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Author Topic: Perimenopause at 36? Help me please!  (Read 11962 times)


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Perimenopause at 36? Help me please!
« on: May 13, 2022, 05:02:43 PM »

Hello to all the lovely ladies in my phone. I have been looking around the forum for a little while but decided it was time to post. Sorry it's a long one!
I'm only 36 but seem to be experiencing many symptoms on the list!

I always had irregular heavy periods from age 13 until the age 27 when they suddenly starting coming more regularly and lighter. I then became pregnant and had my wonderful son :) following the birth of my son my periods were once again irregular but with the addition of other unpleasant symptoms. I was ultimately told that all my symptoms were normal and given the diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome . I've managed this for nearly 8 years now. My cycle returned to a somewhat normal pattern after I started B12 injections during this time.

However, things seem to have gone to pot over the last 12 months and I'm struggling. I seem to have developed anxiety (on and off) and have awful crying spells. I will literally sob for no real reason at all. This can alternate with irritability so is not much fun at all.
Intrusive thoughts about death.
Dry nose, eyes and even ears.
My cycle length is variable. It has been anywhere from 27 - 37 days over the past 4 cycles. My flow is much lighter and I had spotting 2 days before my period (for the first time ever) in April. I used to see an improvement in my pms symptoms once bleeding started by this seems to be a thing of the past and I can feel quite ill at any given time.
Headaches and weird feelings in my head (pressure type feeling).
Jaw pain that comes and goes with facial tingling.
Off balance feeling which is now daily. (worst symptom ever!)
Sore boobs (recently lasted 3 weeks)
Night sweats (but have had this before with pms symptoms)
I can grow an impressive moustache and the dark hairs on and under my chin are not the look I'm going for (this grew a few years ago - Pcos ruled out and was told it was just my age.
Palpitations around period time, could be linked with the anxiety.
Gastric issues-had gastritis twice in past 12 months, acid reflux and burping.
Pain in legs (shooting) back pain.

I could go on and on and on but I guess my question is, could this be perimenopause? Or is my Pms just getting worse with age. It is difficult as the symptoms overlap (not listed them all) My Gp did test fsh and estrgogen but result was normal.
I have never tolerated the bcp well and have a history of migraine with aura so am not going down that route. Thyroid has been tested many times over the past 8 years and is ok. Have had a brain MRI and all clear.

Thankyou for reading and any advice is really appreciated  :) just want to be me again



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Re: Perimenopause at 36? Help me please!
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2022, 05:10:51 PM »

Hello Treakle85 and welcome to the forum. I had some of the symptoms you have and could not understand why. It was from researching that I realised it was perimenopause symptoms and I found this forum. My GP dismissed me and actually laughed saying I am too young ( I was 38) but I spoke to another GP and insisted on trying HRT. After being on HRT a while another GP insisted on bloods which did not reveal I am in menopause and I was referred to a menopause clinic who went on my symptoms alone. I am no expert but what you describe could very well be perimenopause.


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Re: Perimenopause at 36? Help me please!
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2022, 05:27:52 PM »

Hi.  No lady is too young to approach peri-menopause.   :welcomemm: there is also the Daisy web-site for premature menopause which may be worth while dipping into.

Browse round. Make notes.  Ask away .......

As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax = aches and pains as well as reflux.  I have an irritating cough caused by reflux so have altered what I drink that isn't too bubbly.



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Re: Perimenopause at 36? Help me please!
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2022, 06:52:59 PM »

Hello Treakle85 and welcome to the forum. I had some of the symptoms you have and could not understand why. It was from researching that I realised it was perimenopause symptoms and I found this forum. My GP dismissed me and actually laughed saying I am too young ( I was 38) but I spoke to another GP and insisted on trying HRT. After being on HRT a while another GP insisted on bloods which did not reveal I am in menopause and I was referred to a menopause clinic who went on my symptoms alone. I am no expert but what you describe could very well be perimenopause.
Hi Flossieteacake and thank you for your kind message. It's reassuring to know I'm not the only person experiencing these awful symptoms from a young age. I wouldn't wish this on anyone though and I hope you are much better now you are on HRT. My GP did mention HRT but I never heard back from her after my blood results came back normal. She is calling me next week at my request, I'm hoping she may be on board with a trial of HRT.
Thanks again for your reply, I truly appreciate the support  :)


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Re: Perimenopause at 36? Help me please!
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2022, 06:54:22 PM »

Do read the 'bladder issues' and threads about vaginal atrophy!  4warned is 4armed ;-).  Dropping oestrogen levels can cause dryness, inside and out including the vagina.


