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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 75 out now. (Spring issue, March 2024)


Author Topic: Hormone blood tests  (Read 726 times)


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Hormone blood tests
« on: April 18, 2024, 04:20:38 PM »

Hi Ladies
Have a rare and long awaited telephone appointment with my GP tomorrow
It’s far too long a tale to go into and very typical of all our stories But I’m trying to get referrals to a menopause specalist and bring my gynaecology appointment forward Have unresponsive VA and a prolapse
Is it possible to have a blood test to check my oestrogen levels?? I have a suspicion that although I do have atrophy it’s not that thats causing the worst of the symptoms Never been offered any testing for anything


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Re: Hormone blood tests
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2024, 09:01:28 AM »

Hi kathryn

Your post got missed - not so many women look or post on this board!

How did you get on?

It is not usually necessary to check oestrogen levels to diagnose systemic HRT or local oestrogen but docs should go on your age, where you are in menopause and symptoms. However if you present with symptoms that could have other causes, then various tests can and should be offered to rule out these before deciding that the symptons are due to menopause - unless it is the obvious "classic" ones of flushes and sweats.

Why is it that you are seeking a blood test for your oestrogen levels? What are your symptoms?

Let us know the outcome of your GP appointment and tell us a bit more.

Hurdity x


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Re: Hormone blood tests
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2024, 01:48:33 PM »

Hi Hurdity
Well clutching at straws really
Just trying to work out what’s going on with me
Had HRT in the past stopped by my GP she said I was over the menopause and didn’t need it !! How wrong she was!!
Anyway plummeted into full blown menopause which lasted ages Had previously had hysterectomy but ovaries left in place. 6 months ago developed vaginal atrophy and a prolapse Dont seem to be able to use topical oestrogen due to allergy reaction, waiting to see a dermatologist It’s a desperate time trying to have some kind of life but being in constant pain and discomfort It’s wrecked my mental health and caused me to lose 3 stone in weight
As you see on here all the time little support from the GP
So at a rare face to face I asked to see if my hormones could be checked just to see where things were .. but this was refused So still mainly guess work what’s going on Just trying to get some answers


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Re: Hormone blood tests
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2024, 02:01:12 PM »

Some GPs simply have no idea how peri-menopause can affect women.

How long did you use each VA treatment for?  If the vaginal tissue is thin and dry, application may sting initially.  Also some try to insert the pessary [vagifem] or applicator [ovestin] in too deeply so find it very painful. 

Very occasionally women may be sensitive to fillers or packaging of VA treatments.  Have U looked at the 'sylc' and 'yes' product web-sites, U may be able to get free
samples ;-).  KY Jelly has been my friend over the years, as well as 'ovestin' regularly.

Hormonal blood tests are reliably un-reliable  ::).  To get a try level 1 has to have a session of tests depending on where your are in the menstrual cycle.  With a hysterectomy tests may give a better result, I see that you kept the ovaries; however, even after removal may continue to pump out enough oestrogen to be problematic.

Your GP was totally incorrect and should have their head put into a toilet bowl and the flush pulled.   LOTS oF TIMES! 

Peri-menopause are the years when we notice alterations: The Change, does what it says on the tin: periods may wax and wane, skin becomes dry, anxiety may surge; until the last bleed = menopause though we are advised to count 12-14 months B4 deciding that we are 'there'.  I carried protection for 5years after my last one, in case  ::)

Many GPs simply don't seem to understand The Change.  :-\  >:(

Could you take a cancellation appt to see the Gynaecologist though this may be barking up the wrong tree because many are not au fait with The Change.   Even those that consider themselves to know about menopause.  Sometimes even though in menopause clinics don't 'get it'!



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Re: Hormone blood tests
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2024, 02:39:30 PM »

You can do it privately via medichecks, it's rare to get it on the NHS. I don't think there's much doubt your levels will be low though and, as above, they should go on symptoms. You might want to look at the NICE guidelines. There is no longer an age limit for hrt so your gp may be out of date. Might be worth finding some nhs or bms documents that say that symptoms can be life long. I don't know a lot about va (fortunately!) but would an estring help? It might help to keep the prolapse in place as well as supplying oestrogen. Do you have symptoms that might be cured by systemic hrt? HRT should help with the va though you may need topical oestrogen too.


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Re: Hormone blood tests
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2024, 05:17:57 PM »

Thank you all for your response
Have really tried everything so far Months of oestrogen cream Pessaries Pessary rings Moisturiser Steroid cream
Medication for anxiety CBT
Just have to accept that this is life now Hoping the dermatologist will get to the route of the allergies and the surgeons will hitch up the prolapse But if a double blow to have both
Thank you all again



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Re: Hormone blood tests
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2024, 05:41:32 PM »

No one *has* to accept health conditions.  There is appropriate treatment for VA ........  I find that 'ovestin' helps regularly, as will 'nurofen' when I get the need2P feelings.  Pain relief has helped ease the nip as the urine flow stops.

Which allergies do you suffer with?  MayB read the 'bladder issues' and vaginal atrophy threads on here; make notes ;-)


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Re: Hormone blood tests
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2024, 10:28:11 AM »

If you would like to restart HRT then I urge you to do so - even though it may not completely alleviate symptoms of VA, it will certainly help by giving you a higher baseline of oestrogen.  Many of us are on both local and systemic HRT. The great news is that as you have no uterus then you don't need a progestogen which is a sticking point for most women who hate the stuff! The doc should not require oestrogen tests to prescribe HRT.

So how long ago did you stop HRT and how old are you now?

Some of your mental health issues may also be made worse by lack of oestrogen.

I agree also you should not have to accept that this is life now - the medical profession should continue to try to help you even if you have difficulties, and especially if you have difficulties!

Wishing you well and don't give up!

Hurdity x


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Re: Hormone blood tests
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2024, 07:31:35 AM »

Hi Hurdity
I’m just 66
Hysterectomy at 47 when I think I was probably Peri
Short while after given HRT for about 10 yrs GP felt I had taken long enough so stopped them Went into a horrendous full blown menopause within a month which lasted about 5 yrs although I still have symptoms now sweats panic attacks etc Problem is now I think that oestrogen just disagreeing with me seems to provoke the anxiety to a high level which is totally disabling So bit of a catch 22 situation GP won’t consider putting me back on HRT and won’t refer me to a specialist as she says it isn’t necessary So what do you do ???


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Re: Hormone blood tests
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2024, 09:03:08 AM »

GP felt I had taken long enough so stopped them . she needs her head sticking down a toilet and the flush pulling A LOT  >:(

Change your Surgery?  Is there a Nurse Practitioner or a GP with menopause knowledge?  Have U spoken to the Practice manager?  It may be cost cutting or more likely ignorance on part of the GP.

What do you do?  U ring the menopause clinics to C whether U can self refer, as well as letting Dr Currie and the British Menopause Society know about this awful lack of support!  I wasn't aware that a GP can refuse treatment or not refer to a specialist when they don't agree with what is being requested  :-\
