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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches  (Read 8267 times)


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Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« on: June 06, 2022, 10:04:32 PM »

Hello folks!

A bit about me. New member. Happy to be here. Brave first post. Might be longish, hopefully relevant.

I went into a natural menopause finally and completely about five years ago. Periods stopped after a bit of faffing around and a last hurrah about a year after I thought I was done lol. Since then I have had hot flushes with palpitations and anxiety. Belly fat. Mood swings. Dry skin. I wasn’t sure about HRT. I had heard good and bad things. However, I found myself finally in a hot flush, unsexy, low mood mess and quite cross about it when I had the energy to even think without brain fog and so I decided I would rather give it a go and see if I felt better.

I’m on about my tenth Evorel Conti patch, five weeks in or so now. The hot flushes etc have decreased substantially, the anxiety is still there but not unbearable. Bit of a lingering headache. Tiny, tiny bleed, stopped in five days. Boobs so big now it’s like carrying two sacks of potatoes in front of me…I am going to have to go to a specialist shop to get The Girls contained. They hurt, presumably due to increased mass. Some articles say tell your doctor, others say it’s normal as the body gets used to everything again, knowing me I shall ‘wait and see’.

My GP was really understanding actually. She gave me some options and told me to have a think and come back to her. I decided on patches as my half aunt had breast cancer, seemed sensible. I've been using them with Tegaderm Film on top to keep them in place and it's working really well, no problems with keeping them on.

Now, how do I get rid of this huge lay down of fat around my middle? And if anyone says “Give Up Chocolate…” I’m going to be very sad 😃

« Last Edit: June 07, 2022, 02:00:23 PM by Crone »


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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2022, 04:59:55 AM »

Welcome to the forum :)

I'm fairly new here myself.. New to HRT as well..
went through menopause naturally...
Started to have brain fog, forgetfulness, low mood etc... so much so it was my work collegue that noticed I was having issues.. Bless her and pointed it out to me..
Went to GP bloods checked.. everything in range..
Thankful for a good GP practice..
They suggested it could very well be menopause issue...
So it was suggested that I try HRT for 3 months to see if symptoms improve..
I was also started on Everol Conti patches...
only on number 2... so its great to have someone near me (timewise) on the journey..
Gives me an idea of what to expect...
PS  Everyone seems lovely and no such thing as a silly question.. Lots of good info and support too..


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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2022, 07:47:04 AM »

Hello Crone. Welcome to the forum. I too have swollen breasts. I went from 34E to 38G and they feel very heavy all the time. I think it is worth talking to your GP about your anxiety as that is a horrid thing to have.


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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2022, 08:02:38 AM »

Welcome to the forum :)

I'm fairly new here myself.. New to HRT as well..
went through menopause naturally...
Started to have brain fog, forgetfulness, low mood etc... so much so it was my work collegue that noticed I was having issues.. Bless her and pointed it out to me..
Went to GP bloods checked.. everything in range..
Thankful for a good GP practice..
They suggested it could very well be menopause issue...
So it was suggested that I try HRT for 3 months to see if symptoms improve..
I was also started on Everol Conti patches...
only on number 2... so its great to have someone near me (timewise) on the journey..
Gives me an idea of what to expect...
PS  Everyone seems lovely and no such thing as a silly question.. Lots of good info and support too..

Hello :-)

That's great to hear you are at a similar place on the patches journey. I tried looking online to see if anyone had written a blog or done a YT video on how they reacted to Conti and how any changes came and when but I haven't found anything that detailed yet. I would love to know what to expect.

Since arriving here I have seen a few people talk about the type of progesterone in these Conti patches being a problem. Fingers crossed I seem to be jogging along without anything too drastic or unbearable so far. I had awful migraines before menopause, hence I was nervous they would come back too on HRT, but nothing yet.

I suppose every journey is different for each individual. If it goes on like this I shall take the mild side effects I am having and run with them, I think.

