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Author Topic: Is this anxiety temporary and does anyone else get it?  (Read 2493 times)


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Is this anxiety temporary and does anyone else get it?
« on: December 12, 2022, 02:33:13 PM »

Hi all

My Estradiol has been lowered to 75 and been told I need to gradually get it down to 50.  I'm on Evorel Sequi but had a top up.  Was getting awful postural hypotension which is reducing now I'm reducing the estradiol.

But I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed by everything, I'm expecting criticism from everyone I'm encountering.  It started when I was late getting my car tax by accident.  I had marked it down wrong on the calendar 6 months ago, so a few days late.  I went online to get some advice about something and mentioned it and some guy was really critical.  I mean he was right but I already knew what he was saying. 

It seems to have been downhill from there.  I sorted the tax immediately but then a problem arose with the car so couldn't do a commute and had cross words about that.  I don't know it just seems to be coming from everyone lately, I know people are stressed by a lot of things but it's all adding up.  I think maybe the gradual withdrawal from estradiol might be partly involved here.

There are quite a lot of critical people in my life already one way or another but I usually manage the situation.  Then there are friends who are making comments because I haven't called them but no one seems to realise how many people are expecting a call.  No one calls me to see how I am.

I've got a viral infection today and decided I'm staying home for once, I am never in my home (elderly parent I'm always visiting outside of work) and really run down.  But still have the feeling everything is my fault, I am not meeting everyone's needs etc. 

I think it's a case of I want to get off the merry go round, lol but strong sense of responsibility and being the one who handles everything, I am worried what I need to sort out on that ride before I jump off for a time. 

Anyone relate?   ::)


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Re: Is this anxiety temporary and does anyone else get it?
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2022, 02:38:56 PM »

Aww Kara. No wonder you are feeling low and anxious with all that has been going on. I am very sensitive to criticism and I think 'constructive criticism' is the only kind that should ever be given anyway.

Although you may be feeling low due to the reduction in your estradol it could also be you are realising you may not have some very nice people in your life. I realised that quite recently and cut those people out.

We all make mistakes and menopause seems to cause a lot of forgetfulness and brain fog so the last thing you need was to be told off for forgetting to do the car tax. You sorted it out as soon as you remembered anyway.

I do not see why friends are demanding a call from you. There are no rules about who should call and they could always call you if they wanted too. They sound quite demanding to me. When feeling low why would you think of calling anyway? If they are good friends then maybe you could tell them what is going on for you as it sounds like you could do with some support from them.

I am sorry you have an infection on top of it all too. You need to concentrate on yourself right now and in getting well. You can only get better by resting.


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Re: Is this anxiety temporary and does anyone else get it?
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2022, 01:56:47 AM »


it was really kind of you to reply and I will come back to this.  Don't worry about responding.

I think the viral infection I have (which is getting better) may have actually been partly the reason for anxiety going through the roof.  That's happened with me in the past, very odd but the anxiety leaves with the infection.   ::)

I found some vitamin B12 today, as I'm vegetarian I must have got it for the occasional top up and forgot.  I took one, maybe that helped as well, I don't know if there's a link
« Last Edit: December 15, 2022, 02:08:12 AM by KaraShannon »


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Re: Is this anxiety temporary and does anyone else get it?
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2022, 09:34:13 AM »

Virus always makes me feel anxious and in a low mood so that makes sense. I would take B12 every single day. I am a vegetarian too and I think this is so important for us.


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Re: Is this anxiety temporary and does anyone else get it?
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2022, 01:49:41 PM »

Hi ladies I have found the anxiety the most troublesome symptom of menopause probably because I was the most calm person prior to it. I am suffering with health anxiety and although it has been going on for a couple of years now I am managing it better which definitely helps and means the good times out way the bad. I have just this weekend realised through speaking with some family and friends that I’m getting spikes around my old due date for cycle which makes sense. Finding things to help manage is my own personal suggestions. Take care and stay in touch


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Re: Is this anxiety temporary and does anyone else get it?
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2022, 01:35:43 PM »

Virus always makes me feel anxious and in a low mood so that makes sense. I would take B12 every single day. I am a vegetarian too and I think this is so important for us.

