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Author Topic: Perimenopausal & everol sequi patches  (Read 819 times)


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Perimenopausal & everol sequi patches
« on: May 16, 2022, 11:00:56 AM »

Hello everyone.
I'm new here & looking for some advice. I'll try to keep my post brief.
I'm 47 yrs old & i have cystic fibrosis, osteoporosis, diabetes & have been on the lung transplant list but came off after receiving a call for lungs & not feeling like i could mentally cope with it.
For a few yrs now, I've suffered extreme anxiety, low mood & heavy periods. I get aching joints but some of that could be related to my other illnesses.
In 2020, just as lockdown started i began suffering with dizzy spells, anxiety, brain fog & no libido. I felt like i was going crazy.
Drs sent me for brain scans, heart scans etc as i was falling alot due to dizzy spells. All came back clear.
Drs decided then it was all covid related. Msybe i had covid & didn't know or it was the stress of shielding.
I finally watched louise Newsome on this morning & thought, hang on a minute. She was literally describing me.
So i managed to talk to my cf Drs who sent me to see my gynae (i suffer with menhoraggia & PCOS so gynae knew me well anyway) & he said lets try you on HRT.
I was put on Everol sequi patches 50 & i feel ok on them. I'm only on second week so...i did wake this morning with heavy breasts, bloated stomach & aching joints ( diff to my usual cf aches). I am in my ovulation part of cycle so could be that.
I'm also very, very nervous at starting the northesterione part as i hear it can give you mood swings/anxiety & I'm really scared of feeling out of control & thus not coping with my other illness & medication.
I guess I'm looking for some positive stories.
Oh & how long after starting northesterone wilp i get my bleed.
Sorry so many questions & i did say I'd keep it brief.
Anyway, thank you in advance for taking the time to read it.


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Re: Perimenopausal & everol sequi patches
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2022, 02:48:54 PM »

Hello Sheri and welcome to the forum. I am sorry your post seems to have been missed. I have sore breasts and similar when starting HRT. I think it can take time for our bodies to get used to it. They say after 3 months you will know if it does not suit you. I do not have any advice but I am sure knowledgeable members will reply soon.  :)


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Re: Perimenopausal & everol sequi patches
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2022, 02:56:39 PM »

Thank you for replying & thank you for the welcome.
I understand people missing my post as so many of us are looking for advice & help.
I'm staying hopeful HRT will help & will see through the 3 months settling in period. I just wish it would be more instant lol. I'm very impatient to start feeling nornal & like me.


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Re: Perimenopausal & everol sequi patches
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2022, 02:58:12 PM »

I totally get that! It is frustrating having to wait for it to help. I am very impatient too. ;D


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Re: Perimenopausal & everol sequi patches
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2022, 07:30:08 PM »

Hi again. I’m on month 8. Definitely ups and downs and at the moment a symptom does arise in the Utrogestan phase for me, and I suffer anxiety and panic too. It’s definitely overall an improvement in that area. Nothing I haven’t had before with anxiety. I am having therapy though at the moment so that is helping me deal with things like that. I had increased anxiety in around February but that was impacted by my thyroid meds I think, which I’ve lowered. I was waking in the middle of the night with bad anxiety. Currently I get GERD & palpitations and that is the only thing left I hope HRT resolves. The anxiety is impacted by perimenopause for me, so better overall on HRT. It started before peri though, hence the therapy. Understand the nervousness, totally. You’ll be ok, you can always adjust and it’s worth it if HRT can resolve those symptoms. I’m glad that I went to a specialist and started it for sure. I’m like a different person despite it not being totally right yet. I bleed just before I finish my Utrogestan/progesterone tablets.