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Author Topic: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....  (Read 23965 times)


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Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« on: March 02, 2021, 05:49:49 PM »

Just hoping I can get some positive feedback on coming of HRT and finding something else....I have been trying for a year to find the best regime for me.  I am on my 4th regime now Mirena and Oestrogel and feel defeated and decided maybe I am just intolerant to it  :-\  surely I should be seeing some benefit but unfortunately the negatives outweigh the positive which is only sleep which I can replace with a Nytol if I have to.  I have also made this decision because of the lack of professional help unless you are prepared to pay a lot of money for a timed call.  I have already spent a lot of money on specialists over this past year.

I am wondering do I just stop the estrogen or do I phase myself off?  I have the Mirena so have to wait until NHS says yes in taking that out. 

Any ideas what I can do in its place? 

My symptoms are endless - no flushes but muscle aches, dryness (especially eyes so bad it hurts)..., legs crawling in the morning, dizziness, nausea, low mood when symptoms are at its worse, breathless - all checked for underlying issues and all good.

I hope someone out there has a positive experience of coming off but suspect they aren’t on this forum anymore -

Please help!



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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2021, 06:38:12 PM »

HRT isn't an instant cure nor will it solve all symptoms for all women.  It mayB that you need a hike in dose a few times a week.  MayB put the names of the products into the search box on the Forum: make notes ;-).  Do you keep a mood/food/symptom diary?

You can get an NHS referral to a menopause clinic. 

Many symptoms are due to a drop in oestrogen levels: this can cause the body to become dry, inside and out.  Scalp, skin, vagina, deep in the ears, eyes.  4 me it was itchy insteps when I took off socks at night prior to stepping into the bath  :o and across the back of my scapulae.  So using a good quality hand cream regularly has helped.

Olive oil into the itchy ears to ease any dryness down there as well as the above cream on the outer ear regions, difficult to scratch!   Eye drops - ask your Phramcasist for something appropriate or buy over the counter.  'optrex' is a good product to try but must be used regularly.

Prior to each period I would feel breathless which went immediately the bleed began is there a cyclic aspect to this 4 U?  As for aching muscles this can also be caused by a lack of oestrogen and should be eased with over the counter pain relief taken regularly. I have restless legs, several bananas a week cured that.  Or  2 'nurofen' if it bothers me at night. 

Dizzyness/nausea can be surges of adrenaline caused by hormonal ups and downs.  I was told by NAPS to eat every 3 hours, even in the night and that advice certainly saved my Life.  Even 20 years after I still keep to regular eating to stop that awful lurch when the body is hungry = intense sickness feelings. 

Low mood can be eased by appropriate anti-depressant medication - some require that with HRT.  Also any anxiety can be helped with an emergency drug "as necessary".  Don't give up hope!


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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2021, 06:41:17 PM »

I am now 3 weeks off HRT, but continue to use internal oestrogen cream twice weekly. I felt so rough on the HRT especially after having my coil removed as it was sitting in my cervix. I now take menopace plus and 2 seabuck thorn tablets daily. I am trying to eat a healthier diet and do a little exercise every day. In general I am feeling better than I have in ages. My VA does seem to have gotten a bit worse, but I am trying to managed that. I am also not sleeping too well, but that could be due to the fact that I am on furlough and getting a bit bored at home. I know it is early days but I am trying to be positive and not less this blooming menopause ruin my life x


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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2021, 06:49:41 PM »

VA has to be controlled on a daily basis - our threads give lots of advice and sympathy  ;).  Although classed as HRT it's not the same as other forms of medication.  It can be used without other forms of HRT too.


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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2021, 10:21:37 PM »

Hi sed  - I've been off hrt 8 weeks now. Used low or ultra low dose femoston conti over the last 5 years or so. I stopped the hrt prior to a hysteroscopy in January when I had to - but decided to carry on without it and see how I got on. I am using Vagifem twice weekly and also sylk moisturiser internally when I feel I need it and Olive and Bee moisturiser externally. This is an expensive cream but worth it.
I have been steadily improving  over the 8 weeks. Initially sleep disturbance, small joint pain, tearfulness and early morning anxiety. However, I am feeling pretty good at this point (still wobbly at times!) and I intend to keep going. I feel more 'me' and certainly less fatigued, more optimism is creeping in - I was pretty 'flat' and low in energy on hrt in the end I think.
Anyway I feel I'm getting over the pain barrier.
I try not to get over tired but to have a good walk daily. I'm cutting out coffee and reducing sugary treats. I've started taking Vit D (good for pelvic issues I believe). I take a half teaspoon of calcium, magnesium and zinc powder in water a few nights a week - I think the magnesium helps with sleep and muscle relaxation. I'm avoiding alcohol - think it will make me too emotional.
Your gp should be able to advise re stopping your hrt if that's what you decide to do. I just decided to stop mine though, but I was just taking a daily tablet so it was more straightforward.  I'm happy I decided to stop and it seems to be working out.
Very best wishes whatever you decide. X


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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2021, 08:34:38 AM »

Hi sed,

There are plenty of alternatives to HRT, but just like HRT it can be difficult to find what suits you.  Sometimes lifestyle changes can get you halfway there.

I would recommend this book.  The earlier addition was a real boon, during my natural meno journey.

The New Natural Alternatives to HRT
Marilyn Glenville

Hope that helps



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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2021, 04:22:23 PM »

I had my mirena removed a few years ago and before any postmenopausal symptoms but do understand the changes it can make when removed - I used them for 15 years and weirdly felt really 'free' inside when it came out.  I did not go on any other contraception because I wanted to be clean of chemical intervention and I am actually really glad I did because I am completely in control (doesn't stop me from having mood swings but I can control them when I do).

