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Author Topic: HRT--good or bad?  (Read 825886 times)


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #420 on: September 29, 2010, 09:33:07 AM »

There's so much conflicting information these days about HRT. Tell us what you think--is it good or bad? My feeling is that for most people it's good when used appropriately and reviewed but here you can have your say!

I am on the 3rd month of Femoston 2/10 and the hot flushes have gone which is a HUGE relief, but I am getting the dizzy spells still.  Had what I assume was a migraine in the first month, just before my period came, then felt okay after.  Now I seem to have an almost constant kind of tinnitus in my left ear and today I feel slightly sick. I feel and look very tired a lot of the time.
I was going to wait till the end of the third month to see the doctor, but something's not right, so think I'd better see her sooner.
Anyone else get these symptoms on Femoston? 
I have an awful feeling they're not suiting me, but here in Dubai we have no other option.  What a nightmare.  I am so very sick of all things menopause!


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #421 on: October 06, 2010, 12:28:42 PM »

HRT good or bad?  I have to say a big loud GOOD. I simply can't imagine coping with the sort of hot flushes and night sweats I was having without going insane! I get very annoyed with people who suggest women who take it are doing so to try and preserve their youth. What a load of rubbish. If there was any other condition which made people feel as lousy as the meno can, no-one would be questioning a treatment which can help.


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #422 on: October 06, 2010, 01:28:42 PM »


I have just started Elleset 1mg after going to the Doctor with the worst pmt I have ever had.  I have been on Fluoroxetine for Pmt and it has always worked except for the last 3 months, I had a blood test which showed I could be in the peri menopause but am on day 3 of the HRT and PMT is as bad as ever, shall I just keep on taking the hrt has anyone else had this experience? Doc says to up my Flouroxetine to 40mg as well for a while


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #423 on: October 06, 2010, 02:07:15 PM »

I have no time for people ( and sadly its usually other women) who say you shouldn't use HRT to preserve youth. Whenever I see stooped frail older women  (there are a lot of them) my heart goes out to them. and how many older women suffer in silence with the discomfort of vaginal atrophy and bladder problems.  sometimes just a mild vaginal estriol cream is all that is needed for some of these women and not being sent a way and told its just your age.
How many women would be saved from a frail old age ending up in nursing homes if women and doctors were properly educated,

I thank god for HRT.

End of rant but I do feel strongly about this.

ladyjane x


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #424 on: October 06, 2010, 04:55:02 PM »

We mustn't forget though that many women do very well without Hrt and have energetic healthy fulfilled lives well into old age.  And that some just cannot tolerate or are unable to take it due to familial breast disease.  Women in general with, or without Hrt look after themselves much better than in years gone by.

I think some women get a little catty and think that women who take Hrt are trying to preserve their looks rather than their health.  I believe the majority of women who take Hrt take it for very sound reasons.  And if it preserves some of their youthful looks also... well that's a bonus! ;)

Pam x


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #425 on: October 08, 2010, 06:24:41 AM »

Hi Bernadette  :welcomemm:

For the first few weeks and months of HRT pmt symptoms can worsen unfortunately. A lot of it depends on the type of progesterone in the HRT itself. If you are on Elleste Duet, meaning that you have a monthly bleed, then this contains norethisterone Norethisterone is well tolerated by some women but others (me included unfortunately) do suffer from PMT and low mood for the last two weeks each month. If you are on the continuous HRT (i.e. you take the progesterone for the whole of the month) then even three days of it could cause a worsening of the PMT feelings. There are lots of different HRT's on the market and it does sometimes take a while to get it right.

How old are you if you don't mind me asking? You will find loads of support on here but you may wish to just post in the New Members thread so that you are not "missed". In this way more members will find you and welcome you and add their own advice.

