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Author Topic: Aches, pains and tiredness with hrt?  (Read 21290 times)


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Re: Aches, pains and tiredness with hrt?
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2015, 08:43:10 PM »

Of course. I have a thread under personal experiences - from conti patch to long cycle
Basically Estrogen patch only then progesterone after 2 to 3 months. Perhaps have a look. I will keep you updated x


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Re: Aches, pains and tiredness with hrt?
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2015, 07:01:02 AM »

Stopped hrt Friday evening (continuing with the vagifem) & I'm still aching all over & have joint/muscle pain. Trying not to panic but I feel awful. Not told anyone how bad I feel as I sound like a hypochondriac. This year my body has just fallen apart. I really thought hrt was the answer so to have pain/aches when going on it has been miserable


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Re: Aches, pains and tiredness with hrt?
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2015, 09:34:47 AM »

Peterspots, I so feel for you. I hate that feeling of 'everyone thinks I'm making it up'. I'm not totally sure of your background, but are you sure you've tried HRT for long enough? I needed three months before I started to feel better. I started on a 50 mcg patch which I thought would be enough, but later moved to a 2-3 mg pill as that dose of patch just wasn't enough.

The nerve related pain is a horrible symptom, especially because it's not like flushes or anxiety which are more commonly linked to hormones. I was distraught that such serious, night waking pain revealed nothing on scans and MRIs. I felt like a fraud, despite being in horrible pain (or else weird numbness / tingling). Have you considered taking an AD or drug known to help nerve related pain? Low dose Amitriptyline, Duloxetine or Gabapentin can help the pain and anxiety.


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Re: Aches, pains and tiredness with hrt?
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2015, 10:03:56 AM »

Thank you briony. The joint muscle pain didn't start until I started the hrt (1 week in) so that is what is confusing. Is it a side effect? Or would have happened anyway. I'm hoping it's a side effect & it will go & I can start again with a different one. I Think I need the hrt but don't want these side effects.  If it's a coincidence then I don't know what's happening.  I woke up & my knees, elbows, hips hurt & my legs were fizzing


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Re: Aches, pains and tiredness with hrt?
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2015, 10:32:24 AM »

I think I get/got  these symptoms when my hormones were quickly fluctuating. I never had any pain until I got pregnant for the first (and only) time and then lost the baby. Within weeks, all the pains and weird symptoms started. Looking back, it must have been the hormonal upheaval which triggered things. People kept saying it was caused by depression/anxiety because of what I'd been through, but I knew in my heart that he pain was far too severe for it to be psychological. Besides, I started getting water retention on my ankles and I dont think the mind can do that!

I do recall, each time I've started a new HRT, I've noticed the pains in the same areas I had them before  (though nothing like as severe as they were originally, when they'd wake me up at night). This is why I think it's fluctuating hormone levels rather than low levels per se. It also explains why, on the pill, when your own hormones are suppressed, I feel better than on HRT where you are topped up so can still get fluctuations.

I think one week of HRT  is very, very early days. At best , all that is happening are your hormones moving about (up) a bit. Whether it's a side effect, or would have happened anyway due to low estrogen, you wont know until you give it a fair trial. I nearly gave up at three weeks, but lots of people on here told me that was miles too soon for side effects to go and the HRT to work. My new GP has since confirmed  three months is the minimum you should give it, unless the side effects are unbearable. I would say it was six months before I felt more myself again.


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Re: Aches, pains and tiredness with hrt?
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2015, 10:55:06 AM »

Hello. I'm sorry you had a horrible time too :( I've been on the evorel since end of August & the joint muscle pain started a week into that so I suppose 6 weeks isn't long but they are so sore from nothing at all. I agree with everything you say. It's just so sore so on top of my
Other problems just feels too much. I will see what the consultant says when they get back to me. X


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Re: Aches, pains and tiredness with hrt?
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2015, 11:01:27 AM »

I just don't know now :(


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Re: Aches, pains and tiredness with hrt?
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2015, 01:35:03 PM »

Sorry - I thought you'd only had one week of HRT. My fault!

See what your consultant says, but as someone recently said to me, dont forget that health anxiety is a symptom of meno, so even when you get these weird pains, remember, common sense says it's hormonal and nothing more sinister. (Says she who was convinced she was dying a week or so ago because I felt a bit light-headed  ::))  x


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Re: Aches, pains and tiredness with hrt?
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2015, 02:08:12 PM »

Thank you. If it's side effects then I will know soon & will expect them next time. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long to hear from consultant. X


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Re: Aches, pains and tiredness with hrt?
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2015, 02:40:37 PM »

I just hate having constant to tingling in my face, VA &
Now the muscle joint pain. It is making me miserable. I don't think I have anything sinister just something that is making day to day life miserable x
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