiend had a 'frozen shoulder' and MRI revealed torn rotator cuff. 

So sorry nothing is helping you yet.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 09:56:49 PM by Trey »


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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #61 on: April 18, 2013, 08:50:21 PM »

Don't know if this has been mentioned so apologies if it has.

When I had my frozen shoulder the only way I could get any sleep was to lie on my back with my arm at the same level as my body. I put pillows under my arm tucked under my armpit right down to my hand. If the arm did not drop it helped with the pain.

It was the simple things that helped.....oh and time.

Hope you feel a little better soon.



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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #62 on: April 18, 2013, 10:48:10 PM »

Trey - my physio mentioned a possible MRI in the future but only after I establish whether or not my 3rd jab will work (30th April). My musculoskeletal consultant may suggest it too, I shall see (won't be due a follow up with him until 4 weeks after the jab). If not then I'll ask. Even if I get one of them to agree to refer me there's likely to be a fairly long waiting list of several months :(

Honeybun - good idea in theory (and I'm glad it worked for you :) ) but I can't lie on my back for long as I have a lower back pain issue :(

All I can do is keep taking 10mg Amitriptyline each night, plus codeine/paracetamols (30mg/500mg x 2) and try to get a whole hour of sleep before waking up to move position. Most nights I get 30 mins / 60 mins / 15 mins / 45 mins / etc etc until morning. Not ideal but better than no sleep at all (which occasionally happens).

After suffering chronic neck pain for several years I'm 'used' to getting poor quality / intermittent sleep - I seem to spend my entire life battling extreme tiredness, ho humm... xxx



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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #63 on: April 21, 2013, 01:41:41 PM »

I cannot imagine how it must be to live with such discomfort and pain and no sleep.
Occasional experiences affect me badly.
I truly do hope that they find a solution for you.  One would think that there would be a way to identify the root cause and

My sister had a frozen shoulder and it was an osteopath who sorted it and gave her exercises to do to prevent it recurring.  Of course, in saying this, I do understand that your situation and hers are not necessarily the same Panda.

My friend has just spend about a year with NHS trying to resolve her shoulder issue - physio and eventually injections into it too.  She moved to a private physiotherapist and within 6 treatments not only was her shoulder cured but her back problem too - seems both were linked.

Is is concerning that there are such contrasting results.



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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #64 on: April 21, 2013, 10:58:24 PM »

hi panda, so sorry you are still in so much pain..its truly horrible...i jarred my left arm yesterday just walking up the stairs, i tripped and grabbed the handrail and boy! the pain that shot down my left arm was so bad i just sank to the floor and cried my eyes out for ten minutes.....simply excruciating isnt it?

my physio said the opposite to what you have been told!  :o

he said to keep moving it even IF it hurts because if you dont it will seize up completely! why do these professionals always contradict eachother!?

my sister was told the same as me. you will feel some pain when you do the stretches, but you have to do them anyway. i have found standing in the shower under a nice hot stream of water pouring on my shoulder for a while, then gently walking my fingers up the wall in front of me has helped enourmously!! you can feel the hest helping, and the first time i did it i was amazed at just how far i could get. there was no way i could do that if i was out of the shower. but now, two months on, i can!

im not a doctor, so please dont do anything you feel would make you worse, but all i know is that im stubborn and want this blasted thing to go away so ill suffer the pain of a few attemted stretches a day if it helps.

my right arm is defo on the mend. my left arm is still in the getting worse stafe unfortunately.

i was also told it was similar to biting the inside of your mouth. you know how painful that is, when you keep biting it again and sgain?

they said its the same thing in your shouder, you keeo catching it on the same spot, hence the terrible pain you get  :'(

it hurts soooooooooo much doesnt it?

getting to sleep some nights is hard when both shoulders hurt too. but as has been said, lying on your back helps. i also do relaxation exercises some nights, clenching and releasing all of my muscles starting with my feet up to releive the tension.

hope some of this helps?

Jem x


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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #65 on: April 24, 2013, 09:42:58 AM »

Hi Firewalker,

I got used to getting up/disturbed at night when my children were small (now all grown up) and I rather hoped I'd never have to go through all that again, however, I seem to have gone back into 'mum of small baby' mode and I've just got used to it... I've been under a 'pain consultant' for about 5 years now and seen so many 'specialists' I've lost track! I've tested everything from strong meds to Tens / acupuncture / physio etc etc... and now got to the stage where I feel there's no fight left in me so I may as well just take each day as it comes  :-\ The last time I saw him he sent me off to 'relaxation classes' and told me to "Meditate your pain away!!" :(
I went to one of the classes but lost the will after listening to someone banging on about "If it hurts, don't do it" and "Get up 30 minutes earlier each day in order to give yourself enough time to do things more slowly!"

Hi Jemima,

OMG - I hate jarring (dunno whether to vomit or pass out).
Was standing on a bus the other day when it lurched forward and I grabbed a nearby rail  :'(

Yes, I had a GP that told me to 'work through the pain'  :o but my specialist said under no circumstances do anything that hurts. My current physio told me not to over-do it and make it sore.
I do understand that I need to keep the muscles etc moving (got resistance bands for training my left arm muscle) but most days it simply hurts too much. On 'good' days I can do a few exercises, so I just have to play it by ear.

I have my 3rd cortisone jab on 30th to look forward to (!) but I'm not hopeful. I guess he'll then want to see me in another 4 weeks for a further follow-up to discuss other options....whatever those will be.

I'd like an MRI to rule out anything else (ie: arthritis) but I may need to push hard for that.

