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Author Topic: Cilest to HRT  (Read 2599 times)


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Cilest to HRT
« on: April 19, 2017, 08:48:03 AM »

Hello, I wonder if anyone can give me some advice?  I'm almost 50, switched from Yasmin to Cilest a few years ago and have been on Cilest with no problems until recently.  My GP thinks I can just stay on Cilest for anotehr couple of years, but I'm not sure it's right anymore.  I'm getting night sweats with it.  I also got my period again 2 weeks after the last one, while taking Cilest.  It was normal for the first couple of days and then just brown for the last 6 or 7 days.   I'm wondering if I should switch to HRT and would like some recommendations as to which one.  My hair has thinned, so I would like one that would help that.  My Mum went through the menopause at 48.  My GP said there is no way to know without stopping Cilest for a few months.  This isn't possible because of the symptoms and a demanding job.  I feel I have no-one to go to or to ask for any advice.  My GP is lovely, but just says stay with Cilest!  Can anyone help?


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Re: Cilest to HRT
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2017, 06:55:42 PM »

Hi and welcome MM
I'm not sure whether blood tests done while still on Cilest would indicate whether you are peri menopausal or not. Your GP may be right, you may need to take a break from the Cilest to see what's going on with your own hormones. You could try paying for an email
Consult with Dr Currie to get some professional advice.
If you are getting problematic bleeding you could have a Mirena fitted and add some oestrogen if you need it, as this would give you contraceptive protection and also take you through the peri meno stage, reduce flushes etc.
The brown discharge is probably nothing to worry about but you could need to change to a different type of contraceptive pill. There is a type of bcp that often works well in peri - can't remember exactly what it's called, Quaria or something like that.
DG x


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Re: Cilest to HRT
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2017, 10:09:44 AM »

Thank you for the reply.  The GP said I was have to be off Cilest for 3 months.  The symptoms are bad enough on cilest at the moment.  I'm having night sweats, struggling to get out of bed in the morning and feeling just unwell.  I don't use Cilest for birth control.  I think because I was taking it with no problems my GP has left me on it.  I've taken the birth control pill for the last 30 years, so the thought of not taking it is a bit daunting.    I think i now need a change of hormones, but have no idea what to ask for.  Do you know if a consultation would help with that and roughly how much it would be?

Thanks so much.


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Re: Cilest to HRT
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2017, 09:46:33 PM »

I think there is info onthe HOME page about the email consult.
You don't need to be off your BCP for 3 months - you should be able to stop taking this for one month and then have blood tests to see what's happening. Can you find out if there is a menopause clinic near you? Ask your GP for a referral to a gynaecologist or meno clinic. Even a Family Planning clinic might give you advice. I really think you should take a break for the Cilest and see how you get on. If flushes etc get worse then HRT would be better. Look Under TREATMENTS at the top of the this page to see the HRT options.  Soak up all the info on this site to get clued up. DGX