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Author Topic: The knackered thread  (Read 6942 times)


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The knackered thread
« on: April 12, 2023, 01:10:07 PM »

Hi all

I thought I'd start a 'Knackered' thread for those exhausting days when we can't function, or wading through mud.

So we can support each other  ;D

I am having one of those days.  I've done well in the past two weeks, functioning on all cylinders and considering I'd just got over the skin infection, I've done well.

But today I've crashed.  I worked over easter so I'm allowed, but it's at the level of I can't really move. 

So I'm not even pottering about, but here and there I'll get up and put something in the bin.  Not a lot else happening. 

You're all welcome to use this thread for these days.   :)


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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2023, 07:27:13 PM »

Great idea!  It's always good to know you're not alone.

Similar story here - worked over Easter and had a really physical day yesterday too, but today I feel cold, tired, and leaden.  I'm self employed, so after managing to get a full morning of work behind me I just had to stop after lunch and go to bed.  I'm looking at the clock now wondering when I can crawl back in!

I'm trying to listen to my body more and be as productive as possible when I can, knowing that there are days when things are really hard and I just need to sleep.  My husband has struggled with long covid so we're trying to be as understanding of each other as possible, which really helps.


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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2023, 08:06:34 PM »

Oh good thread!!!

Crashing fatigue is well known in peri-menopause, I remember Mum would suddenly leave the kitchen, sit down and sleep.  For hours.  I got quite irritated .......... I don't think that she realised what was causing her sudden sleepiness.

VitD daily may well ease some tiredness.  In recent months my brain has felt really tired, in that it never wants to wake up.  After breakfast I found that I was much better, so decided to begin VitD tablets.  Within a week I felt different. 

Keeping hydrated can help.  Listening to your body, when I feel tired I have to sleep.  My brain says 'sleep' and that's it!  We went out for a few hours on Sunday and walked miles, I slept as soon as we got home.  It rarely stops me sleeping through the night.



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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2023, 11:03:11 PM »

I'll be back to this soon, when I'm knackered again, it's happening regularly at the moment.  ;D


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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2023, 06:32:40 AM »

Oh KaraShannon

Sign me up for this one.... Wading through mud is exactly how so feel. I am so glad you set this thread up. If I could have some energy back I know I would feel better physically and mentally.
It breaks me when I might have a few decent days and then crash back down again.
Leaden heavy limbs. Am walking like I am 100 years old.

So reassuring to know I am not alone in this.  Finding peri very hard atm.

Will up vitamin D to a higher strength. Whilst I do rest more ,I find myself fighting this as I am No longer a person I want to be.

G.p appt next week to discuss hormone, luckily a g.p who has an interest in women's health.

This thread came just when I need it most

Hugs to all



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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2023, 08:43:52 AM »

Hello ladies.

Count me in though I am 66 so perhaps that explains some of it.

I am also taking vitamin D as my levels were low and fatigue is one of the symptoms.

It is so frustrating to feel tired every day and I am so envious of my baby grandsons other Nanny who seems to have energy to spare. She is younger than me at 60 but she swims every day, often in open water, enjoys a good hike and then comes come to knit baby clothes! She lives much closer to my daughter and her husband so she often turns up for a few days to help with the baby. The woman has even done the overnight shift. Talk about Super Gran! I am more like Supine Gran, often laying down and too tired to bother with anything lol.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest ladies.

Wishing you all well and take care.



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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2023, 02:01:09 PM »

Lovely to see responses, I'm so exhausted at the moment that I can't even take my hire car back, I might have to pay for a few more days

And this fungal infection on my leg is kind of bothering me, it's not getting worse, but it's still the same and I think the steroid cream is making me feel weak and shaky (which I don't get even though often fatigued), I can't think of any other reason and I've had steroids before for asthma and there's a tell tale feeling in the throat I get.  I'm getting that, it's not horrible, but it makes me think the steroid is getting into my system a bit, but the weak feeling I don't like, I've never had that before.



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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2023, 02:04:11 PM »

Hello ladies.

Count me in though I am 66 so perhaps that explains some of it.

I am also taking vitamin D as my levels were low and fatigue is one of the symptoms.

It is so frustrating to feel tired every day and I am so envious of my baby grandsons other Nanny who seems to have energy to spare. She is younger than me at 60 but she swims every day, often in open water, enjoys a good hike and then comes come to knit baby clothes! She lives much closer to my daughter and her husband so she often turns up for a few days to help with the baby. The woman has even done the overnight shift. Talk about Super Gran! I am more like Supine Gran, often laying down and too tired to bother with anything lol.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest ladies.

Wishing you all well and take care.


Supine Gran, I love it.  But I understand what you mean. 

My older neighbour is 87 and goes to keep fit once a week, and voluntary work 3 times a week.  I mean I work, but she's retired. 

When I asked her what she eats she said porridge every morning, and lots of calcium, yohurts and cheese...  (can't see a connection unless they have lots of vitamin d)


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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2023, 02:09:10 PM »

On this the knackered thread, I will reply usually, if I don't it's because I'm knackered  ;D

But I will come back and reply and interact I promise.


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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2023, 02:14:32 PM »

Hello ladies.

Count me in though I am 66 so perhaps that explains some of it.

I am also taking vitamin D as my levels were low and fatigue is one of the symptoms.