Agree it's just that I find if I take something everyday, if I miss a day I really feel it.  I had that with B Vit complex before and also Advanced Antioxidant Formula. Both made me feel really good but if I ran out and missed one, I felt terrible and would end up making sure I always had the vitamins because I didn't want to run out and have a bad day.  Since then I have decided to take things 'here and there' so that I don't get that.  I don't think everyone is affected like that, but I'm just weird in that respect.  :-\


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Re: Is this anxiety temporary and does anyone else get it?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2022, 01:51:00 PM »

Virus always makes me feel anxious and in a low mood so that makes sense. I would take B12 every single day. I am a vegetarian too and I think this is so important for us.

Agree it's just that I find if I take something everyday, if I miss a day I really feel it.  I had that with B Vit complex before and also Advanced Antioxidant Formula. Both made me feel really good but if I ran out and missed one, I felt terrible and would end up making sure I always had the vitamins because I didn't want to run out and have a bad day.  Since then I have decided to take things 'here and there' so that I don't get that.  I don't think everyone is affected like that, but I'm just weird in that respect.  :-\

That happens to me too. I would say it is because we both really need whatever it is we stopped taking. I make sure I never run out too.


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Re: Is this anxiety temporary and does anyone else get it?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2022, 02:38:53 PM »

Yes maybe it's that Flossieteacake. 

I'm glad the sun is shining today but I feel rubbish.  I'm still a bit viral but a relative has just separated from his wife and he's cut up about it and that's upset me too, hearing him so unhappy.

I have a feeling the reduction in oestrogen is causing a very slight, unnoticeable unless you're aware, bleed.  I mean the type they talk about that happens when people are on the combined patch, not noticeable but enough for the womb lining to be gradually shedding.  Perhaps that's why I feel so anxious at the moment until I get used to it. 

That and the boiler going, the car going, the leak outside that needed fixing, my relative's break up, my elderly mum's constant needs. 

I feel so rubbish today I need to take the rest of the day off but then I worry that I'm getting sicker and sicker, especially when people phone and they've been so busy and done so much in the day.  I have no energy.  I'm not worried about mental health, I'm normally optimistic and happy and I'll spring back.  I'm more anxious about my physical health and also of not handling everything (like when I missed the car tax and people's pretty nasty reactions, which we seem to be getting more of these days, it never used to bother me but it was also a lot less frequent before the pandemic). 

Oh well, that's me today.  Thanks for listening  :-\


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Re: Is this anxiety temporary and does anyone else get it?
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2022, 03:04:49 PM »

It sounds like you have not fully recovered so it is understandable you feel low. I feel low until I am fully well after getting ill too.

It is sad to hear that about your relative. A break up is so sad.

The reduction of oestrogen could be causing that. I am so sensitive that reducing mine by 12.5 caused me all sorts of horrid symptoms.

Urgh what a nightmare to have all that happen! I hope the boiler can be fixed soon especially if you rely on it for the heating. It is too cold not to have heating and hot water right now.

Comparing yourself to others is not being very kind to yourself. We are all different and if we are feeling low or unwell it is not possible to do much anyway.

Have you heard of the spoon theory? It is quite interesting. It is for people to describe how they feel. So they will say ' I have no spoons today' if they are having a really bad day and cannot do anything. Maybe you are running out of spoons and need to rest.


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Re: Is this anxiety temporary and does anyone else get it?
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2022, 03:32:10 PM »

Hi ladies I have found the anxiety the most troublesome symptom of menopause probably because I was the most calm person prior to it. I am suffering with health anxiety and although it has been going on for a couple of years now I am managing it better which definitely helps and means the good times out way the bad. I have just this weekend realised through speaking with some family and friends that I’m getting spikes around my old due date for cycle which makes sense. Finding things to help manage is my own personal suggestions. Take care and stay in touch

Thanks trandall

Yes find things to help manage and to remind myself of that. 