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 on: Today at 09:15:03 PM 
Started by NightNurse - Last post by NightNurse
I started testosterone gel last week, following a consultation with a lovely Newson menop specialist. I was worried about how it would affect my mood/mental health but so far it seems okay. However, only one week in so early days I guess. I put it on in the morning and about an hour later I feel "gittery" for the next couple of hours. Has anyone else experienced this and does it settle? Am I using too much? I put it on the inside arch of my foot - I don't want to get hairy arms. :)
I was prescribed it for low libido (and half-hearted feeble orgasms!) but no change there yet. How long does it take to notice any improvement in this department?
Lastly, since starting it I'm getting intermittent low abdominal ache, a bit like a period pain but doesn't last too long. Is this the testosterone or just coincidence/random other menop thing?
Any other thoughts or advice on testosterone?
Thank you!

 on: Today at 08:51:26 PM 
Started by Abs75 - Last post by NightNurse
I've used vaginal utrogestan for over a year now and am quite happy with it. 100mg capsule at night, every night. I started initially with it orally at bedtime and the upside was a great night's sleep. However, I'm very progesterone sensitive/intolerant so mentally/emotionally I didn't do so well. Then I tried a Mirena for 18 months and gave up on that mainly due to mood changes again. Also, the bleeding never really settled either but that turns out to be the Mirena was incorrectly sited too low in the uterus - stuck behind my section scar rather than at the fundus (top of the uterus). I also tried oral norethisterone - hideous!
Since switching to vaginal utrogestan I've found it's so much better on my mood/mind, no bloating or headaches - and still a little soporific at bedtime. FYI I have 100 Estradot patches. Happy days  ;D

 on: Today at 08:19:35 PM 
Started by Mummytron - Last post by Mummytron
Thank you, that's a really nice reply.
Love this group.

 on: Today at 08:04:30 PM 
Started by bramble - Last post by CLKD
like a fig leaf ;D

 on: Today at 08:04:07 PM 
Started by Mummytron - Last post by CLKD
U whinge.  We are good at that!

My periods waxed and waned for several years.  Regular then missing for months, then back; fortunately the dreadful excruciating pains had gone.  At the end of all my periods I would have a brown staining/show which was normal for me and I knew it was The Change.  Then they went but I didn't notice for ages.  I didn't stop carrying protection for 5 years  ::)

Keep hydrated.  Eat little and often. 

 on: Today at 07:59:31 PM 
Started by Dandelion22 - Last post by Jules
No I had the throat spray, I wasn’t sure it was an ulcer as the blood test for h pylori was negative but apparently it was the stomach acid that has caused it.  Once you know what you are dealing with you just have to follow the Drs orders and look forward to Summer.  Thank you for your reply x
You did well then. I need sedation. Yes acid causes the ulcer. I have permanent damage from chronic acid reflux. Keep on top if it as advised and you'll soon be more comfortable.  I stopped drinking last year. That made a big difference for me.

 on: Today at 07:56:58 PM 
Started by TnToast - Last post by Jules
The same Jules but twice a day for 3/4 days .......... it's about managing the condition and with regular treatment, it is not a deteriorating condition.
It must be as my treatment has worked for 9 months and now it's not as effective

Its most definitely a deteriorating condition which is why its vital to keep up with the treatment and if not, you go back to square one! 
I've proved a lot to myself by my little experiment of stopping Estriol, it means I can never be without it. They say treatment is for life and I can now confirm that.
My GP told me I'd need to use vsgifem for life.

 on: Today at 07:36:05 PM 
Started by Dandelion22 - Last post by Dandelion22
No I had the throat spray, I wasn’t sure it was an ulcer as the blood test for h pylori was negative but apparently it was the stomach acid that has caused it.  Once you know what you are dealing with you just have to follow the Drs orders and look forward to Summer.  Thank you for your reply x

 on: Today at 07:34:25 PM 
Started by Mummytron - Last post by Mummytron
As it says, I've not had a period for 3.5 months and now I've got some brown spotting like it's coming I think. But my god I feel rubbish, haven't had this while not having periods.
Internal shaking, sore breasts, low mood, anxiety, aching.
I've been in period about 8 years so I'm hoping I am near having no periods.
Not sure that I'm asking for anything just a whinge 😂

 on: Today at 07:32:58 PM 
Started by TnToast - Last post by Ayesha
The same Jules but twice a day for 3/4 days .......... it's about managing the condition and with regular treatment, it is not a deteriorating condition.
It must be as my treatment has worked for 9 months and now it's not as effective

Its most definitely a deteriorating condition which is why its vital to keep up with the treatment and if not, you go back to square one! 
I've proved a lot to myself by my little experiment of stopping Estriol, it means I can never be without it. They say treatment is for life and I can now confirm that.

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