If you see anything pertinent to the Conti which is positive and keeps the faith (😃) then do let me know, please. If you have any questions to ask me I will be happy to answer if I have experienced similar and can do so 😊

Best of luck and thank you for your reply. It's good to feel we aren't alone. Menopause has been kept a dirty secret for far too long. All hail Davina and others like her 🌺


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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2022, 08:15:20 AM »

Hello Crone. Welcome to the forum. I too have swollen breasts. I went from 34E to 38G and they feel very heavy all the time. I think it is worth talking to your GP about your anxiety as that is a horrid thing to have.

Hello, isn't it just! I'm trying to just accept it as part of the new me. It hasn't been easy. I berate myself a lot for it. I don't want to take meds but I do have a very small box of Diazepam on the side which I ask my GP nicely for, periodically. I am trying to mostly deal with it with meditation rather than medication, replacing a dark thought with a better one. Hobbies when I have the time. I have chronic pain and fatigue conditions which means I have quite strong painkillers so I am not keen to add to my tablets and lack of oomph. No heroic behaviour here by not taking any meds for the anxiety, more staying awake so I can manage my family responsibilities as a full time carer of an adult.

Yes The Girls will soon need their own living quarters. Honestly, they are huge. They would make Dolly Parton look positively manly side by side. I've put on over three stone since my periods stopped. We recently had to buy a smaller bedside table so I didn't bash my hip every time I tried to get out of the bedroom door... 🤭


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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2022, 08:27:30 AM »

I think it is important to be kind to yourself rather then berate yourself. I totally understand not wanting more medication while you are on quite a bit. It is a good idea to accept it is part of the new me. I think we change all the time and accepting it really helps.  :)


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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2022, 08:36:20 AM »

I think it is important to be kind to yourself rather then berate yourself. I totally understand not wanting more medication while you are on quite a bit. It is a good idea to accept it is part of the new me. I think we change all the time and accepting it really helps.  :)

Thanks, Flossieteacake! And I love that name 🌺


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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2022, 10:43:29 AM »

Hello there and welcome. I’m perimenopausal and on evorel, Utrogestan and Androfemme, month about 8 or 9 now and after some tweaks am fairly confident this regime is the one for me. I’ve had similar symptoms and issues to yourself. I also got diagnosed hypothyroid around the time these issues arose, as well as other hormonal issues which has been about 7 years of dealing with. Didn’t have a great GP, but do now, see someone privately for my menopause. Anxiety is my biggest symptom and issue over the 7 years and it’s only really starting to get better. I think HRT, therapy and time has helped. Once I felt stronger with HRT I could tackle it better. I too prefer meditation to medication, which I was offered but declined.
Regarding belly fat, oh I don’t want to be the one to tell you to give up chocolate! I limit all of that myself, much more than I used to, but not given it up. I exercise a decent amount and mostly eat well and that’s kept the weight issues around menopause a smaller issue for me- although a significant struggle while I got my thyroid right. It’s annoying but sadly it’s true that at this time our calorie needs reduce by about 200 calories a day, add to that the hormones making it harder to exercise and for our bodies to maintain a good metabolism, it makes sense that a lot of us do put on weight. Try not to worry too much about it. When you feel better you can address it then maybe. We can be very hard on ourselves and while trying to get a better hormone balance I think we are allowed a break from concerning ourselves too much with it. Although obviously it helps us to be a healthy weight and active, you can only do what you can manage. I love gardening and walking for everyday exercise, it’s our long periods of inactivity that really get us so little bits throughout the day can be better than one hard workout, although now I’m better I do that too. I followed some advice from a gardener with the same thyroid problem. She when you’re struggling with energy but want to start moving again, just little and often, take breaks but keep moving every day. It was great advice for me & I get lots done now even when a bit more tired, just following that simple advice. I can’t charge around non stop like I used to!
Hope you find lots of helpful tips here, I definitely have.


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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2022, 02:04:33 PM »

Thank you, ATB  :)

To be fair to myself, I don't over indulge on the scoffing food front very often. Everything in moderation...most of the time. Chocolate has always been a weakness though 🤭

You sound like you have the exercise part very much in hand. That's fabulous!



