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Author Topic: New member  (Read 3008 times)


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New member
« on: October 23, 2014, 05:24:00 PM »

Hi everyone and thanks for having me. I am a 51 year old single parent of two teenagers. A boy and girl. I also have a grown daughter and a five year old grandson. I work full time and take care of my grandson on weekends so as you can imagine i have a pretty busy schedule. I am also a type 1 diabetic. Can i just say how great it is to know that i am not alone at this terribly difficult time in my life. I truly thought i was going mad with anxiety and palpitations until i read some of the stories on here. Thanks again.


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Re: New member
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2014, 05:29:34 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM Caitycakes
Good to have you on board.  Keep posting  Dg x


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Re: New member
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2014, 08:08:22 AM »

Yeah welcome Caitycakes...feel like I'm going mad with anxiety too sometimes....hope youre having a good day :-)


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Re: New member
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2014, 09:02:12 AM »

Hello and welcome Caitycakes, I am full of admiration for what you achieve despite your anxiety and diabetes. You have a very full schedule which it sounds as though you tackle with good grace.

I am ashamed that I am rather a wimp when it comed to helping with grandchildren as I just cannot cope when they are little. We have our eldest in half terms but the two little ones are too much for me on a regular basis so my husband goes to their house to babysit when asked but we don't commit regularly.

How old is your grandson? And teenagers - a totally alien species and I was much younger back then. (have had three, all grown now and we survived)  :)

Enjoy the forum.

Ju Ju

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Re: New member
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2014, 10:58:33 AM »

Welcome! I too am full of admiration that you are working full time and taking care of your grandson at the weekend. I do not work, but I do look after my grandson every Monday as well as other times. My husband helps, but even so we are both exhausted afterwards! We are older, but even so.... My question is how are you looking after your self? Do you have time out just for you, time to relax or do the things you want to do? Because if you are not, then you will be paying the price health wise. You need to look after you first and foremost. This not being selfish; you need to look after your well being so you can be there for others. Do say no if you need time out to relax. Best wishes, Ju Ju xx


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Re: New member
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2014, 09:07:02 AM »

Thanks guys. My grandson is 5 and up until about 4 months ago actually lived with me with his mother. They now have their own place so things a bit less hectic. However i did end up with paramedics and ambulance at house and trip to hospital in early hours of friday due to racing heart which would not slow. Had ecg in house and one in ambulance. They werent happy with my speeding heart and blood pressure so taken to hospital for more monitoring and blood tests. I need to get the 24 hour monitor fitted next week. They did say my heart looked fine and bloods were perfect so its now official that i am a neurotic middle aged mess!  Seriously though i am going to docs on thursday and i am determined to get something other than antidepressants for the anxiety. It comes and goes. Have it for a few weeks then it goes sometimes for months. I really need to try and slow down and relax more though 😄


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Re: New member
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2014, 10:04:42 AM »

'I really need to try and slow down and relax more though '

I have been trying to do this for ages and mind over matter just stresses me out more.

I have suffered with anxiety all my life but it became more trouble since the menopause and recently my blood pressure was up higher than is normal for me. My GP has given me low dose Propranolol, a Beta Blocker, and it is helping me to level that manic driven-ness and running round in circles and constant fretting.  I wouldn't say I am chilled out but things don't matter so much and are not so urgent.  My husband commented the other day that I have slowed down a little so that's good.

 Propranolol has been around a long time so I trust it is tried and tested.  I wonder if it could help you, your GP would know.  Good luck with your appointment.


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Re: New member
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2014, 10:14:11 AM »

Just wanted to say I had hospital trip like you last year all checks fine and 24hr monitor just showed palpitations normal, I was put on propranalol and it did help, slowed heart down and took edge off anxiety, they probably will suggest it, I came off them in July but keep spare for times when I feel too anxious. I'm 44 and always on the go slowed down a little since that! Trying to relax more but sometimes brain won't let me it just ticks away too much.


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Re: New member
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2014, 01:45:31 PM »

Thanks so much. I too get more stressed even thinking about slowing down. Was always a bit of a worrier but since menopause this has gone into overdrive!  The worst is waking in the morning to a feeling of dread. Same when i sit down and try to relax. I get what you mean by driven. I think i will ask the doc about propranalol rather than wait for it to be suggested. Its so reassuring knowing i am not the only one 😄