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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness  (Read 879171 times)

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #735 on: February 14, 2013, 11:54:18 AM »

Glad you found something that you like its not for me though i couldnt even use tampons they fell out hehehe
I think Vagifem can be hit and miss for myself for 2 and a half years except for the odd couple of days here and there 95% premeno days I also think  my back plays a large part it tightens everything up around my entire abdo
im moist inside all the time even 50/50 moist outside just on the days Im dry outside it aches burns and nibbly feeling?


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« Reply #736 on: March 21, 2013, 12:13:05 AM »

Hi, Just an update for anyone considering using the estring...  I originally felt it there most of the time, and removed it when i decided i had just had enough of the annoyance. ..  But as i continued to use it, things improved, and now forget its there. i have not had any of the burning or not right feelings i had while on vagifem.I intially was quite shocked by its size, but now quite glad as it makes it easier to remove. which is for me every night and if i go to loo. im frigtened of loosing it down the loo... Not sure how this ring works, but i find i can pop it in and out whenever, and i have been fine.. the best so far..  I also have days when i dont use it, and days when i may use it for an hour in the morning and then remove it coz im going out and then pop it back in in the evening when im relaxing.  dont know if popping in and out makes any difference to how much it releases, but as your supposed to leave it there all the time, i cant see that it does...  Maybe you know more than me.. but give it a go ladies, it seems odd at first but gets better, and is really worth getting over the first uncomfy feelings...  xxxx   


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #737 on: March 24, 2013, 10:52:29 AM »

Hi everybody,
I just wondered if anybody got any suggestions as to what I can try next for this awful VA. A couple of months ago I tried vagifem but had to stop taking it after a week or so as the side effects were too bad. I got terrible abdominal pain, a racing heart rate which was unbearable, and it irritated my bladder. The doctor told me to stop it, and not to use anything else but to let my insides settle down.
I have been in so much pain since and barely able to walk. I was then given steroid cream which did't agree with me, and emulsifying ointment for the outside bits?
After 2 painful months I went back to doctor as nothing was helping, and got Gynest cream, however this too made me swell up inside, gave me bad abdominal pain, and a racing heart rate again, so had to stop using after 3 days.
I am now at the end of my tether and don't know what else i can do, has anybody had any similar experiences which they were able to get resolved?

Thanks for being there x x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #738 on: March 24, 2013, 12:00:16 PM »

Hello Di. It sounds as if you are having a really tough time. When you say that the pain is so bad that you can hardly walk - where is the pain exactly?

Taz x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #739 on: March 24, 2013, 12:10:40 PM »

Thanks for the estring info hellen.  It is good to hear from someone actually using this. I thought that it was inserted by your GP and left there for 3 months or so when it would be changed.  When you say about the size do you mean that it is large or small?  Does it have a string attached to it to pull it out?  This may be another alternative for those of us that need more than the 2 x 10 vagifem per week.  Pleased that it is working for you.

Di - poor you as this sounds awful when you have tried all the normal routes.  Maybe having an appointment with a good gynea to discuss where you can go next would be an idea.  Your GP should refer you on if it is now beyond his/her knowledge.

 Don't give up as there must be something that can help.  Others may come along with some good suggestions for you.



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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #740 on: March 24, 2013, 03:36:25 PM »

Hi Taz,
The pain is more a really uncomfortable soreness on the inside, which can sometimes rub together when walking, especially if it is inflamed with lack of estrogen. It doesn't help suddenly stopping topical estrogen as the symptoms come back worse, so it never seems to get better because i can't stay on anything long enough to heal it.

Di x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #741 on: March 24, 2013, 04:27:13 PM »

Sounds very nasty Di. Have you been referred to a gynae or have you been properly checked out for your symptoms in order to rule out something else such as vulvodynia?

Taz x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #742 on: March 24, 2013, 05:23:04 PM »

Hi Taz,
Yes been checked about 6 times over last couple of months, the last time being Feb. Also had smear done in hospital end of Jan, where they said everything was normal down there (apart from VA)

Di x


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Re: estring
« Reply #743 on: March 24, 2013, 06:38:14 PM »

loo... Not sure how this ring works, but i find i can pop it in and out whenever, and i have been fine.. the best so far..  I also have days when i dont use it, and days when i may use it for an hour in the morning and then remove it coz im going out and then pop it back in in the evening when im relaxing.  dont know if popping in and out makes any difference to how much it releases, but as your supposed to leave it there all the time, i cant see that it does... 

Hi there hellen

Just to say the Estring is designed to give a constant release of oestrogen to keep your tissues plumped up so the more you leave it out the less oestrogen your tissues will be getting.
The instructions on the web say you can take it out eg before intercourse etc but if you are leaving it out for a whole day you are interrupting the flow of oestrogen. Also taking it in and out more frequently could make some women more liable to infection. However you say you are OK on it so that's the main thing if it is working OK for you and you like it! I do find it odd that they don't do them in different sizes like they do for the contraceptive cap - which came in lots of sizes to fit any of us! I must say it does sound tempting but don't like the idea of being able to feel it all the time. Mind you it would probably fall out in my case - it did say this can happen!!