I see my physio again in 3 weeks tims and she's given me a few gentle exercises to get on with (shoulder shrugging, 'jazz hands' and a few others) so I'll see how that goes.

It's just frustrating that it's dragging on and on and on......(on top of the other chronic pain I'd been suffering).

On top of that......there's all the meno stuff!!  :o



Can't have 3rd jab as 1st & 2nd didn't work.
I can wait 2+ years to see if it gets better by itself  :o
I can have acupuncture (said "yes" cos it's on NHS, even though it didn't help in the past).
I can be referred to a surgeon (which I agreed to) to discuss an operation, although he's apparently likely to refuse it as I do have SOME movement in my left arm .....
If he DOES agree (and I accept) there's obviously all the issues surrounding operations to think of, plus, a LOT of physio afterwards.....and it may not work / may make it worse....and it won't happen before xmas anyway!

He said an MRI/Xray was pointless.

Ugh.... :(

« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 04:57:28 PM by panda762 »


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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #66 on: May 03, 2013, 08:35:18 AM »

Hi Jemima,

OMG - I hate jarring (dunno whether to vomit or pass out).
Was standing on a bus the other day when it lurched forward and I grabbed a nearby rail  :'(

Yes, I had a GP that told me to 'work through the pain'  :o but my specialist said under no circumstances do anything that hurts. My current physio told me not to over-do it and make it sore.
I do understand that I need to keep the muscles etc moving (got resistance bands for training my left arm muscle) but most days it simply hurts too much. On 'good' days I can do a few exercises, so I just have to play it by ear.

I have my 3rd cortisone jab on 30th to look forward to (!) but I'm not hopeful. I guess he'll then want to see me in another 4 weeks for a further follow-up to discuss other options....whatever those will be.

I'd like an MRI to rule out anything else (ie: arthritis) but I may need to push hard for that.

I see my physio again in 3 weeks tims and she's given me a few gentle exercises to get on with (shoulder shrugging, 'jazz hands' and a few others) so I'll see how that goes.

It's just frustrating that it's dragging on and on and on......(on top of the other chronic pain I'd been suffering).

On top of that......there's all the meno stuff!!  :o



Can't have 3rd jab as 1st & 2nd didn't work.
I can wait 2+ years to see if it gets better by itself  :o
I can have acupuncture (said "yes" cos it's on NHS, even though it didn't help in the past).
I can be referred to a surgeon (which I agreed to) to discuss an operation, although he's apparently likely to refuse it as I do have SOME movement in my left arm .....
If he DOES agree (and I accept) there's obviously all the issues surrounding operations to think of, plus, a LOT of physio afterwards.....and it may not work / may make it worse....and it won't happen before xmas anyway!

He said an MRI/Xray was pointless.

Ugh.... :(


theres a lot of talk about two years and it sorting itself out isnt there?

my right arm is defo getting better after a year........i can reach up high now but still cant get my arm behind my back....

my left arm is still agonising so ive a long way to go yet..... ::) but im trying ti stretch it just to see if it helps...but flippin eck it hurts when i do!  :o :o :o

oh and ive got a new problem now to worry about. aching hands.....

shoot me now.



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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #67 on: May 03, 2013, 02:17:33 PM »

Oh Jemima, I do hope the aching hands soon get better!!

My boss has also got frozen shoulder and after just over a year is in the 'frozen but not so painful' faze.
Two to three years from start to finish seems the most popular theory  :-\

I'm hoping the physio will do acupuncture but I'm not confident it'll help (just want to give it a go).

Not sure what to do re: surgery until I've had a consultation with a surgeon (seems more negatives than positives at the moment).



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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #68 on: May 03, 2013, 07:31:32 PM »

Google LLLT - low level light therapy - cool laser.  Works absolutely fantastic for me and has been tested for shoulder issues as yours.  Worth a try.


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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #69 on: May 04, 2013, 10:39:51 AM »

Hi Trey,

Sounds good.............. but I don't have the money for private treatment and the NHS won't pay for it :(



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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #70 on: May 04, 2013, 12:15:43 PM »

It is used frequently by veterinarians here and not too expensive.  Wish I could try mine on you.  Wish it would show signs of improving for you.


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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #71 on: May 04, 2013, 03:54:57 PM »

Thank you Trey,

I wish I could try it too  :-\

At the moment I have a painful and weird sensation, a bit like when somebody punches you and gives you a 'dead arm'....only nobody did punch me and I've had this feeling for 2-3 days :(

Suspect I accidently slept on it and have a trapped nerve. Ho humm.....



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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #72 on: May 06, 2013, 08:48:16 PM »

Evenin' All,
I've always had shoulder problems - I think I store all my stress in there,  plus it was compounded after a car accident.  In desperation I bought a 'Backnobber' from Amazon, it cost me £28.00 and I love it.   For me, it works and I love the fact that I can just hit the spot the minute a twinge starts.



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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #73 on: May 13, 2013, 05:35:46 PM »

Hi jaydee,

I spoke to my physio about a back nobbler ( :o ) but she suggested that laying on a tennis ball would do the trick just as well.....although I guess it's not that practical if you're not at home when you need to use it, lol  ;D



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Re: Frozen shoulder
« Reply #74 on: May 14, 2013, 10:21:53 AM »

Hi , I have had a very painful shoulder with frozen like symptoms but know it came from a lot of carrying of some heavy items.  Its not a problem in the daytime but its been waking me up at night and painkillers dont seem to work, in desperation I rubbed in a lot of magnesium oil and amazingly it helps a lot, did this for 4 days and then missed a night and it was as bad as before so back on the magnesium, try it and see what happens, I was amazed, :D
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