Taz x
« Last Edit: October 08, 2010, 06:27:13 AM by Taz2 »


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #426 on: October 08, 2010, 01:40:33 PM »

I finally got to see a doctor today in the flesh, i rang for an appointment on monday! I'm using the progesterone cream and taking Menopace but my skin has been very bad with rosacea, my flashes and sweats have got worse, still getting the migraines, no will power so eating loads of the wrong things, haven't been bothered with going to the gym, bloated all over, over weight........ Decided to ask to try out HRT again, for the 3rd time.
 I saw a very nice understanding lady doctor who i have not seen before, she took my blood pressure and it is too high so she said HRT was out of the question, may cause a stroke :o She has arranged for me to have some tests next week for thyroid, cholesterol, liver, kidney and an ECG :o She has also given me something stronger for the migraines Maxalt Melt, rizatriptan 10 mg, a wafer that disolves on the tongue and also some metrogel for the rosacea.  I feel like i have had an MOT although shocked to find out i have got high blood pressure, pleased that she is investigating thoroughly. 


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #427 on: October 09, 2010, 11:16:50 AM »

Have my 4 monthly check up appointment on Tuesday at Meno Clinic so will see what they suggest.... :bang:

Hi Sandie

How did you get on with your appointment at the Meno Clinic?  I use HRT and still suffer hot flushes - sometimes I'm over-warm throughout the day


sandie w

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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #428 on: October 09, 2010, 07:38:45 PM »

Hi Meggie,

Thanks for asking..... i think i posted my reply on Menopause clinics( I THINK....MENO BRAIN)

I told Dr i was having hot flushes again and was waking me up 4-6 times during the nights. She was a bit reluctant to change my HRT again as she thinks this one suits me. ( i am on my 4th one) FEMOSTON CONTI.

As i was taking my HRT in the mornings, she has suggested i try taking it in the evenings. If this does not work i have to try taking 1 and a half tablets and see how i get on.
Appointment for 4 months time but if i have any problems or questions I can e-mail or call them.

Have been taking tabs in the evening BUT no change at the moment, still keep waking in the night with flushes... no fun when you have to get up for work. If no difference in the next 2 weeks i am going to try 1 and a half tablets.

will keep you posted.

Sandie x x


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #429 on: October 10, 2010, 08:01:19 AM »

Hi Meggie - I got my appointment for the menopause clinic by badgering my doctors. However, it was only when a trainee GP joined that I actually got my referral. Each referral costs the practice a fee apparently but I am not sure whether this happens everywhere?

I would say though that I have been disappointed in the actual outcome from my clinic visit. I had told the menopause clinic doc all about  my trials and tribulations each time I have had an HRT with Norethisterone as the progesterone content and felt confident that the HRT she prescribed me would be norethisterone free. However, when I got back here and checked it online it does have norethisterone as the progesterone and it has made me feel just as awful as before! How did this happen? I have an appointment for the 25th October and I have decided to stop the Kliovance until then. This is not ideal - I know that sudden stoppage is not a good idea - but I have got really fed up with the savage irritability (as has everyone else!) and depressed mood. I did have bleeding for the first five weeks but that has now stopped. I will update my Kliovance thread!

Taz x  :)


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #430 on: October 12, 2010, 08:04:06 PM »

 Well confused is an understatement, have recently been informed I am going through the menopause and I am only 44 I thought the night sweats were a clue but I suppose I was in denial.Although they are worse at night I can flush at any time of the day, and anywhere, which can be a tad embarrassing,,. I am reluctantly on HRT I feel I have not had much time to think it about as I am being told, due to age, I need to take some form of hormone replacement. I am currently popping Femoston1/10 and was horrified to find I would still have a period I thought the one advantage of being "meno" was not having a period however couldn't be far from the truth, heavier period than norm and extra cramps thrown in for the hell of it.........Unfortunateyl I have had a couple of migranes had to hide under the duvet to get away from the bright lights...its like a horror movie I don't know if they are in any way related to HRT visiting GP at end of week,.  :o oh what a joy....,  Has anyone out there had the same problem with migranes? would love to hear from you         


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #431 on: October 12, 2010, 08:52:34 PM »