A year or so after the removal the peri started.  It was about the same time I was finishing my diploma in phytotherapy (medical herbalism) so I have tried a number of natural things that have worked for me that I am happy to share.

I need to stress here that any remedy (herbal or chemical) is specific to each individual.  It is bonkers that everyone gets the same dosage of anything because we are all different (weights, metabolism, thyroid function, diet etc...)  But here is what I did - and be prepared for it to take a while to get your head around:

Get a hormone graph like this:

Then match it to your pattern depending on the length of your cycle... which includes if you are having periods or not... you should be able to match it on your moods because even though hormones are low, they still fluctuate in a similar way.  I also take St John's Wort to calm the crazy.  Some days I need to take more than others.

I use Black Cohosh which is safe for the vast majority of people (unless you know you have some kind of liver condition, in which case I would choose Red Clover).  And take a pill when you are low.  If you take a pill to boost your oestrogen levels when you're on a high level, you are likely to get all the horrid symptoms like sore boobs, migraines etc... You don't need a tablet every day because that can build up the oestrogen and cause other issues - so balance what you need.

You need to map out your hormones and take note of your moods etc so you can get the levels right.  It's taken me about 6 months but I can avoid the painful boobs, migraines and hot flushes now.  You may want to avoid oestrogen foods during high times too like soya products cos they can cause all sorts of fluctuations.   Lemon can also play havoc with your thyroid regulation so cutting back on that and all sugars too will bring some calmness.  It's all about getting the balance back and it is going to be a challenge (I won't lie).

Happy to give further advice if needed - take responsibility back and your body will thank you for it.  Defo get reading and know that what you need is specific to you.  It's half the battle when you take back control but it takes some learning.  It's all out there if you have the time and inclination.
 Good luck!.


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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2021, 04:33:26 PM »

Lemon can also play havoc with your thyroid regulation so cutting back on that and all sugars too will bring some calmness.

We use a lot of lemon in cooking which I love ........ as well as garlic and ginger in almost every meal.  Can you explain why lemon upsets thyroid function?

Also Black Cohash shouldn't be used for more than 3 months then a break should be taken.


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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2021, 08:05:23 PM »

Hi Sed...I did take hrt briefly, which was a big mistake. Had dreadful breathlessness and all sorts of symptoms. I stopped it overnight, no problems, just huge relief to be off it.
I totally echo what shadyglade says. Marilyn Glenville's book was really great for me. I started regular exercise which really helped... nearly 3 years post meno and the odd hot flush, no big deal. I think I'm just used to them now. They used to be a lot worse. I think its a case of just seeing it through....things for me just levelled out and got better. I had terrible joint stiffness initially and that's all gone now...


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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2021, 08:20:57 PM »

Is there a more recent book than the one recommended above? If I understand correctly it's nearly twenty years old?


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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2021, 09:33:53 PM »

Is there a more recent book than the one recommended above? If I understand correctly it's nearly twenty years old?

It's a new updated addition. Still not that recent I know, but still very relivant.

Check out her website and you will get a clearer idea.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2021, 09:39:23 PM by Shadyglade »


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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2021, 09:39:46 AM »

Morning, I am in two minds whether to stop taking HRT or not. I think I’m coming around to the fact that it is just not working for me.
I am on Femonston 1/10 with a top up of 1 pump of oestrogel every second day. That worked for a while and then my sleep went downhill I added spray magnesium, CBD oil, citalopram, all the recommended meno vits and sleep was no better.
I realise I am throwing too many supplements/ minerals/ treatments and feel like binning the lot!
I’ve bought menopace plus and think I should wean off the HRT and stick to that and magnesium spray.
Any advice please xx


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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2021, 10:41:59 AM »

Hi Mariawd
It might be difficult to work out what is helping/hindering if you are taking a lot of things at once.
If you want to have a trial off hrt maybe your dr could offer a lower dose/cut your tablet in half if appropriate (no knowledge of using gel) - if you want to wean off over a couple of months for example. Some people on low dose hrt just stop and it's very individual how you get on. You can only try. I recently stopped hrt and it's been a bit up and down but not a rollercoaster. I was on low and then briefly on ultra low femoston conti. I have more energy now,  my initial sleep issues resolved, aches/pains too, mood a bit fragile at times but manageable.
I take vit d and also calcium/mag/zinc powder a few times a week. Walking helps level my mood and sleep.
I think if you are using a lot of supplements etc it will be hard to know what is of help - also confirm what is ok to mix with citalopram.
I'm 9 or so weeks off hrt and don't plan on restarting (and I have a whole heap of family stuff going on too!). So, overall for me a good result so far. Hope that helps.


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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2021, 12:04:35 PM »

Thank you Debee, that’s very helpful.
I am on way too much !!


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Re: Accepting HRT isn’t working for me....
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2021, 06:17:54 PM »

I tried HRT and I did not feel a big improvement, so I stopped taking it. I suggest you do it gradually, as I did have bad effects after my sudden withdrawal. I replaced it with soy capsules (2-3 daily), fish oil for brain fog, 2 cups of soy milk (that was tough, I stopped them now, but they had good results), magnesium for sleeping and anxiety, vitamin D drops, occasionally a multivitamin. If you need the specific brands, please let me know. I had to try several soy supplements until I found something that worked for me. Then, wholesome diet and step counting... My energy levels are slowly returning, so there is hope.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2021, 06:24:23 PM by Ingeborg3 »
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