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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: 32 and struggling with hormones  (Read 1402 times)


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32 and struggling with hormones
« on: May 23, 2018, 12:58:54 PM »

Hi all, Thankyou for letting me join this forum.

I don't really know where to start.
I'm 32 and I'm really struggling with hormone issues. My doctor has referred me to see a specialist at Birmingham women's hospital.

I've been fobbed off for years with depression, anxiety etc. I now refuse to take any anti depressants as I don't think they help.

My symptoms are that I really struggle to lose weight, I have zero libido which is a massive strain on my marriage, my mood is horrible, I'm irritable and impatient which just makes me feel like an awful mother. My PMT is horrendous and I genuinely feel like I can't cope with how I feel on those days.
My GP seems to think I have progesterone intolerance.
I can't take any contraceptive pills as nothing suits me, the mirena coil didn't suit me either. My GP mentioned dr studd and I've read a lot about him.
Can anyone help or advise?
I'm not sure I can afford private, I don't really know his costs?
But I'm only 32 and I honestly can't spend any more years of my life feeling like this.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far!


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Re: 32 and struggling with hormones
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2018, 01:11:23 PM »

Awwww good lord you sound shot to pieces!!!! you must be beside yourself!!!! I believe Women can suffer from peri-menopausal symptoms from their 30's and earlier.

Have you had your hormone levels checked??  If not, you may be worth insisting with your Dr that one is done if anything to see whether they are fluctuating or depleting then maybe you can discuss treatment with your Doctor as to what they can offer.

God I feel for you.... and I hope you can get some answers for the symptoms you are currently experiencing... but... hang in there girl....

Michelle x


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Re: 32 and struggling with hormones
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2018, 02:33:48 PM »

Hi kp1407 :welcomemm:
There's no way you should be worrying about paying to see private consultants at this stage so Wait until you get to your hospital appointment and try and write it all down and take it with you as we tend to dry up when we are plopped in front of these people.
You sound as if you just need some support,your libido and your weight are not going to be tops if your suffering from anxiety and depression and maybe you need to have a rethink on the offer of A.D help in the short term till your appointment comes through.Your very young to be agonising like this my heart goes out to you but it's good that your being proactive and reaching out for help and advise.right now I'd say forget about the weight forget about the libido and try and get yourself emotionally well that's a priority then the rest can be worked on.Go back to your gp and ask again what would be his best advise to help you in the short term till your appointment comes through that way your at least moving forwards and won't feel so frustrated.good luck xx


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Re: 32 and struggling with hormones
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2018, 03:15:36 PM »

Do have a look at the 'Daisy' web-site too, details above and brows the 'treatment' room in green.

Make notes.


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Re: 32 and struggling with hormones
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2018, 07:37:43 PM »

Thankyou all for your advice.

Just to be clear, they've put me on and off anti depressants for years and it really hasn't helped. They see it as I have depression, whereas I know that the depression is a symptom of something else. If that makes sense. I've reached out and had counselling, I've tried to make lifestyle changes, but really to no avail as there just always seems to be this underlying issue.
There's only one female GP who seems to be sympathetic and understanding. I've broken down to her and she's looking into things and she herself researched dr studd. My appointment at the women's hospital is in July so not too long to wait.
I'm just impatient and at a loose end.
My husband really doesn't understand the no libido thing. I try and explain but he doesn't seem to get it. And it's such an issue at the moment. Like you said it should be the least of my worries, and to me it is, but I just fear that my marriage will end if it carries on like this.