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Author Topic: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity  (Read 27977 times)


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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #30 on: September 07, 2021, 09:53:17 AM »

Think about why you began HRT?

Make notes?  Have you talked to your Husband, also, do print off the 'hints for husbands' from the Forum which I bounced recently?  Hand it to him. :-).

I used to over do what ever activity I was at, it took ages to learn to let go sooner than I really wanted to.  I mean ages = years  ::). DH still tells me that I 'need to stop and rest'  :-*



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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #31 on: September 07, 2021, 04:21:36 PM »

So yesterday was a better day… I think I over did it… by the evening I was an anxious mess again and my sound sensitivity was so high I was miserable.
Today I’ve woken up just the same. My anxiety has sky rocketed. I’ve got a phone call with the steps to well-being mental health team at 12, and I think I’m really anxious about that too. Just feeling so sick and jittery today.
Bitterly regretting trying HRT. I feel stupid that I believed all the hype around it that it was the cure all… it’s left me a total wreck.
I’m anxious around my husband in case he breathes in a certain way that makes my tummy flip. My heart is broken because he is my soul mate. We’ve been together for nearly 30 years… how can this happen?

Sorry to vent…. Today is a hard day  :'(

Sorry to hear you're feeling worse today -good that you came here to vent. Please don't be hard on yourself or spend energy regretting the HRT. You tried it because you felt bad and thought it would help. That's perfectly right reason to do it! Also, you don't know for sure if your symptoms are actually caused by HRT, or just the menopause progressing.
Having a worse day after a better day sounds like 'normal' course of recovery, so don't be too depressed by it. Tomorrow can be another good day again. I don't think it is unusual at all that recovery is like that, two steps forward one step back...

Take good care of yourself and I'm sure your husband and soul mate will understand this is not you, its the illness.
Sending hugs and warm thoughts. xxx


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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2021, 07:52:56 AM »

Suzy sheep

I hope you are ok and I hope you have a better day today ..
these good and bad days keep coming but eventually I hope we have more good days than bad

Your husband would understand if you sit and speak to him
My husband didn’t know how I went from happy go lucky to this nervous wreck within weeks .. he said it’s like someone turned a switch
We try and understand what happens but we don’t , but he knows from me when it’s a good or bad day .. he can tell.
But we in it together & aslong as we are open about things to each other that will continue

Today I woke up jittery and shakey but I’m hoping it will pass
I have CBT booked in soon so hoping that will also take my mind off things. Then I’ll listen to a relaxing recording & hope by time I’ve done all that , that I feel better & if not .. then so be it .. I take one day at a time now

Hope your ok & I hope today is a much better day for you



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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2021, 10:45:21 AM »

Thankyou ladies for your kind replies. It was a very difficult day yesterday.
Today started off jittery and anxious… just because I knew I was meeting my friend for a swim this morning… which is ridiculous as it’s something I love doing and she is great company…. But after the plunge into the cold sea my nerves have settled somewhat.

It’s like a crazy roller coaster ride that you can’t get off.. ups downs , dizzying spins…. And it makes me feel sick!!!

I talk to my husband about how I feel all the time. He is very supportive in every way… it’s just me having over reaction thoughts. It’s really hard to turn these thoughts around.

Michelle… sorry, I can’t remember, but are you on HRT? X


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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #34 on: September 08, 2021, 10:54:53 AM »

Thankyou ladies for your kind replies. It was a very difficult day yesterday.
Today started off jittery and anxious… just because I knew I was meeting my friend for a swim this morning… which is ridiculous as it’s something I love doing and she is great company…. But after the plunge into the cold sea my nerves have settled somewhat.

It’s like a crazy roller coaster ride that you can’t get off.. ups downs , dizzying spins…. And it makes me feel sick!!!

I talk to my husband about how I feel all the time. He is very supportive in every way… it’s just me having over reaction thoughts. It’s really hard to turn these thoughts around.

Michelle… sorry, I can’t remember, but are you on HRT? X

Hi Suzy , I’m glad today is a better day
I too woke up jittery and shaky and it’s lingering today , but I’m just doing what I can , i told myself I’m allowed to have these bad days .. I made my self go into local shop so that’s one thing I’ve done plus cracked on with housework
And also had session of CBT this morning which I find interesting .. just gotta learn my brain to do all these things

I’m no longer on HRT as I believe that this aniexty got worse after patches, but I’ll never know to be certain
I only had one episode of aniexty before patches & then it gradually became constant.
But I had also had covid vaccines around the same time also .. so it could be one or other that set it off .. I will never know

I stayed on patches for almost 4 months and I’ve been off them 6 weeks now ..
first 4 weeks was horrendous with constant fight or flight aniexty panic everything
Last week was a good week where the aniexty wasn’t as bad… this week it’s not so intense but the jittery ness as been there for few days but I just hoping it all starts to subside soon ( I live in hope ) but I’m positive at somepoint I will get me Bck .. :)

Hope today continues to be a good day for you



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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #35 on: September 08, 2021, 12:44:26 PM »

Oh of course Michelle, I remember now, same sort of time frame and pattern of anxiety as me… except I’m at the 4 week mark since I stopped. Did you stop cold turkey like me?

