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Author Topic: Twitching / muscle spasms  (Read 8458 times)


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2022, 04:32:14 PM »

Thank you for the replies. I think I will try to get a GP appointment although that is easier said than done. I find the feelings of panic quite overwhelming as I’ve never experienced anything like that before.
I can’t say I’ve had any of the more classic symptoms of peri menopause. Whilst waiting for the GP I will try to keep a diary. Other unusual symptoms I’ve been having are palpitations and acid reflux. I got the copper coil inserted in July and have been having very heavy periods since. Hard to know if it’s this that’s causing it or a natural change in my cycle. I’m thinking of asking for it to be changed to a mirena.

I understand how distressing panic and anxiety is. Perhaps anxiety pills may help? I really hope you do not have to wait too long to see your GP.

Palpitations and acid reflux are also common in peri. I am sorry you are dealing with this.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2022, 07:49:18 PM »

Hi YMalcolm, firstly welcome, I’m pretty new to this forum too 🤗
I completely understand how you feel. I’ve been suffering these twitches now since July. I get them all over daily and I hate it. It’s generally when I’m at rest that they start. They had started to subside greatly a couple of months ago (my relief was immense), only for them to return 2 weeks after I’d had the coil fitted in November. Since then they’ve got gradually worse. I too have googled and cannot get MND out of my head (googling is the worse thing we could have done), and like you I’m suffering anxiety which I’m receiving counselling for. The Dr’s convinced it’s health anxiety causing these twitches / spasms but I beg to differ. I don’t know if you’re the same but sometimes I can see my muscle moving with the twitch - horrid. Other times it’s like elastic bands pinging or like worms under my skin. Really horrid. They fire all over my body and can be constant at times. I’ve contemplated going to the Dr’s again about it but not sure I’ll get anywhere. If you look up ‘twitching’ on the forum many woman report having similar which is comforting to know. With regards to me thinking it’s MND I keep telling myself that surely I’d been having more symptoms by now. I really hope they subside for you soon. Take care x


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2022, 08:08:12 PM »

Hi, yes like you I can sometimes see the muscle moving but more often than not it is more random pops. I’ve always had twitches in my eyes for many years so I don’t know why this progression is bothering me so much. What’s worse is I am a nurse who used to work on a ward with patients with mnd. Never once did I convince myself I had it so I don’t know why it’s became such a fear now. If it helps I can reassure you that you would definitely have clinical weakness by now and indeed you’d have had the weakness before the twitches not after. (Now just to convince myself). All I can think is peri menopause may be effecting my mood to such an extent it’s changing my ability to be rational 😂


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2022, 08:46:03 PM »

I’d never suffered from twitching until July this year - started in my left eye, had it for around 3 weeks, it stopped for about a week then it started all over my body…you name the area and I twitch / spasm.
Thank you, that is good to hear / know 👍
I’ve always had a little anxiety but honestly this last 12 months it’s fired through the roof, but on saying that I’ve had nearly 2 years of horrid symptoms including leaking left nipple, these twitches which just won’t stop (as I type my finger and calf are spasming!), awful abdominal pains, headaches at one side, hair loss, flooding…I could go on and on. Honestly I turned 40 and all these random endless symptoms started. I’m now 42 and am still having regularly periods. The Mirena coil went in to try and stop the flooding. It does sound to me that it is peri that’s causing you the anxiety and the irrational thinking (like me)! A colleague of mine who is the most laid back girl I know (aged 46) has just started suffering anxiety which is affecting her driving confidence, so
much so she’s sought counselling. The only thing she can put it down to is the start of peri.
 I really hope things calm down for you x


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2023, 03:42:46 PM »

Hello, I am new to this site. Apologies if I should have started a new thread but i have some similar symptoms to the original poster so thought it best to reply here.

I actually have no idea whether I am in perimenopause but I will be 45 next month. My periods are still pretty regular and I don't get hot flushes etc but over the last two years (since I had my last baby at age 42) I have been getting terrible pains in my lower back and sacroiliac joint, as well as in my left hip and foot. I also started getting excruciating migraines just before and during my period as well as excruciating ovulation pains. My mood swings are terrible and my depression and anxiety are through the roof most of the time. It has led, like some other forum members have stated, to really uncontrollable health anxiety. I don't know how my husband has coped with me to be honest. Sorry if this sounds so dramatic and OTT.

In November I started getting a really annoying twitch in my right eyelid. It twitched on and off every day for around 2 weeks and then seemed to ease off. It started twitching again in the middle of December and my eye also feels gritty and it stings occasionally too. Combined with the migraine I had for around 4 days over christmas I was convinced something really sinister was going on in my head. Now, In the last week i have also noticed twitching in my left calf muscle. My right calf muscle has also started to twitch in the couple of days. I decided to enquire with Dr Google, and I wish I hadn't as it has sent my anxiety through the roof. My anxiety is making my hyper aware of every twinge and twitch which is making me feel even worse.