Hurdity x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #744 on: March 24, 2013, 08:40:10 PM »

I thought that it was inserted by your GP and left there for 3 months or so when it would be changed.  When you say about the size do you mean that it is large or small?  Does it have a string attached to it to pull it out? 

Hi Hannah - I didn't see your post until later! (Sorry hellen to jump in here - hope that's OK?). Although I haven't seen the Estring it really does sound like the contraceptive cap (diaphragm) which I used for many years - which you put in yourself. The instructions do not say there are strings and tell you to put it in/take it out yourself once you have been shown by the doc - so sounds nothing like a Mirena which does have strings and does have to be put in by a doc as I understand (not tried either myself though).

Yes I agree Hannah - it could well be the answer for higher dose Vagifem users provided it can fit!

Here is the SPC ( Summary of Product Characteristics). Ignore all the stuff about the dangers of HRT which is on everything.

Made by Pfizer not Novo Nordisk

Hurdity x



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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #745 on: March 25, 2013, 03:52:17 PM »

Hi Hurdity

Thanks for this link - just had a good read .  I don't think I would like feeling it in situ and as you say how can one size fit all.  It does say that if you become constipated then it would be best to remove it first.

 Good to hear it has worked for hellen though.



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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #746 on: March 25, 2013, 06:58:12 PM »

Hi, Im using the 2mg ring, and i think its quite large. Now depending how big some of us are up there could be tight or could be snug...  I think we are designed to stretch up there, but as we are dry we notice the stretching, Im still on the first ring, so i have another month to go before i get another one.. its is supposed to release 7.5 something a day which is less that the 10 vagifem if your using it every day. strangly enough it actually in my opinion holds you apart a bit, so your not chaffing up there, but could be just me...   I spoke to the doctor and told him initially it was driving me nuts, and that i went as long as i could and took it out, he said yes that fine. he said do whatever your happy with...  and taking it out and putting it back i would think is no more a risk of infection that other things that may be used up there, not being to desciptive lol..  i felt the vagifem was not dissolving properly or how it adheres to my inside i was alergic to..  As for the racing heart i have had this but found i didnt have it on the estring, and i found i didnt notice it if i dont insert anything near bedtime, hence i like the daytime insertions, keep myself busy and it wears off, and eventually just dissappears as my body has ajusted..I had the most horrendous sore stomach, and stopped using vagifem for that reason, but i was using it every day. from when i first started to use the ring to now im a lot plumper up there. i have had one or two iffy days when i thought am i getting an imbalance, then i used a bit of yes lubricant(water based one) just to balance me up, before it get out of hand. worked great...  the ring does not have a cord on it and i dont push it far up, i just insert it and let it go where it wants. dont be put off by its size im a very petite person, and petite up there, so if i can do it anyone can... the ring goes sideways that why it fits all, does not sit on the cervix, and release over an area, where the vagifem releases in one spot...  Phew!!! hope i covered it and helped you.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #747 on: March 26, 2013, 06:29:16 PM »

You have explained it all really well hellen so thanks for that.  You have found a way of using them that suits you and that is all that matters.  You made me smile with your 'phew' comment.  Thanks for sharing the info.



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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #748 on: March 26, 2013, 09:36:46 PM »

thanks hannah1, i didnt want to put anyone off coz its worth a try, im only tiny person, i have owned a dog taller than me lol..  so the size of it dont matter really, and you need it fairly large as it sits sideways for you to hook your finger on and pull it out. really its like anything else you change,  your body notices, dont mean its bad, just mean your aware thats all. Your body adjusts. .i was horrified i might loose it. i went to the doc for a swob test, and he never took it out while he did the proceedure.  i could not feel a thing different in the proceedure. now i thought that was odd. As its not tiny size.. and would be in the way or certainly tight.   the test was negative for anything as usual. which is good, but odd if your think there is something there, and i had only been using the ring a couple of days...  i actually think its size after you get used to it is its bonus it releases over a bigger area, but i know nothing as they say lol............ the only thing it would be nice if it came with its own little box to be put away in..


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #749 on: March 26, 2013, 11:26:44 PM »

Hellen - does that mean it isn't a ring then - when you said it sits sideways? The (contraceptive) cap was a ring which you bent into a sort of long thing to push up there but it sprang back into a ring shape over the cervix when in place. Sounds from what you are saying that Estring is more oval or elliptical? I used to hook finger on to pull it out just as you describe. I could definitely cope with something like that having done so for years ( long time ago now though!). Oh - I presume they don't come in a box as they are not really meant to be taken out! The cap always came in its little container!!

Thanks for the info - very helpful.

Hurdity x
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