Hi cutez
Had your periods stopped before you started HRT? If not, you're "peri" which is the 10 or so years leading up to meno. That's why you're on the "sequi" HRT which gives you a bleed. How long have you been on it? They suggest trying each type for 3 months to see if the side-effects settle down (which they often do) but it's worth a visit to the gp if you're feeling rough. HRT is a good idea at your age as it's only replacing the hormones which your body should be producing naturally. It's been great for me so hopefully you'll feel better soon too.
It would be a good idea to start a new thread on "New Members" to introduce yourself as that's where most people look. You'll find lots of support here. Many of us have found it challenging coming to terms with this but we can get there together!
There's info in the Green Menu - think migraines are mentioned there under "Menopause" and "A-Z of medical conditions."
Bixby x
And don't forget to check out the "Funnies"  ;D


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #432 on: October 12, 2010, 11:12:13 PM »

Hi cutez - welcome from me too.

I agree with Bixby that you are probably in peri-meno. You have to have a sequential HRT to give you a bleed if you have still got your womb and ovaries and are under the age of 54. If you take continuous HRT which doesn't give you a monthly bleed then you run the risk of developing endometrial cancer. Once you reach around 54 it is assumed that your periods would have stopped naturally by then so it is considered safe to use a non-bleed HRT.

Although it is seen as a bonus to not have periods anymore a lot of us on here have discovered that it is only after your periods have stopped that symptoms can step up a pace and we long to have our periods back. Meno symptoms are supposed to worsen for the two years after the last period and then gradually tail off again.

Your doc is right to offer you HRT if you are really going into meno at your age - this will protect our heart and bones and it is thought that up till the normal age for meno of 51 you are only replacing hormones that your body would be producing naturally so the risk is very negligible. As for your painful period - you  may find that the first three are painful and heavy but things should settle down after that.

Migraines can sometimes be triggered by HRT. What does it say on the leaflet? Be guided by this as to whether you should report this to your GP

You will find loads of help and friendship on here. As Bixby suggests it would be a good idea to introduce yourself on the new members thread and you will be "found" by more members.

Taz x  :)


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #433 on: October 13, 2010, 07:02:06 AM »

Hi Cutez - a friend of mine had migraines on HRT but was okay when she swopped brands (different type of progesterone) - so that may be worth trying if they continue to be a nuisance.



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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #434 on: October 13, 2010, 07:10:47 AM »

Well confused is an understatement, have recently been informed I am going through the menopause and I am only 44 I thought the night sweats were a clue but I suppose I was in denial.Although they are worse at night I can flush at any time of the day, and anywhere, which can be a tad embarrassing,,. I am reluctantly on HRT I feel I have not had much time to think it about as I am being told, due to age, I need to take some form of hormone replacement. I am currently popping Femoston1/10 and was horrified to find I would still have a period I thought the one advantage of being "meno" was not having a period however couldn't be far from the truth, heavier period than norm and extra cramps thrown in for the hell of it.........Unfortunateyl I have had a couple of migranes had to hide under the duvet to get away from the bright lights...its like a horror movie I don't know if they are in any way related to HRT visiting GP at end of week,.  :o oh what a joy....,  Has anyone out there had the same problem with migranes? would love to hear from you         
Hi Cutez,
I tried Femoston 1/10 but they didn't work for me, so went on the stronger 2/10.  I knew it would give me monthly periods, but here in Dubai it's the only hrt pill we have, so I don't have a choice!  (I was getting irregular periods....3 months, 4 months etc.)  I had a migraine at the end of my first month of 2/10 but when my period came I was fine.  I haven't had one since, although I haven't felt particularly brilliant on them.  The good thing is the hot flushes have stopped, although I can feel my body trying sometimes!  I still get quite hot at night too.  I'm just at the end of the 3rd month of 2/10.  It's an absolute pain having monthly periods again and I am tempted to try another just means having to get it from abroad or something....but you still have to try it for a few months to see if it works.  It's all very awkward here in the UAE.
Good luck with doesn't sound as though it's suiting you though, if you're getting regular headaches. 
It seems to be a rather hit and miss thing, hrt.   :-\
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