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Re: Perimenopause at 36? Help me please!
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2022, 07:20:07 PM »

Hi.  No lady is too young to approach peri-menopause.   :welcomemm: there is also the Daisy web-site for premature menopause which may be worth while dipping into.

Browse round. Make notes.  Ask away .......

As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax = aches and pains as well as reflux.  I have an irritating cough caused by reflux so have altered what I drink that isn't too bubbly.

This forum seems full of lovely ladies willing to offer great advice/support.
I will certainly take a look at the daisy website. Chocolate seems to worsen my reflux I have noticed. I don't drink fizzy very often and switched to decaf many years ago. Don't drink alcohol either (gosh, I sound exciting  ;D) aches and pains sounds familiar, both knees have joined that party this month but easing a bit now. Will have a read about dryness and atrophy. Thanks for your kind replies  :)


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Re: Perimenopause at 36? Help me please!
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2022, 08:04:48 PM »

Hi Treakle85. So sorry that you’re feeling like this. No you are def not too young to be peri menopausal as all that means is fluctuating hormones leading up to your final period. My symptoms all started around your age and my periods packed in at 43. So no- not too young! Having said that, it’s hard to manage these issues with HRT at a younger age as our own hormones, while still fluctuating wildly are often still quite strong at times. At your age you could certainly give HRT a go to try and give yourself a more stable cycle.  Def have a good discussion with your GP about this and hopefully together you can work out a plan. I would also suggest having your thyroid checked if not already done. Causes very similar symptoms.


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Re: Perimenopause at 36? Help me please!
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2022, 08:11:21 AM »

Hi Treakle85. So sorry that you’re feeling like this. No you are def not too young to be peri menopausal as all that means is fluctuating hormones leading up to your final period. My symptoms all started around your age and my periods packed in at 43. So no- not too young! Having said that, it’s hard to manage these issues with HRT at a younger age as our own hormones, while still fluctuating wildly are often still quite strong at times. At your age you could certainly give HRT a go to try and give yourself a more stable cycle.  Def have a good discussion with your GP about this and hopefully together you can work out a plan. I would also suggest having your thyroid checked if not already done. Causes very similar symptoms.

Hi Floradora,
I have thought about that issue. I imagine adding HRT to our own hormones that may be fluctuating widely may actually cause some issues. Having had normal blood results certainly makes me question if this is the problem at all, however I know they can be unreliable. I also have Gilbert's syndrome (faulty gene that prevents the normal rate at which bilirubin enters bile) so I have to be careful what medication I take. This includes estrogen according to my research, so would be keen to take something that bypasses the liver. My GP does listen by can be dismissive at times. I have had my thyroid levels checked numerous times and a us scan and all seems OK there.
Did you ever take HRT and if so did it help you?
Thanks for the reply  :)


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Re: Perimenopause at 36? Help me please!
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2022, 10:21:00 AM »

Hi Treacle. Yes I’ve been on HRT since age 45 and have no intention of ever stopping! I started on Femseven patch but didn’t get on with the progestogen element of it so gave up HRT for a while (big mistake as bone density declines rapidly soon after menopause) . Went on  to Femoston conti which is brilliant and I was happy on this for years. I have recently changed to Evorel 50 patch with Provera as the progestogen. The only reason I have changed is that the Femoston is only available in a low dose and in spite of being on HRT for years after an early menopause (as I was advised to do to prevent osteoporosis ) my bone density has continued to decline and I’ve had a couple of ‘fragility fractures’ . I’m trying the Evorel as it’s classed as a ‘medium’ dose and will hope to stay on this amount for a while together with calcium/vit D supplements , exercise etc to see if that helps the bones. I hope you get good advice from your GP. With the symptoms you describe and the erratic cycle at your age it could be that you are in line for an earlier menopause.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2022, 10:29:45 AM by Floradora »


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Re: Perimenopause at 36? Help me please!
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2022, 06:19:45 PM »

Hi Floradora, it's great to hear you have had success with HRT and I hope that the measures you are taking help with your bone density and you don't have any further problems. My mum had a surgical menopause in her early 30's and has to have dexa scans to monitor this (she is in her 60's now). I was vitamin D deficient after my pregnancy so have tried to maintain an adequate level since. I'm hoping my GP is going to offer some useful advice, we shall see. Unfortunately the nearest menopause clinic would be a 120 mile round trip I believe! If all of this is not due to hormones I have no idea what else it could be! Having put up with quite bad pms for 8 years I'm quite aware of all the weird and not so wonderful symptoms that hormones can cause.

Thanks again for your kind words and sharing your story. It certainly helps to not feel alone.