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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2022, 04:28:12 PM »

Hi I'm new here and I'm just a few weeks on Evorel conti as well. I've had a heavy period six weeks after starting, that was after 14months of natural menopause, were you told of any risk of periods starting again on a regular basis? My Gp didn't know and directed me here to find out what I can. Lacking a crystal ball I don't know whether to continue with it or not. I don't want periods again, it was destroying me phyically towards the end, losing up to half a pint every three weeks, even with tranxamic acid and mefenamic acid taken together.

Hello 👋

Mine wasn't a heavy bleed but it had been years since I had had one previously. 14 months may possibly be still in the stop and start part of the menopause, other more experienced ladies here may have more to say in that. I thought I was finished and then I wasn't, sometimes going months in between having a bleed before I finished completely.

I had awful periods too so I sympathise. If I were in your shoes I would give it the full three month trial period and see how things look then.

I have noticed that all my lady bits and bobs are waking up. I'm aware of it all. Also I'm exhausted and my boobs hurt such a lot! However, I have read the first three months are crucial to getting things settled and on a more even keel.

I feel your apprehension on these first few weeks, not knowing what to expect. My fear is migraines coming back. My nemesis! Nothing yet 🤞

Good luck. There is lots of good advice on this forum, I'm still only scratching the surface.


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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2022, 10:39:22 AM »

Hello, just wanted to drop in and say I'm also new starting on Evorel Conti - first patch today.

Don't have the same problem with the boobs but certainly can relate to the extra weight around the middle.  I have put on 1.5 stone in the last 12 - 18 months, all around the belly and abdomen and I feel horrible with it.  I know my exercise and eating habits are not to blame here, well not for the whole amount anyway!  It is a vicious circle because when the weight starts to go on, you feel down and eat more of the wrong foods which helps put more weight on. 

I'm hoping if the hormones are better regulated then I'll feel better and more positive to get the weight off and keep it off.


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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2022, 06:19:07 AM »

Hello, just wanted to drop in and say I'm also new starting on Evorel Conti - first patch today.

Don't have the same problem with the boobs but certainly can relate to the extra weight around the middle.  I have put on 1.5 stone in the last 12 - 18 months, all around the belly and abdomen and I feel horrible with it.  I know my exercise and eating habits are not to blame here, well not for the whole amount anyway!  It is a vicious circle because when the weight starts to go on, you feel down and eat more of the wrong foods which helps put more weight on. 

I'm hoping if the hormones are better regulated then I'll feel better and more positive to get the weight off and keep it off.

Aha, I have just seen this from you, Fruitcake😃

I've tried to diet several times. I put weight on every time. Think my body thinks it's being starved and goes in to panic mode. I'm annoyed about it more than I can say. Spent 6 months on 1000 to 1200 calories and put half a stone on by the end Exercise is difficult (impossible really) because of health problems. Of course, I am seen as cheating, lazy, not trying, making excuses...but it is what it is. I'd only be cheating myself. My paternal aunts were all short and round and my mother was very slim all her life until menopause.

When I had covid I ate barely anything at all for three weeks (nothing for two) and only lost about four pounds which I put on again licking a lettuce leaf. I'm doomed. Doomed! 🤪😃

But, of course, every health professional I have spoken about it too just spills out the usual diet and exercise equals results and looks towards my handbag as if I am hiding doughnuts in there.

In all seriousness I think the BMI scale is outdated and we know it wasn't created for women anyway...18 year old lads in a gym or something, if memory serves. My husband is short and toned but apparently he is also obese which is ridiculous. There's barely any fat on him. So it isn't just us ladies who have been smacked in the face by the BMI scale 😃

I'm currently very much enjoying the latest Get Britain's Fat Off or whatever the campaign is called. No pressure, huh? I'm a size 16/18 by the way. Huge 🙄


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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2022, 06:21:49 AM »

Hello 👋

Mine wasn't a heavy bleed but it had been years since I had had one previously. 14 months may possibly be still in the stop and start part of the menopause, other more experienced ladies here may have more to say in that. I thought I was finished and then I wasn't, sometimes going months in between having a bleed before I finished completely.