It is so frustrating to feel tired every day and I am so envious of my baby grandsons other Nanny who seems to have energy to spare. She is younger than me at 60 but she swims every day, often in open water, enjoys a good hike and then comes come to knit baby clothes! She lives much closer to my daughter and her husband so she often turns up for a few days to help with the baby. The woman has even done the overnight shift. Talk about Super Gran! I am more like Supine Gran, often laying down and too tired to bother with anything lol.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest ladies.

Wishing you all well and take care.


Your post made me smile, it resonated with me. This is how I realised that we are all so different when it comes to our energy levels and that it didn't matter anymore to how I lived my life. I would at one time look at my sister-in-law and feel absolutely exhausted at how she went about her life, I thought at one time I should be the same, but nope not for me, way too exhausting!

It's all down to genes and I have the tired ones!   ;D


Ju Ju

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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2023, 09:46:43 PM »

In the past,  it has been suggested that I have CFS, ( not chased a diagnosis, as then the danger is that any ills are blamed on it as with IBS), which has worsened as I’ve grown older. I retired early as a result. I try to pace myself. If I do too much, I pay a price. Some, it does seem like I am wading through mud. Now I’m retired, I can just do nothing if need be. Fortunately I have perfected the skill of being lazy! I hope to fly to the USA on my own to stay with my son at the end of the year. The journey feels an enormous thing to do, energy wise.


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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2023, 12:45:02 PM »

Oh good thread!!!

Crashing fatigue is well known in peri-menopause, I remember Mum would suddenly leave the kitchen, sit down and sleep.  For hours.  I got quite irritated .......... I don't think that she realised what was causing her sudden sleepiness.

VitD daily may well ease some tiredness.  In recent months my brain has felt really tired, in that it never wants to wake up.  After breakfast I found that I was much better, so decided to begin VitD tablets.  Within a week I felt different. 

Keeping hydrated can help.  Listening to your body, when I feel tired I have to sleep.  My brain says 'sleep' and that's it!  We went out for a few hours on Sunday and walked miles, I slept as soon as we got home.  It rarely stops me sleeping through the night.

Did your Mum's fatigue improve over time CLKD?

I hope mine does.  I am sat with a messy house, and lots to organise workwise, house wise, it all has to be done and only 5 years ago I'd have just blitzed.  I literally struggle atm.


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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2023, 12:49:43 PM »

Oh KaraShannon

Sign me up for this one.... Wading through mud is exactly how so feel. I am so glad you set this thread up. If I could have some energy back I know I would feel better physically and mentally.
It breaks me when I might have a few decent days and then crash back down again.
Leaden heavy limbs. Am walking like I am 100 years old.

So reassuring to know I am not alone in this.  Finding peri very hard atm.

Will up vitamin D to a higher strength. Whilst I do rest more ,I find myself fighting this as I am No longer a person I want to be.

G.p appt next week to discuss hormone, luckily a g.p who has an interest in women's health.

This thread came just when I need it most

Hugs to all

Sarah I have a GP appointment next week.  If I'm lucky they will test my testosterone (I was told only if the GP agrees!) and oestrogen levels.

I hope this is just peri and energy returns a bit.  I find rest helps to some extent, if I keep going and pushing I will 'crash' after two weeks and no one will get anything out of me.  At the moment I'm resting, today and yesterday but I'm not recovering yet and that always bothers me.  Hopefully soon I will feel recovered. 

I also worry that too much rest just deconditions the muscles and will add to the problem  :-\


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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2023, 12:53:04 PM »

Great idea!  It's always good to know you're not alone.

Similar story here - worked over Easter and had a really physical day yesterday too, but today I feel cold, tired, and leaden.  I'm self employed, so after managing to get a full morning of work behind me I just had to stop after lunch and go to bed.  I'm looking at the clock now wondering when I can crawl back in!

I'm trying to listen to my body more and be as productive as possible when I can, knowing that there are days when things are really hard and I just need to sleep.  My husband has struggled with long covid so we're trying to be as understanding of each other as possible, which really helps.

Sometimes you just have to rest Peana.  ~As you mention feeling cold, just a quick check, have you had your thyroid tested?  Underactive thyroid is known for causing terrible fatigue and coldness.  I have that but I'm getting treatment.

Glad you and your husband are being understanding with each other, fatigue can affect even our personalities without us realising so it's good that you are both being aware of it.  I wish your husband well.  I do wonder if I have some long covid symptoms, as I've not been fully well since 2020 and I had a number of covid type illnesses then (before tests were available).  I felt better in 2021, but feeling like that again lately.


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Re: The knackered thread
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2023, 01:48:35 PM »

Thanks for thinking of me. 

I had my thyroid tested a few years ago and it was fine, but over the past couple of years since I've had tests for various things.  GP thought I might have lupus or sjogrens, but although my results weren't 'normal' the rheumatologist didn't consider them abnormal enough to make a diagnosis, so I've just been keeping an eye on things and logging my symptoms.  The conclusion is I've probably a mild autoimmune condition, but I'm able to manage symptoms if I listen to my body and keep and eye on diet and exercise.  I've had problems with cold fingers and toes for a while now, and should get checked out in case of raynauds, but with the warmer weather they have been bothering me less and haven't changed colour recently. 

It's a stupid mindset, but I feel I'm either too busy or too tired to go the the GP.  I need to review my HRT in the next month or so, so I'll get around to it eventually.  I'd love to lie on the sofa this afternoon and watch the gymnastics or the snooker, but the weather is lovely so the garden needs my attention.

Wishing everyone else well (and rest). 
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