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 on: Today at 06:23:13 PM 
Started by Elliebee - Last post by DottyD68
Sorry to hear you are feeling so anxious Elliiebee. I can totally relate - anything to do with health and medics throws me totally off track. It is totally irrational but very difficult to manage. I have been doing Mindfulness with an App called Headspace for a number of years and is does help in these situations - maybe you can look at trying something similar for the longer term.

In terms of tomorrow, as worried as you are, at least you don't have to wait long to find out if it is anything to worry about. I'm sure it isn't (if it is what I sometimes get) and hopefully by this time tomorrow you will be feeling reassured (& probably exhausted).

Hope it goes ok x

 on: Today at 05:50:03 PM 
Started by Violetta808 - Last post by Violetta808
Hi Northerngirl

The most useful short description of Tibolone I've found is from an Australian site (the NHS one is a bit basic and out of date).

Tibolone is a synthetic steroid which has oestrogenic, progestogenic and androgenic action. The drug is metabolised into three active metabolites, two of which bind solely to the oestrogen receptor, and a third which has affinity for the progesterone (preventing endometrial hyperplasia) and androgen receptors. The oestrogenic effects are exerted mainly in bone and vagina and are responsible for control of vasomotor symptoms and prevention of bone loss. In limiting the conversion of oestrone to oestradiol, tibolone may reduce the oestrogenic effects in breast tissue. Tibolone has androgenic effects in the brain and liver; both by reducing SHBG and by weak stimulation of the androgen receptor.

Note it actually prevents endometrial hyperplasia which is really useful if you have bleeding issues on conventional HRT or very twitchy fibroids like I do.

So is it the VA that is the main issue for you now? I'm not surprised you are anxious about taking HRT again after all the stress that consultant put your through with his needless catastrophising, and if you feel you don't need systemic HRT perhaps you'll be OK on just the topical treatment, but maybe you need the pessary too. I needed both and was using vagifem and ovestin for a couple of years and never had any bleeding problems – until I went on the patches. Also my elderly mum who'd had breast cancer was prescribed ovestin for her VA by a very enlightened GP (she died aged 94 and not of anything to do with breast cancer). So it's probably as safe as anything can be in this world...

It's definitely worth asking about Tibolone though. Personally I'm really glad I've tried it.

 on: Today at 05:41:34 PM 
Started by Katejo - Last post by CLKD
That's good.  Next break will be to ?

 on: Today at 05:41:06 PM 
Started by Silver96 - Last post by CLKD
Nope U R not cracking up.  It's probably hormones.  As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax = receding of gums.  Which nerves were suggested as being the problem? 

Get those te-pee thingies to use regularly between the gaps, there are different sizes to suit - my dentist recommends hot water [cooled] salted mouth washes and when my gums are sore/painful, I use 'bonjela' regularly.  Pain relief will ease symptoms too.

Tooth problems can certainly be hormonally affected.  My wisdom teeth were problematic for years - cyclical.  After they were removed, for years++ every month the sockets would be so painful that I was unable to eat.  Some1 could have done a Thesis on my hormonal teeth.  Fortunately my dentist is well aware that hormones can affect gums.

I wonder how many suffer during pregnancy?

 on: Today at 05:11:20 PM 
Started by Silver96 - Last post by Silver96
Hi all, thank you for your replies! I've been to a specialist and had x rays and teeth cleaned and they are telling me now it's nerve pain and nothing to do with my teeth:( but I can't even eat on one side :(
And it's only started since I've started having flushes/and brain fog:(( I feel I'm cracking up!!

 on: Today at 05:10:20 PM 
Started by Katejo - Last post by Dierdre
Another reason not to fly  ::).   Stress like that at either end of a break can negate any pleasure.  Were the Crew OK once boarded?

The crew were fine and everything as usual on board, just the chaos at the airport.

 on: Today at 05:08:07 PM 
Started by Katejo - Last post by Dierdre
I assume he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt. I always keep mine on in case of turbulence.

Apparently the plane dropped 6,000 feet and all those with seatbelt not fastened flew up head first into the storage compartment and lights, aircon and stuff above. There were alot of head injuries. I always keep my belt fastened loosely.

 on: Today at 05:05:55 PM 
Started by Katejo - Last post by CLKD
Still doesn't encourage me to go very far. 

 on: Today at 04:09:10 PM 
Started by Katejo - Last post by Songbird
No jaypo no - several passengers are affected by a severe stomach bug on a couple of cruise ships  :-X :-\

That's nothing new tbh but the media like getting stuck not cruise ships at the minute, I've cruised for years and I think songbird even longer than me and we've never had it, oh no,have I jinxed it now??

Yep, nothing new. I’ve been cruising for 30 years and 🤞 have never had a problem. It won’t stop me, that’s for sure  ;)

 on: Today at 03:52:35 PM 
Started by CrispyChick - Last post by CrispyChick
Thanks dotty x

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