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Author Topic: First month (Sandrena/Utrogestan) mood crashing - progesterone intolerance?  (Read 1709 times)


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Hi everyone, my first post but have been reading for a while. Have been struggling for a while and knew I was peri (am 49) and was taking Sertraline but came off it in the autumn as just didn't feel it was helping with what I thought was depression/anxiety. Then finally considered HRT and a great GP prescribed (and for me to come here!) although I have now had to move GP's and the new one is definitely less knowledgeable.

I have done just over a full first month of Sandrena (100) and Utrogestan (200 from day 15 but I chose to use vaginally not orally).

Within a week of starting the Sandrena, I felt mentally better than most of the last 5 or more years! My mood stabilised and the (major) irritation plus a load of physical stuff disappeared. I hadn't realised just how terrible my mood swings were. This good mood increased slowly over the month and even my husband was astounded in the change in me.

However, after stopping the Utrogestan 5 days ago (and now having a 'period') my mood has crashed through the floor and I just feel terrible, so low and so exhausted it is almost scary. I remembered having almost the exact same crash sometimes when my period started (it was almost scary).

I also had severe PND after one pregnancy and psychosis (a very strange experience for one week followed by 5 weeks of slowly getting better from acute depression and anxiety) which would suggest I have an issue with progesterone.

Would the post-progesterone experience line up with this does anyone think? Does anyone else have this?

I am obviously upset as thought I had found the holy grail in Sandrena! Although it is only the first month I am now thinking I might not take the Utrogestan for the next month or even two (it seems this wouldn't be too dangerous) and then try again perhaps just for 7 days (and be prepared for another crash?). I appreciate I may need to investigate scans etc. if this did seem the way forward.

If anyone could advise and/or cheer me up as dreading how long this low will last... or even if there is anything I could do, increase the Sandrena perhaps?

Thanks for any wisdom in advance!


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While I hated the low mood on progesterone I felt almost psychotic during withdrawal. Sequential was horrible, but I couldn’t do continuous as by day 4 I was so depressed. I lasted a year of having these horrendous episodes.
Tried the Jaydess. While I felt more stable as no fluctuations it did give me a constant low mood. A lot of women get on ok with it though. X


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Hi Avalon and KBallinger, thanks so much for your replies, that all makes sense. I think I will leave the Progesterone out for the next two months and then try and introduce it continuously and see how I get on (better than crashing down which was almost scary). I didn't feel too bad on it it was just afterwards. If I get constant low mood I will have to think again... fingers crossed....


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I was the same as you, I have now had the coil fitted which releases progesterone.  I now just take estrogen which has made me much more stable. 



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You poor thing, you can't actually believe the shocking effect the utrogestin or stopping it has I know.

What I wish I'd tried (before the Gp took my Oestrogel away ) was to perhaps come down off the utrogestin really slowly, ie for 7 days, then every other n then every 3rd day etc, cause I feel sure it is the change in hormones that kills us.

I never suffered from post natal depression but breast fed for 13 months each time so wondered if it just allowed my body to gradually wean off the hormones ???

I tried a constant low dose of Utrogestin too but that made me feel poorly as well.

Best of luck and if you find a way to take it please let us know.

Coll x