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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Evorel Sequi  (Read 1906 times)


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Evorel Sequi
« on: June 13, 2023, 10:34:35 AM »

I'm new to this forum and haven't got a clue what i'm doing. I'm 54 and been peri since aged 40. Things had gradually got worse and worse. I didn't have a clue what was happening to me and was it actually perimenopause? I've Uti's, hair falling out, confusion, brain fog, memory loss, anxiety, insomnia, bladder weakness, loss of libido, lost interest in everything to the extent where i had withdrawn from the world, dry skin, tinnitus, no hunger, couldn't taste certain foods on and off, food tasted bitter and the list goes on. My periods have been regular and no hot flushes which kept making me think it can't be perimenopause. One week every month i would sleep like a baby. The rest of the time, i would be up in the night for hours and not be able to sleep. Not worrying but wide awake. I'd just get to sleep and the alarm would go off and i would drag myself out of bed for work. The exhaustion and fatigue were debilitating. I thought because i was sleeping one week a month, the reason i wasn't sleeping the rest of the time was work or this or that. It all came to a head in a particularly stressful day at work. I somehow got through the day and the next morning i had ringing in my ears, my head was stuffed with cotton wool and palpitations in my throat. I felt so ill. I have been off work for almost 4 months. I had memory loss, anxiety, exhaustion and brain fog in the first week of being off. I slept so well in the first week but exhausted in the day. It took 3 weeks to start feeling better but left with really bad anxiety and insomnia. Didn't know what was wrong. I thought it was work stress. I tried Ashwaganda for a month. It didn't help me sleep better and made the anxiety worse. I felt sedated in the day too. I stopped the Ashwaganda. It was coming up to 2 months being sick and getting panicky. Rang Gp and said i had anxiety and insomnia and needed something. I was offered antidepressants or Hrt. I was told there was no guarantee that either would work. I took the antidepressants as it had the quickest results in theory. The side effects were horrendous, nausea, dizzyness, headaches. They went after a week. I did notice a improvement in my sleep and energy levels. However i developed joint pain to which GP said in a telephone consultation ' sounds like it is arthritis which you would have developed anyway. It is nothing to do with medication. If it gets worse ring back but don't stop the tablets.' I knew it was the medication. I carried on. Over time although i was sleeping through the night, it was light sleep, no dreams. Anxiety had gone. It had done nothing for my mood. I still felt dead inside. Then my memory began to deteriorate, i became more scatty, tinnitus got very bad, i  had nausea in the mornings, my breathing didn't feel right, i had dicomfort in my chest, still had joint pain, my head didn't feel right for half a day, i couldn't think straight and it was getting harder to get out of bed in the mornings and getting later to fall asleep. I felt so bad, i rang the Gp to say i wanted to stop the Sertraline and try Hrt. Within hours of putting the fist patch on i got my libido back, i felt hunger and could taste my food, i felt myself again and was interested in life, i slept through the night that night and every other night. I now dream and have good deep sleep. My anxiety has come down to normal levels. I am now on the Conti patch. I have had night sweats for the past two nights. I'm a little confused and hoping it won't be parmanent. I am really dreading the withdrawal bleed. I am so sorry for the really long post. Any advice, any personal experiences will be helpful and welcome xx


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Re: Evorel Sequi
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2023, 10:10:20 PM »

Hi Dreamer. Just wanted to welcome you. What a time of it you've had but now that you've found us things will gradually feel a lot better. It can be such a stressful time as more and more problems appear and it seems impossible that there's not something seriously wrong with us but peri meno/meno/post meno can affect every part of us it seems.

I see you are on sequential HRT and are not sure about going back to experiencing a monthly bleed. How long is it since your last natural period?

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Evorel Sequi
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2023, 08:39:28 PM »

Hi Taz2,
Thank you for replying. Is there any way i can get a email or notification if someone has replied? It also took an eternity to find your message. I must be stupid but i'm not finding it easy to navigate the site.

So regarding my periods, they have been regular but i missed one in November and March. My last period was 17th May. I wasn't sure when to start the patches. I'd had them since March. I think it all got to me. I slapped a patch on, got scared, ripped it off and started the antidepressants. They made me so bad, i stopped and started the patches. So i was one evorel 50 short. I used the 3 that i had and started the conti. Used the first patch and when i was due to change today, i started getting period pains from yesterday and felt i was going to start a period soon. After i put my 2nd conti patch on this morning, the period pains stopped as did the discharge which i normally get before i come on. I had a mad moment where i thought ' oh no the patch is stopping the period from coming' so i ripped it off and threw it away. This evening i thought ' what if i don't have a bleed? All the hard work for last couple of weeks will have been for nothing'. So i put another conti patch on. I have one left. I am so so confused. Nothing was explained to me. It was here you go, instructions are in the packet  :'(


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Re: Evorel Sequi
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2023, 10:21:05 PM »

You are not stupid and I'm sure you'll soon get used to the site. If you look under your name at the top of the page  it says "show new replies to your posts". Click on that and it will bring up any replies to your posts .. hopefully ! I think if you click the "notify" button at the bottom of your post this will send an email if you get replies. I've never actually done that but I've only been a member for sixteen years 🤣.

With the patches it is confusing at first. Carry on with the conti patches then start the next box using the Evorel 50 patches. A withdrawal bleed usually occurs a few days after you stop the conti patch. The first couple may be more uncomfortable than usual and heavier but this should get better by the third month. It's also common to have period pains at different times while your body is getting used to the extra hormones.

Advice is that it takes up to three months before you know whether a particular HRT suits you or not so it's early days still.

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Evorel Sequi
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2023, 08:54:33 AM »

Hi Dreamer. Just wanted to welcome you. What a time of it you've had but now that you've found us things will gradually feel a lot better. It can be such a stressful time as more and more problems appear and it seems impossible that there's not something seriously wrong with us but peri meno/meno/post meno can affect every part of us it seems.

I see you are on sequential HRT and are not sure about going back to experiencing a monthly bleed. How long is it since your last natural period?

Taz x  :welcomemm:

Hi and hope you don't mind me jumping in. My consultation mentioned NOTHING about bleeding. I've been having a period of sorts every 4-5 months and started HRT (ES) this week. Am I going to get monthly periods again.  :-\ . Really appreciate your insight