I have started taking some magnesium tablets as well as vitamin d, so perhaps these will help?


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2023, 03:57:45 PM »

Hi, it’s very frustrating all of this isn’t it? I keep telling myself to stop googling symptoms as I know this won’t help. I think with regards to the twitching that it’s maybe something we always used to do but once you become hyper aware of it it causes anxiety which then causes more twitching and you end up in a cycle. I’ve noticed if I’m busy or in company I barely notice it but when resting it’s all I can think about. I’ve not been to the GP about the possibility of peri menopause yet. I’m sure getting an appointment would be difficult. I’ve be taking magnesium and vit D too but ultimately I think the solution will be in managing the anxiety.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2023, 03:58:43 PM »

Hello, I am new to this site. Apologies if I should have started a new thread but i have some similar symptoms to the original poster so thought it best to reply here.

I actually have no idea whether I am in perimenopause but I will be 45 next month. My periods are still pretty regular and I don't get hot flushes etc but over the last two years (since I had my last baby at age 42) I have been getting terrible pains in my lower back and sacroiliac joint, as well as in my left hip and foot. I also started getting excruciating migraines just before and during my period as well as excruciating ovulation pains. My mood swings are terrible and my depression and anxiety are through the roof most of the time. It has led, like some other forum members have stated, to really uncontrollable health anxiety. I don't know how my husband has coped with me to be honest. Sorry if this sounds so dramatic and OTT.

In November I started getting a really annoying twitch in my right eyelid. It twitched on and off every day for around 2 weeks and then seemed to ease off. It started twitching again in the middle of December and my eye also feels gritty and it stings occasionally too. Combined with the migraine I had for around 4 days over christmas I was convinced something really sinister was going on in my head. Now, In the last week i have also noticed twitching in my left calf muscle. My right calf muscle has also started to twitch in the couple of days. I decided to enquire with Dr Google, and I wish I hadn't as it has sent my anxiety through the roof. My anxiety is making my hyper aware of every twinge and twitch which is making me feel even worse.

I have started taking some magnesium tablets as well as vitamin d, so perhaps these will help?

Hello KatMB and welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear you have health anxiety. It really is a horrid condition. I feel with health anxiety, any pain or discomfort leads to panic and we assume we are very ill. Have you considered counselling to help you deal with it?

You do not sound dramatic or over the top at all. I would feel anxious too. It sounds to me like you may have dry eyes. I get similar symptoms and have found hycosan eye drops helpful as they are for dry eyes.

It is a great idea to take magnesium and vitamin d. Have you had a talk with your GP about the symptoms you are having?


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2023, 04:09:32 PM »

Thanks for your replies.

No i haven't seen my gp yet but, like many other people i am sure, it is really difficult to get a gp appointment at the moment. I find myself on the end of the phone for up to an hour at a time and then give up! But I will try again. I have had some previous counselling for the health anxiety but it is a very hard habit to break. It has been made worse since having kids. I panic when anything is wrong with me.

Yes i think the anxiety makes every symptom even worse doesn't it? I may have had the leg twitches for a while but only became aware of it when i started freaking about the eye twitching and now I cant stop thinking about it and anticipating the twitches! Night time is the worst for it and it has made it very difficult to sleep. Lack of sleep probably makes the twitches worse too! It is a vicious cycle.

I feel for anyone going through this. It is really tough.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2023, 06:05:56 PM »

Thanks for your replies.

No i haven't seen my gp yet but, like many other people i am sure, it is really difficult to get a gp appointment at the moment. I find myself on the end of the phone for up to an hour at a time and then give up! But I will try again. I have had some previous counselling for the health anxiety but it is a very hard habit to break. It has been made worse since having kids. I panic when anything is wrong with me.

Yes i think the anxiety makes every symptom even worse doesn't it? I may have had the leg twitches for a while but only became aware of it when i started freaking about the eye twitching and now I cant stop thinking about it and anticipating the twitches! Night time is the worst for it and it has made it very difficult to sleep. Lack of sleep probably makes the twitches worse too! It is a vicious cycle.

I feel for anyone going through this. It is really tough.

If you feel a GP appointment would be helpful then maybe you could get a phone appointment as they seem to be available faster then face to face ones. It is good you have had counselling in the past and often with counselling we have times we need more sessions. I find with any therapy it can be most effective to have more then the one course.

The odd thing about meno is it seems to cause anxiety which seems to worsen at night. We then do not sleep and feel worse as we are tired. I do not know if this is something you would do but I find it helps me to listen to something when I am trying to sleep as focusing on that means I cannot focus on other things that cause me to worry.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2023, 08:06:18 PM »

Hi KatMB,

I really sympathise with you. I initially started this thread due to awful and persistent twitches which I’d convinced myself were the start of a terminal disease having Googled (which I’ve stopped doing now).