I had awful periods too so I sympathise. If I were in your shoes I would give it the full three month trial period and see how things look then.

I have noticed that all my lady bits and bobs are waking up. I'm aware of it all. Also I'm exhausted and my boobs hurt such a lot! However, I have read the first three months are crucial to getting things settled and on a more even keel.

I feel your apprehension on these first few weeks, not knowing what to expect. My fear is migraines coming back. My nemesis! Nothing yet 🤞

Good luck. There is lots of good advice on this forum, I'm still only scratching the surface.

I feel like I gave my body the ammunition it needed to keep punishing me, if I give it less to work with it won't be able to.

I hope you start to feel better soon. No fun, is it? Hug.


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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2022, 10:25:59 AM »

Hello, just wanted to drop in and say I'm also new starting on Evorel Conti - first patch today.

Don't have the same problem with the boobs but certainly can relate to the extra weight around the middle.  I have put on 1.5 stone in the last 12 - 18 months, all around the belly and abdomen and I feel horrible with it.  I know my exercise and eating habits are not to blame here, well not for the whole amount anyway!  It is a vicious circle because when the weight starts to go on, you feel down and eat more of the wrong foods which helps put more weight on. 

I'm hoping if the hormones are better regulated then I'll feel better and more positive to get the weight off and keep it off.

Aha, I have just seen this from you, Fruitcake😃

I've tried to diet several times. I put weight on every time. Think my body thinks it's being starved and goes in to panic mode. I'm annoyed about it more than I can say. Spent 6 months on 1000 to 1200 calories and put half a stone on by the end Exercise is difficult (impossible really) because of health problems. Of course, I am seen as cheating, lazy, not trying, making excuses...but it is what it is. I'd only be cheating myself. My paternal aunts were all short and round and my mother was very slim all her life until menopause.

When I had covid I ate barely anything at all for three weeks (nothing for two) and only lost about four pounds which I put on again licking a lettuce leaf. I'm doomed. Doomed! 🤪😃

But, of course, every health professional I have spoken about it too just spills out the usual diet and exercise equals results and looks towards my handbag as if I am hiding doughnuts in there.

In all seriousness I think the BMI scale is outdated and we know it wasn't created for women anyway...18 year old lads in a gym or something, if memory serves. My husband is short and toned but apparently he is also obese which is ridiculous. There's barely any fat on him. So it isn't just us ladies who have been smacked in the face by the BMI scale 😃

I'm currently very much enjoying the latest Get Britain's Fat Off or whatever the campaign is called. No pressure, huh? I'm a size 16/18 by the way. Huge 🙄

Just wanted to say thank you Crone for the other message.  The system will not allow me to reply there (maybe I'm too new).  The information you gave will be interesting as I progress through the weeks.  So far the day flushes have reduced, the night ones not so much yet, but it has been warm the last few nights.  I'm struggling to get the patches to stick on and not wrinkle up (or fall off altogether).  I currently have one stuck on with micropore tape over the top!

I do think if you can get your hormones regulated properly the weight gain will stop and then you can work on losing what has built up.  I've read the body will store fat (all around the middle) as a replacement for the hormones it is unable to produce.  Which sort of stacks up if, when your intake has reduced, but you haven't seen any weight loss to speak of and then it goes straight back on again.  I'm no expert here just seems logical.   


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Re: Just Starting HRT - Evorel Conti Patches
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2022, 10:40:59 AM »

I use Tegaderm Film on top of my patches. 6cm by 7cm. I buy them from amazon. Solved all the sticking problems and keeps them clean. The film is breathable, easy to apply and you can forget about it. I use baby oil and cotton wool to clean the area AFTER I have taken a patch off to get rid of any patch residue too. I do alternate legs each change. Front of thigh at the top. Seems to be working for me thus far ;-)

You are welcome re the message. We are all different, of course, but I wanted similar information when I joined here a couple of weeks ago lol
« Last Edit: June 17, 2022, 10:46:07 AM by Crone »
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