Are you taking any meds for the anxiety?

I’ve just done an hour up the allotment. I think I need a nap!

Does anyone else get so exhausted from feeling so anxious, but still find it hard to switch off


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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #36 on: September 08, 2021, 02:29:47 PM »

Oh of course Michelle, I remember now, same sort of time frame and pattern of anxiety as me… except I’m at the 4 week mark since I stopped. Did you stop cold turkey like me?

Are you taking any meds for the anxiety?

I’ve just done an hour up the allotment. I think I need a nap!

Does anyone else get so exhausted from feeling so anxious, but still find it hard to switch off

Hi again

Yeah I quit cold turkey as I hadn’t been on them for 6 months I was told I could just take off , and was told it could take awhile for my own hormones to settle as body as to get used to not having added hormones

I don’t take anything for the aniexty , I did try a beta blocker on small dose , but it’s not me and I couldn’t sleep ( I don’t sleep much now because mind is always on over drive but when I took the tab I had no sleep at all ) which made the next day worse aniexty wise

I do feel better than what I was if I’m honest .. and getting out Is a big thing for me as this aniexty not gonna lie took over my mind and body.
Where now I’m taking slowly some of that Back

I also think my own hormones are starting to appear
As when I was on HRT I had periods Etc and when I came off the patches .. I got period when it was due

But since that period I’ve not had one and it’s over 33 days ( I’ve never gone this long without a period ) so maybe slowly the hrt is leaving my system & maybe my own hormones will regulate soon
I’m onli presuming this as why I was on the patch the period would come as clock work ..

I’m still jittery today but nothing as bad as it’s been before but I’m aware of it.

I get tired , but that’s because of my broken sleep .. I can’t remember what a full night sleep is .. I’ve ever actually been a great sleeper but it’s been worse since all this aniexty

Glad you got out up the allotment .. keeps you active and brain working without becoming how I did which was scared to venture out




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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #37 on: September 08, 2021, 04:10:02 PM »

Ugh…. Sorry to hear your sleep is so disturbed. That must really impact your mood anyway, without the added anxiety.

Did you have periods before HRT? …. I hadn’t had one for 2 1/2 years, until I had the patch. I’ve not had one since coming off either…

I feel let down that we were told to just stop taking HRT, even though we hadn’t been on it long, it was obviously enough time to build our hormones up pretty high. I posted a link to a study ( it’s a bit scientific, but even made sense to me) and it said there was a definite link between HRT and withdrawal symptoms, similar to that of someone coming off drugs. I’m aware not everyone gets these symptoms, but maybe the unlucky few are very sensitive and susceptible to this type of withdrawal. I’m convinced that’s what has caused my body to react like this.

Are you going to try a different HRT? I’m so torn … I really don’t want to ever go through this again… but my old symptoms of flushes and very painful joints are creeping back up on me!



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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #38 on: September 08, 2021, 07:01:58 PM »

Ugh…. Sorry to hear your sleep is so disturbed. That must really impact your mood anyway, without the added anxiety.

Did you have periods before HRT? …. I hadn’t had one for 2 1/2 years, until I had the patch. I’ve not had one since coming off either…

I feel let down that we were told to just stop taking HRT, even though we hadn’t been on it long, it was obviously enough time to build our hormones up pretty high. I posted a link to a study ( it’s a bit scientific, but even made sense to me) and it said there was a definite link between HRT and withdrawal symptoms, similar to that of someone coming off drugs. I’m aware not everyone gets these symptoms, but maybe the unlucky few are very sensitive and susceptible to this type of withdrawal. I’m convinced that’s what has caused my body to react like this.

Are you going to try a different HRT? I’m so torn … I really don’t want to ever go through this again… but my old symptoms of flushes and very painful joints are creeping back up on me!