When I turned 40 I started with very random symptoms, which nearly 3 years down the line now, are still happening. There’s too many to list but a few - headaches at one side lasting weeks, severe left hip pain lasting for months and then disappearing, flooding, no libido, hair loss, palpitations, breast problems, and the longest lasting - twitches.

Like you, the twitches started in my left eye in July last year, stopped, then re-commenced all over my body. I describe them as popping sensations, fizzing, crawling under my skin, some I can see my muscles moving / rippling - horrid. Other than a brief spell in October when I didn’t have them I still have them now; the twitches starting again in November, 2 weeks after having the Mirena coil fitted. I have them every day, some days awful, others not so. They generally happen when I’m at rest. It’s like my body now associates sitting on the settee or lying down with twitching. Dr thinks it’s anxiety but I beg to differ (I’m having counselling for anxiety).

I’m try to ignore it now but it’s difficult as I can’t rest (because I’m constantly moving positions to stop a twitch when it starts) and my mind wanders. I’m thinking about going back to the Dr again about them but I’ll see how I go. I’ve taken magnesium and all manner of vitamins but nothing works.

I take comfort from this forum knowing that other ladies suffer from this same symptom, and I’m just hoping one day they disappear completely 🤞 I really hope they calm down and stop for you soon.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2023, 11:43:15 AM »

Hi Cat,

I am sorry to hear about your symptoms. They are debilitating aren’t they?
I started getting strange symptoms when I was around 42 and they include thinning hair. My hairdresser has noticed that the side of my head that I sleep on, the hair has become much thinner. But the hair on my face has decided to appear with a vengeance!

My anxiety started going through the roof around the same time and I have really struggled with health anxiety which is soul destroying for everyone in my family.

The twitching is frightening though. It started in my right eye and I have that twitching every day now. I also have it in my left calf muscle as well as left thigh as well as foot and shin. Some twitches feel like flutters under the skin and other times the twinges are violent and I can see the movement in my calf. I cannot sleep at all and I have been terrible for looking at Google . I have noticed a few twitches on my right leg but nothing significant. How quickly did your twitches spread to other areas in your body?


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #26 on: January 12, 2023, 09:14:20 PM »

They are very debilitating, it’s horrid.

My hair starting thinning on the crown of my head. I was mortified and I became obsessed with it. My hairdresser said it was just the top of my head where my hair was coming out. I’d say it took about 4 months to calm down.

I had the eye twitching for about 4 weeks in July last year - just came on all of a sudden. It stopped for about 4 days then it just literally went everywhere. Noticed in my legs first then probably within a week literally all over and so random - side of my knees is a favoured spot for feelings of ‘knitting’ or pulsing, but I get them literally everywhere (even my lips), and again like you they can be violent or fluttering or crawling. Everyday, numerous times a day I get them. Again I’ve become obsessed with them to the point its made me unwell. They’re the first thing I think about when I get up and the last thing I think about when I go to bed.

I‘ve forced myself not to google anymore.

I wonder whether my body’s now got into some random habit of twitching as I think about it constantly…or whether it’s a combination of anxiety, hormones and my body associating sitting down with twitching etc.

I’m 6 months down the line with it now and so fed up. Just want to feel ‘normal’!


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2023, 06:00:26 PM »

Hello, I just wanted to suggest to the people with the awful twitching (I am also a sufferer) to check thyroid. I’m regularly trying to find the cause of mine and I think people with hypothyroidism sometimes suffer from this. A couple of you (I think) have also mentioned hair loss which I believe is a symptom of low thyroid too. I’m still trying to get to the bottom of my own problems but thought I’d suggest this to others in case it helps.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2023, 09:15:24 PM »

Hi Jjumper,

Thank you for your response.
I’ve suffered with an overactive thyroid now for around 14 years. I’m on / off meds a lot. I’m currently on meds and my thyroid’s stable / normal but the twitches haven’t lessoned any.
These twitches are such a random and horrible ailment that started for me out the blue. 6 months down the line now and utterly fed up with them.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2023, 02:44:51 PM »

Hi CatR

I sympathise, I really do. Mine have been going on for years. They don’t really bother me much anymore but I found them very upsetting at the beginning. Although relief from them would be most welcome if I ever find the solution for my body.
Interesting about your experiences re thyroid. We are all so different aren’t we… and there seems to be so little research done on women’s bodies and actual proper evidence and advice available… I get thoroughly fed up with it so often and find it hard to remain hopeful that I will, one day, find peace from the weird and relentless symptoms that I experience… I’m so sorry for all of us who are in this…
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