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Author Topic: Energy  (Read 5136 times)


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« on: November 12, 2013, 12:52:37 PM »

I am worried about my energy level.

I am 58.5 now, on Evorel + Mirena for quite a long time already. I had exhausting 5-7 years, and seem to run out of steam recently. Have no desires, no wishes, no enthusiasm, no .. energy for anything. People get on my nerves with their rush and let downs and lack of smile or joy. The same time I jump at slightest sound, even fly, or wind, makes me feel agitated... Took my washing to laundrette because I can't face noise from my washing machine ;)

Is this who I became?

I don't know - should I review my HRT? Can all this be improved?

What do you think?

Thanks! :o

ps: my GP now is a young girl just after studies and keeps asking me if I still need HRT...



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Re: Energy
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2013, 02:01:17 PM »

Well I'm a year younger & my energy levels have gone out the window. My early 30's daughter had a go at me last week for lack of fitness, but I'm no spring chicken any more & I'm not as able as I once was to go haring about everywhere. I tire more readily. If I'm really tired, which I am at the moment, slightest thing irritates me. Not sure HRT review would make much difference if I'm honest. I think it's just part of the ageing process. I ache more, I'm irritated more, I'm less patient, I much prefer a quieter life now.


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Re: Energy
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2013, 02:31:19 PM »

I'll be 58 soon. I have just come off HRT for a review of my situation - I have had a Mirena + Oestrogel for the last 4 and half years & the Mirena is coming out soon.  I definitely don't have the energy these days - I really have to pace myself.
I doubt a change of HRT will make any difference for you but, maybe like me, when you have to have your Mirena out you could try some time out from HRT to see how you are.  Remember to reduce the oestrogen gradually over a few weeks or months - don't go cold turkey. I'm not sure whether I will continue with full HRT as I'll see how I feel over the next few weeks.  I have been given Vagifem (vaginal oestrogen) to help with my problems with atrophy which I will definitely continue.
Like you I have had an extremely difficult time over the last 10 years or so, with all kinds of problems & stresses e.g. issues with our kids, financial difficulties, caring for elderly relatives, moving house etc. I do feel I have been putting everyone else's needs first and working myself ragged.
Recently, my husband did a job that has given us a bit of breathing space financially and I have been able to take some time out to think about me!!!! I spoke with the company I work for and changed some of the things I do - I was working in a store that was physically very demanding and I have developed some RSIs. I am now working in another area of the company - not so much money but suits me better for now.  I also took nearly 4 weeks off (I've not had a holiday for 5 years) - I slept a lot, took long walks, caught up with friends etc. and I have to say my energy levels have improved. This financial breather has been a godsend.
I think what I'm trying to say is; I think we need to stand back sometimes, especially at our age, and look at our life.  What is important? Why are we constantly striving and towards what?
orria - I think it's a kind of mid life crisis. We're stuck in a rut and when we are so busy and tired we get overwhelmed.  You sound as though you need something new and fresh in your life.   
I know that's easy to say but "if you don't look you never find".
Maybe others will have some ideas for you.

DG x


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Re: Energy
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2013, 02:49:57 PM »

Thank you so much for your post Dancingirl! So many good points!

I'll be very interested to hear how you feel without HRT! I've fitted a new Mirena  last May - improvement from old which allowed me to complete my degree course - but I wonder if this HRT at this stage is doing me any good really... I've made an appointment today with meno clinic, for December. Hope to discuss it there and then.

I think you might be right:

I think what I'm trying to say is; I think we need to stand back sometimes, especially at our age, and look at our life.  What is important? Why are we constantly striving and towards what?
orria - I think it's a kind of mid life crisis. We're stuck in a rut and when we are so busy and tired we get overwhelmed.  You sound as though you need something new and fresh in your life.   

This is a time of change for me - switch from full time education to ... ordinary life. I think I am overwhelmed - no idea where I might fit... in this crazy times.

When my menopause begun I put a break on others demands - in result I am on my own.

Thanks again!
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 02:54:18 PM by orrla »


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Re: Energy
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2013, 07:12:32 PM »

Hello orrla.
I am 57, not on HRT and can totally relate to everything you mention in your post. I was so tired this morning that I managed a short nap after lunch and consequently felt a little more relaxed...maybe that's the answer for those of us who have the time.

When I read your message I remembered something Dr Phil Hammond said in one of his books, his advice to everyone as they grow older is to follow the three Ps - pace yourself, pamper yourself and piss yourself laughing. Worth a try I think.
Take care.


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Re: Energy
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2013, 07:35:11 PM »

As I grew older I realised that it is DH and I that matter: 1st in the queue  ;) even above family, certainly above those who we don't see very often.  I don't worry so much these days about 'friends'  ::) ........... they have their life, they are not waiting around for me to show up.  If I turn up they are pleased to see me ....... otherwise  ::)



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Re: Energy
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2013, 08:07:07 PM »

Energy? Energy? What is Energy???

I am 60 now and yes, I also opt for the quieter life now and certainly tire much more easily.

I like the three P's, Kathleen!

rosie c

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Re: Energy
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2013, 08:02:36 AM »

Love the three P's !!!  (i have just started to pamper myself... first time ever , started going to yoga and although i am useless at it.... i dont care.... am usually found in a corner pissing myself. Not literally ! just laughing to myself. done me the power of good. ) xxx