Hi again
I’ve never missed a period , was regular and then started coming 10 -12 days apart , so I went on everol sequi to help with aches pains , palpitations, sleep , and hot flashes as I didn’t get flush so much , just intense heat
I’ve never gone this long without a period so I’m hoping it’s my hormones getting Back to how they was before HRT

When I started the patch I thought it was great for the first week but then started noticing things but I was determined to try for 3 months and after 3.5 months I had to rip off the patch because everything had got worse & experiencing this was awful
I didn’t feel the benefit & would constantly wake up jittery blah blah

I just think maybe it was too early for me to even add any extra hormone and also the dose I think Shoulda been started off at 25 I’ve since been told but I went in straight at 50 on GP advice

I will consider using hrt again but not yet .. my friend went through similar to me and she just started back on HRT 2 years later and it’s worked for her this time :)
So always hope & I wouldn’t be set against it but I would be wary lol

I just want my hormones to resettle now and have a break

I totally think that the withdrawal is bloody awful .. and if that’s what coming off drugs is like I’m thankful that I never never went down that road.
Strongest pain killer I take is a paracetamol lol 😂
But I’m 6 weeks now off the patches and I hope that my days carry on the way they have been .. I don’t mind odd day but when it was everyday it was too much

I taking it each day as it comes & slowly I want my life back to before HRT & Before Vaccines as I’m still not sure if vaccines played a part also because after both vaccines this started which also happened to be why I was on a period also

But I’m 13 weeks since last vaccine
So maybe somewhere my body might settle

Pharmist told me can take 3-6 months for our hormones and body to realise we are not adding extra hormones


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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #39 on: September 09, 2021, 09:44:03 AM »

Can it take 3-6 months even though I was only on the patches barely 3 months??

This morning has been dire. Jittery, anxious, sick…. My brain is going ten to the dozen with thoughts…. I have taken the dog out, didn’t manage too much as I was nervous about being sick… I keep retching.
I am awaiting a drs call. This is ridiculous… maybe I’m on the wrong medication…..


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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #40 on: September 09, 2021, 10:18:08 AM »

Apparently yes it can take 3-6 months I was like but I wasn’t on it that long but apparently that’s how long it can take.

Hope your ok and hope you get a call off GP .. mine always just said it’s aniexty and blah blah and didn’t ever feel better after speaking to them ..

Today I just feel weird .. can’t explain it but I don’t like it
It’s not aniexty as such as in so intense it’s just I dunno how to describe it .. but be glad when it’s gone

The retching was one of the things I hated and I still get it when I’m nervous .. awful

Strange how our body’s are .. I would never expect half of what we experience from hormones but looking and reading on this site , so many suffer with it .. mind boggling

Hope your ok Suzy and hope you start to feel less jittery soon xx


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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #41 on: September 09, 2021, 10:28:00 AM »

I feel a bit calmer. Had a good cry and am listening to some up beat music. I thought about having a swim.. but I actually feel quite weak and worn out. I don’t want to go out, but I don’t want to stay in either!!! Still waiting for phone call.

Do you feel spaced out? .. I often just feel weird… like you, it’s hard to describe…. And then I’ll feel the anxiety so intense that if I could run away from myself I would!

Oh great….. I’m coming up to 4 weeks.. . Up to 6 months to go!!


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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #42 on: September 09, 2021, 10:57:44 AM »

Glad you feel calmer
I hope you get a call soon

Yeah seems spacey but haven’t taken anything to make me feel that way & just feel weird..

We could be lucky ones and not take the whole 6 months .. I’m just over 6 weeks and generally felt better in myself past week
Today is just a weird one .. hormones lol
Must be , as my boobs feel like burning but not bad but can feel it
I dunno .. I just feel somthing new each day lol
My face feels really flushed today and just general achy feeling

Whatever it is I hope it passes , so I can get on with my day ( nothing planned ) but wanna beable to do something if I wish too kinda thing

Muggy here today aswell so that don’t help much

Let us know how you get on Suzy


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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #43 on: September 09, 2021, 02:08:27 PM »

Hope you managed to feel better.
I’m still waiting for a drs call  >:(

I’ve decided that I’m not going to try any more HRT until I see a specialist. I have been referred, but it could take months, so I’m going to look into going private…. Got a bit saved up in the holiday account that we haven’t been able to use since covid , and I think it’s more important.


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Re: Crippling anxiety and noise sensitivity
« Reply #44 on: September 09, 2021, 03:41:59 PM »

That’s a good idea Suzy .. health and well being is always more important
I’m not going on HRT for a while , I wanna get it all out my system and go from there .. but in future if needed I will use again. I don’t think any symptom can be as bad as the aniexty.

I feel ok now still feel warm & just hot sore boobies now , which I think means I should have a period at some point which I was expecting as it’s late ( by the last few months anyways ) so think maybe my own hormones are starting to regulate ( hopefully)

I have been reading a few story’s on here about people coming off HRT and struggling for a while but they both noticed by week 8 that things started to improve & got better
I noticed at week 5 so I’m hoping that the next few weeks I have more improvement
let’s hope thts the same for us and I hope you have better days and more improvement for you too in your coming weeks xx
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