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Author Topic: Wise woman status  (Read 23604 times)


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Re: Wise woman status
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2011, 04:00:04 PM »

What a lovely belief  :-* :hug:


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Re: Wise woman status
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2011, 07:49:37 AM »

Pagan sounds like it treats women with respect, unlike many other male orientated religions.

How I agree! It's so refreshing to find a religion that isn't male-dominated and doesn't sub-ordinate women like some do. ( Why are these men so afraid of women?) Buddhism is another, although as Buddhists don't worship a deity it's not a religion in the conventional sense.

Anyway, I'm not religious so before I cause offence I must say that I like the idea of treating an older woman with such respect that she is given "wise woman" status. The same should apply to men too, but I have to say that it seems to me that it's seen as more acceptable for a man to get older in our youth-obsessed society.

This worship of youth in our modern culture is ridiculous when you think about it. We're all ageing by the minute after all!

Bright blessings Pagans, and more power to your elbow!


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Re: Wise woman status
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2011, 10:14:49 AM »

LOVING the wise woman status.... yep, sounds like me..... well I think it does anyway...


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Re: Wise woman status
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2011, 11:00:10 AM »

I like the old saying that everything happens for a reason, it keeps me going,and i love the pagan beliefs
since as far back as i remember i have seen and felt spirit, and they bring me love and comfort, they confirm to me what people tell me is true or not, and i just know when everything is going to be ok, panic only sets in when i dont listen to my own intuition, then i sit and wonder what all the fuss was about, going through the menopause can be very scary, ive had some very scary experiances latly, but chatting with like minded people and getting to know your not alone, really helps, and its so comforting, i think this stage of life for us, is very powerful, we find our true power, only if, we seek it, not sure if you get what i mean, but true power comes from valueing yourself, loving who you are, because each person is special and unique, just like each star in the universe which shines so brightly, we can shine bright to, if only we allow ourselfs to, im one for nature, i love the great out doors, try walking abrefooted on the grass lol, or hugging a tree lol... oh yeah lol, hands in air, im a tree hugger when no ones looking hahaha... just feels so good, trees are very strong and deep rooted, wouldnt you just like to stand strong like the tree ? to withstand all the freezing cold winter icey months and then to see it florish again in the spring ? or what about the delicate rose tree, its amazing how that beautiful tree flowers with roses every year, after been bashed about and half frozed during winter... well, if these beautufl things can survive through all of that, im sure we can to, we have to battle through the most darkest hours of our minds... some days its dark and dreary and we just want to go to bed, and to give up, and then, from what we think s from nowere, the sun comes out, and we are feeling so bright and happy again, these fazes we go through come and go,  and we need to accept the good and the bad, start doing things in our darkest hours to make the sun shine again, i know someone who used to just go to bed and stay there for days, but now, she forses herself to get on with something which she knows will brighten her day.. getting creative in the kitchen, a walk in nature, hugging a tree, a hobby, crystal therapy is a fantastic hobby, collecting crystals and finding ut there meanings etc... i find google is my best friend when im feeling low, i just feel that when i feel low and miserable, it is something from a higher forse telling me to go out and seek something in my life which i will learn from, 8 years ago i started of on my path as a reiki practitioner, and became a master, i also started to feel drawn to crystal healing, would love to do a crystal healing course one day, ive started to write two books, not getting very far with them though, got my hands full with my kids, i do aromatherapy once a week, i just love all the oils and making up creams etc, me and my partner make beautiful home made soap, my fave is honey and lemon, i love getting creative in teh kitchen, i have developed a strong connection with my kitchen latly lol.. must be coz im getting older lol the kitchen is the true heart of the home isnt it ? as we feed ourselfs and our family, and what we eat is what we are i think, do you also find that you could drink tea till it comes out your ears lol i have to give myself a little slap now and again lol to much caffeen and suger is lethal for me with the menopause lol... but keeping on the go really helps me, coz when i have to much time to myself, i start to worry and panic sets in, i get the shakes, so, i have to have something positive to focus on, im so looking forward to decorating my daughters bedroom and making my christmas cake.. what with my bad memory latly to lol, ive had to write lists, i have a list of the full week.. what money i have and what bills i pay out, and what money i can spend and save, christmas  grrr.. but being organised really really helps, getting it all down on paper is the best thing for me, and now finding this site, is the icening on the cake lol... ive never felt so happy in ages, and i was in a bad place a few months back, i just wished i wasnt here, i was suicidal, but yes! filling up your spare time with nice things will help you and youl find out who you really are, which is, you are a very special beautiful individual ok.. you must tell yourself this each day, i had let myself go so much, my skin was dry and my ahir had lots of gray bits in, and my tummy and hips were getting bigger, so, i wnet and bought some hair dye, i had my hair cut to shoulder lengh so i could manage it better, coz it was so long, and i jsut couldnt be bothered with it, infact lol, i chopped it of myslef in a rage, so i had to go to the hairdressers and get it tidied up lol... i wnet to boots the chemist and looked for a good face toner and cream, i found some rose water face toner for a few quid, it is so beautiful and refreshing and so natural, i bought a jar of botonics natural plant extract cream for 3 quid and i am so happy with them, they have lasted me for months, and i use them every morning, ive never had such lovely skin in my life hahaha... so, each morning i feel much better when i pamper myself a bit, its the first thing i do in the morning, i get a shower and get ready etc, then, i start my day with my children, as i have all there things ready at night before i go to bed, so they get up in the morning and get there brekki, and get ready themselfs, as the youngest is 8.. sooo, being in a good routine really helps, and i just love this age i am, coz i do feel more wise, and i wont have my controlling mother push me about anymore, a woman who i love very much, and only now at my age of 44, i have learnt to stand up for myself, sadly ive not seen my mother since the summer lol.. she knows now i wont tolerate her bullying ways, so shes keeping out my way hahah, anyhows ile shut up now lol.. sorry for rattling on, im just so excited at finding such a great site, which answers so many questions which has been ratling around in my head for so long xxx


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Re: Wise woman status
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2011, 11:12:29 AM »

Oh, i nearly forgt to mention about my flabby belly and stuff hahah... when im stood in kitchen cooking and waiting for things to cook etc, i do my excersizes, i also do them each morning to when im in the bathroom, and i can actually feel my body toneing up.. see, ya dont need to pay a fortune at the gym lol i drink loads of water to, so i dont have that desire to eat rubbish in between meals, ive swapped bread for rivita, and much more, im on a mission to feel good lol.. coz after the nightmare ive been through, im terrified of going back there again, so trying to stay on top of things now.. onwards and upwards


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Re: Wise woman status
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2014, 04:06:20 PM »

 :bounce:  (see thread ………. gosh can't remember title :-\ )

"Ladies not on HRT" ………. All Things Menopause


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Re: Wise woman status
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2014, 04:20:20 PM »

Forgot all about this thread CLKD, here is a forum I was member of ages ago.

For those interested its a lovely gentle site.


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Re: Wise woman status
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2014, 04:46:21 PM »

I'll have a look-see - thanks!

"In the Cool, of the evening
"They used to gather ……… "


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Re: Wise woman status
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2014, 08:39:32 PM »

This is a blast from the past CLKD.

Can I ask why



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Re: Wise woman status
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2014, 01:41:33 PM »

See the 'ladies not on HRT' thread  ;)
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