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Author Topic: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!  (Read 10344 times)


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oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« on: April 16, 2013, 04:07:35 PM »

Hi girls...I hope today is treating you well?

for the past week or so I have been hounded by a very high pitched eeeeeeee in my left ear....yes, I work with loud music, but it hasnt been a problem so far.  The doc says leave it another ten days before I panic.

but im panicing now!!!!!!

 :o :o :o ::)

do any of you have tinitus? does it go away after the menopause if its hormonally related that is? Ive read all the info online about tinitus and none of it mentions menopause, except this site!


Jem x


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Re: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2013, 04:46:40 PM »

Oh, that must be so annoying! I've had similar experiences but in my case it has been caused by wax (which I find is helped using olive oil, bought from the chemists).

Hopefully someone else will be able to help :)


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Re: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2013, 05:02:19 PM »

Oh, that must be so annoying! I've had similar experiences but in my case it has been caused by wax (which I find is helped using olive oil, bought from the chemists).

Hopefully someone else will be able to help :)

thank you - I hope so too! the doc says i have no wax  :(


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Re: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2013, 05:15:54 PM »

Do you wear earplugs Jemima? Working with loud music it's essential. I think a lot of us develop tinnitus but it's not just a meno symptom but a lot to do with the wear and tear we put our hearing under. Men and women develop it. Some painkillers are known to cause it too.

Hope that it soon gets better.

Taz x


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Re: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2013, 06:46:47 PM »

I developed it after an ear infection and it comes and goes. Sometimes it goes for weeks on end and at others it goes in a few days.

It's the most horrible thing but unfortunately there is no cure just ways of managing it.

I prefer to have the TV or radio on as it makes the noise seem less. I just ignore it at night.

Hope yours goes.



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Re: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2013, 06:53:00 PM »

I get it.  I then wonder how long my ear/s has/have been ringing before I notice  ::).  If you are in any loud industry you MUST be provided with ear-plugs and you MUST wear them.  They are not a fashion item but a necessity.  A person will find that, if they try to claim for industrial injury and have not worn the ear-plugs provided, that the Judge will throw the Claim out of Court .......  ;)

Tell us more about your musical work?


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Re: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2013, 01:36:42 AM »

I think I do get it - not sure if its me or the house pipes. Sounds like a buzzing and I can still hear it if I put my fingers in my ears, so I guessed it was tinnitus. I was sent for a hearing test and was told my hearing was that of a 30 year old.  However, when I ask everyone else if they can hear the noise they can't. My sister could hear something very faintly but thought it was water in the pipes - she prob got it too, and dad had it.


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Re: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2013, 06:32:22 AM »

Hi Jemima -  I have just read your other post about shoulder pain and I wondered if you knew that neck problems can cause pain in the shoulders and also cause tinnitus?

 It could be that you have some wear and tear in your neck which is causing both! I have arthritis in the neck caused, partly, by whiplash and I also developed tinnitus. I discovered that by moving my jaw from side to side or moving my neck to a different angle then the tinnitus would change in tone or intensity which is what led me to try to find out more. It may be worth exploring the possibility yourself. If it is a new symptom then it may be worth checking it out as other illnesses can cause tinnitus. Have a look at this forum for more info on arthritis and tinnitus

Taz x


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Re: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2013, 09:50:12 PM »

Hi Jem, I have it, sadly.
It is in my left ear and as such because it is one sided the ENT consultant sent me for an MRI as it is not common for it to be one sided.
Ask your GP for. Referral to ENT, if it goes fine as it can in the first 6 months to a year. If not you will be on the list to be seen.
If it continues and you see somebody you will most likely have an MRI and a hearing test as hearing loss is often the cause.
I thought my hearing was good but it turned out I had lost a degree in both ears.
Sadly nothing can be done in most cases. Be sure to keep sound around you at all times to prevent you hearing it. But do avoid sound directly into the ears as ths an damage the ears. If you work with noise you must wear ear defenders.
I have had mine for a year now. I've been through hell and felt I could not send my life with it, but it seems the brain is clever and eventually begins to tune out the nose to an extent. I am now at this level used to it.
PM me if you would like to know more as I have read all there is to read and seen may therapists over the last year.


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Re: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2013, 09:33:00 AM »

Some people find having a radio on will deaden the tinnitus.  Currently my r ear feels as though it wants to pop but can't so there is a gentle throbbing, not painful but feels like air in the drum  ::)  ........ oh, don't forget the deep down itchyness too  >:(  ???


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Re: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2013, 06:12:23 PM »

I have had tinnitus for about a year now.  It is low in tone, like a fridge humming, and does not seem to emanate from a particular ear, unlike the tinnitus I had a few years ago, which was very obviously from a particular ear.
I was interested what Taz said about shoulder pain, as I have had frozen shoulder in both shoulders, since I have been in perimenopause. 
I joined a tinnitus support forum - and found out on that that my tinnitus is what they call "somatic" ie originating in the body rather than the ears, and being expressed as ear noise. I suffer very badly from tense neck, shoulders and resultant headaches.

Anyway, my tinnitus is slowly getting quieter in volume, which is a great relief, as it interfered with my sleep when I first got it.  After a while, you do tendto  get habituated to it, to a large degree, and notice it much less.


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Re: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2013, 10:33:40 PM »

hi everyone, many thanks for your replies...sorry ive not replied but been very busy with work etc.

ive still got it but its fainter than it was, its interesting that the link is there to arthritis and neck and shoulder pain, i also have had a jammed tmj before (jaw) which was awful that too can cause tinitus...i may go back to wearing the night time splint that was made for me then to see if it helps.

i have found that its worse when i talk, and when i walk about. very odd.

i feel like i have an untuned radio in my ear..... :-\

its really weird...oh and the other night i had to take the cat downstairs and i went very very dizzy and had trouble standing up! that passed quite quickly and ive been ok all weekend dizzy wise!

ive also had problems with my sinuses since before christmas. i feel blocked a lot of the time.....and almost 'dried up!' oh dear that sounds wrong doesnt it!??  :o ;D

but im sure the whole lot is connected...shoulders, jaw, peri, sinus, i didnt stand a chance of avoiding bloody tinitus did i?

oh and ive been on thyroxine for three months, and guess what? yep a possible side effect is tinitus!!  :o :o :o

jem x


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Re: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2013, 12:04:13 PM »

Jemima... have a hug  :hug:

I've had sinus problems, sometimes severe, and found something called sterimar very useful. You can buy it at the chemists. It's saline solution in a pressurised container and you squirt it into each nostril to help clear everything out. The basic sterimar is just salt water, but there's a 'stronger' version too, if you are particularly stuffy.

You can probably google it and find out more. Good luck and hope things get better soon!


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Re: oh joy of joys a new symptom! TINITUS!!
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2013, 11:57:12 PM »

Jemima... have a hug  :hug:

I've had sinus problems, sometimes severe, and found something called sterimar very useful. You can buy it at the chemists. It's saline solution in a pressurised container and you squirt it into each nostril to help clear everything out. The basic sterimar is just salt water, but there's a 'stronger' version too, if you are particularly stuffy.

You can probably google it and find out more. Good luck and hope things get better soon!

ooh thanks for that! ill go get some!  :) x