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 on: Today at 09:21:28 AM 
Started by Summer12 - Last post by joziel
Summer, these are known neurological symptoms of menopause and peri-menopause, caused by fluctuating estrogen levels. They might go away if you stop - but they also might not, because your own ovaries are causing the fluctuations.

If this wasn't happening on the gel, that would be the best option really. The smell is just alcohol and it doesn't smell once it's dried...

The issue with Evorel Sequi is you can't adjust the dose. It is fixed in the patch to fit with the level of progestin prescribed. And with these neuro symptoms you can often need quite a high dose of estrogen to override the fluctuations from your own body. (I'm now on 11 pumps of gel to get me to around 500pmol.)

 on: Today at 09:21:09 AM 
Started by Vicky81 - Last post by Nas
The thing is, these anti depressants I believe, can make you feel worse before better. If you were on a too high dose to begin with, then it could well be withdrawal.

You definitely need the advice of a medical professional to help you through this now. We can support but can’t advise.

You need that drug out your system so you can get back on an even keel so you can start again to address your hormones.

 on: Today at 09:14:23 AM 
Started by Sunriser - Last post by CLKD
Hi!  U could reduce the pumps - not all at once but perhaps alternate nights then leave a bigger gap?   C how your body reacts.  Our body doesn't get where it is suddenly so slowly reducing may give you some relief.

Which symptom were you hoping to ease B4 U decided on HRT?  Blood tests are reliably un-reliable!

 on: Today at 09:14:13 AM 
Started by Vicky81 - Last post by Vicky81
Just to add ....we went back through my diary and I was doing loads of gel to my patch bit all different amounts....that was 5 days....I didn't feel like this days after....yes stil had anxirtybut not to this scale......if you could advise please?

 on: Today at 09:11:04 AM 
Started by bramble - Last post by CLKD
jogging shoes on

 on: Today at 09:10:58 AM 
Started by Vicky81 - Last post by Vicky81
I was on it 8 says day 6 it was awful...then started feeling zombie etc heitened anxiety.
The gp said it was too high for me. But?

Even partner said I was more anxious.
Since taper I've had confusion and still heitebed anxiety.
Got call with gynaecologist tomorrow at 9.

Nas does this sound withdrawal to you? I wasn't this bad before day 6 on it x

 on: Today at 09:09:34 AM 
Started by Oldteen - Last post by CLKD
We have 3 Sat papers plus inserts - some go straight into recycling  ::) - they keep me going all week  8) plus Monday for the Medical pages ...... and I buy a paper on Wed to read Thursday when I'm out and about.  Easier to recycle than magazines.

"Slingshot World Magazine" - who knew  ;D

 on: Today at 09:06:04 AM 
Started by Oldteen - Last post by Autumnwalks
I haven't read a magazine for years and years. Used to read newspaper supplements but haven't had a newspaper for about 12 years.

 on: Today at 08:52:33 AM 
Started by Vicky81 - Last post by Nas
How long were you on the anti depressant for, Vicki? Was it a few days? If so, you shouldn’t be struggling so much with the withdrawal I wouldn’t have thought?

Are you under any mental health team at present?

There are likely to be many factors contributing to how you are currently feeling and I can’t help thinking much of this is hormonal? You are having an awful peri and obviously you have made some rapid Hrt changes along the way.

Not sure what to suggest at this point. Are you under a menopause specialist or just GP?

 on: Today at 08:51:34 AM 
Started by Taz2 - Last post by jaypo
Aerosmith - dude looks like a lady
I love the Mrs Doubtfire scene with that song  ;D

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