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Author Topic: Will HRT help anxiety??  (Read 1929 times)


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Will HRT help anxiety??
« on: February 15, 2024, 07:04:44 AM »

Is anyone able to say that, “yes, HRT helped with my anxiety”??
I’m at my wits end. Have had depression for years (which was actually getting better last year) but in December anxiety smacked me hard in the face and is literally destroying my life.
I had many other symptoms so researched perimenopause (I’m 44 next month) and went to GP. She put me on HRT. Initially patches, which didn’t work for me (awful side effects on the synthetic progesterone) and now on gel and utrogestan.
I have a lot of stress. My job is stressful, we’re going through a house sale and moving to a new town and I have massive mum guilt as my daughter is an only child and she is upset about moving and leaving friends. I feel absolutely terrible for her (even though I know she’ll make new friends).
She can also see I’m not right and I worry I’ll create an anxious child.
I feel like an absolute failure.
I’m off work at the moment and I wake up at 4am every day with a massive tight chest and the constant worrying starts.
What do I do?!! Will HRT help?
I’ve been on it for a month now.
But I don’t know if I can wait another 3, 4, 5 months for it to actually work.
I’ve seriously had enough now  :'(


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Re: Will HRT help anxiety??
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2024, 10:21:55 AM »

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Hrt cured my anxiety but it took 3 months to do it. Very little improvement in the first month then very much up and down for the next two. However, my anxiety arrived with peri and was caused by oestrogen deficiency. Mine followed a similar pattern, waking up in the small hours and worrying about anything and everything.There are many other causes of anxiety so if yours has another cause then hrt won't be the cure. Have you seen any improvement at all?


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Re: Will HRT help anxiety??
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2024, 05:48:49 PM »

The HRT I was on for years, didn't get rid of my anxiety completely.  It was always there, sometimes worse, sometimes better.
I've since found out that I wasn't absorbing the hrt pills to it's fullest, and even going up an extra dose didn't solve it.
So now I've switched to separates.  Estrogel and utrogestion.  And I can honestly say my anxiety has gone.
I'm obviously absorbing the gel through my skin better than taking pills. As for the progesterone,  apart from tiredness, I've no other side effects.
Wish id have changed years ago now. 💁‍♀️

I'm so sorry your having such a hard time. its absolutely soul destroying is anxiety.
Sometimes we have to tweak our estrogel because we're not on enough. Maybe speak to your GP?
Hang in there, things WILL get better.