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 on: Today at 11:31:11 AM 
Started by CrispyChick - Last post by Nas
 Agree with CLKD.
Definitely seek out a menopause specialist because you can’t guarantee the gynaecologist you see, will have the knowledge to answer your questions.

Are you looking at injections to shut down your ovaries? Or a hysterectomy? Either of these would probably stop the fluctuations. Then you may experience symptoms of no little to no oestrogen. This could happen immediately or take a few weeks.

Gather as much knowledge as you can, so you are able to make an informed decision. X

 on: Today at 11:05:13 AM 
Started by Jules - Last post by Penguin
But when you are sat in a compromising position with someone putting a camera inside, you're hardly in a position to challenge.

I can be very assertive but when in these kind of situations I am like a lamb to the slaughter, nerves take over and its impossible for me to challenge anything.
The only time I was assertive was when after giving birth for the first time I needed stitches and that was the last straw, I told the doctor to bloody well hurry up I've had enough of all this, he didn't bat an eyelid, seen it all before I suppose.

There's something about being in medical places that can make people become really passive. I saw it happen with my mum and I was her advocate a lot of the time as she would never ask or challenge, even when it was young and clearly jumior doctors (house officer level). But I have also more recently seen it happen with me. This whole conversation about hysteroscopy has made me adamant I'd point blank refuse without being put to sleep for it, as I just can't guarantee I'd be able to speak up if I was awake and went through what some of the ladies here have gone through.

 on: Today at 10:36:38 AM 
Started by joziel - Last post by Gnatty
Joziel, just a thought are you sure your Dove shower gel isn't forming a barrier to you absorbing your gel?

 on: Today at 10:32:40 AM 
Started by Elliebee - Last post by Elliebee
Sometimes through anxiety you can dig yourself into a deep hole, I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about and the area is just susceptible to these kind of skin breaks.

I just feel so low and fed up !! Cannot concentrate on anything and just want to curl up in a ball and cry !

 on: Today at 10:30:15 AM 
Started by Elliebee - Last post by Elliebee
Really CLKD, is it your place to continually tell members how to use the forum. No, it isn't and I think best not to upset members who are going through bad times with their health issues.

Thank you . My head is all over the place.

 on: Today at 10:28:30 AM 
Started by Katejo - Last post by CLKD
No jaypo no - several passengers are affected by a severe stomach bug on a couple of cruise ships  :-X :-\

 on: Today at 10:19:22 AM 
Started by rachie - Last post by rachie
I’m away for 10 nights in the Caribbean and have just unpacked and realised that my sandrena gels are in my other make up bag (sat at home)
I only have 4 sachets that I keep as an emergency.
So annoyed with myself as I’ve just got my cycle right and feel good after 3 years.
I take one sachet a day usually and am due to start the progesterone pills in 2 days.
Would I better doing half the dose and miss the last 3 days or just every other day etc.
should I still take the progesterone too or delay?
I used to get massive headaches and bone ache, which is why I started HRT.
Any advice?

 on: Today at 10:15:03 AM 
Started by Elliebee - Last post by Ayesha
Really CLKD, is it your place to continually tell members how to use the forum. No, it isn't and I think best not to upset members who are going through bad times with their health issues.

 on: Today at 10:11:49 AM 
Started by Elliebee - Last post by Ayesha
Sometimes through anxiety you can dig yourself into a deep hole, I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about and the area is just susceptible to these kind of skin breaks.

 on: Today at 10:05:04 AM 
Started by Katejo - Last post by jaypo
Cruise  Dierdre cruise  ;D

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