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 on: Today at 07:34:44 AM 
Started by Vicky81 - Last post by Vicky81
Same here. They are known for making you feel worse before better. But I stopped one after two weeks once and was absolutely fine so hopefully this is transient and the effects will go quickly as CrispyChick said.
Can I ask penguin how long did side effects take to go? What side effects did u get?

 on: Today at 07:33:24 AM 
Started by Vicky81 - Last post by Vicky81
Sorry just to say we read it takes 2.5 days to leave body.
I took mine wed at 7.20zm

Do you think it's withdrawal effects cos this feels so heightened.....all the way through taking it I didn't add gel apart from the Sunday n Monday. Then stopped.

 on: Today at 07:29:01 AM 
Started by Vicky81 - Last post by Vicky81
Just to add yesterday I had confusion, out the room feel.
Very bad mood at times and crying .
Ladt night was first night that's ever happened I'm scared of this anxiety

 on: Today at 07:27:36 AM 
Started by Vicky81 - Last post by Vicky81
Ho all again
So I didn't sleep last night, very bad anxiety in bed even after taking diazepam.  Shot up at 5.30 crying to patrrner

Is this AD withdrawal? He thinking it defgo is but I feel worse today than yesterday.  I stopped the AD wed.
Please advise xxx

 on: Today at 07:11:58 AM 
Started by Aprilflower - Last post by CLKD
It certainly is.  Why would steroids cause bleeding PV?  Mum never had problems when she had intense treatment for polymyalgia rheumatica. 

There are some pretty lady panties for reassurance ;-).  Some are washable. 

Not a lot.  Out of bed, washed, breakfast to hand.  MotoGP on TV  :-*

 on: Today at 07:09:50 AM 
Started by TnToast - Last post by CLKD
Morning Girls - which investigations does your Doctor propose?  If U are using VA treatment, then try 2-3 weeks of every night.  Some need moisturisers too.  [what's GSM ? it's early for me to get brain in gear  ::) ]

 on: Today at 07:07:36 AM 
Started by bramble - Last post by CLKD
with warmed milk

 on: Today at 06:57:52 AM 
Started by Cheryl53!!!! - Last post by discogirl
Hi jillydoll

Yes I slept great on the 3 night break;

back to taking it tonight and I shall see how I get on x

 on: Today at 06:39:29 AM 
Started by oldlady1961 - Last post by oldlady1961
Thank you so much for replying. It’s now six weeks once I stopped provera (which I took on the advice of a gynae consultant because of a thickened endometrium) and I can definitely feel myself getting back to normal at last, I only took it for 9 weeks and can’t believe it’s taking so long. I feel poisoned. I was fine on utrogestan for 5 years and have now put myself back on that. It’s as if provera wiped out any benefits of the Oestrogel and I’ve had to start again from scratch, even though I never stopped the Oestrogel. I don’t know what’s coming next but there’s no point in having a “healthy endometrium thickness” if I’m mentally unwell.

 on: Today at 06:23:17 AM 
Started by bramble - Last post by littleminnie
have a biscuit

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