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Author Topic: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES  (Read 746480 times)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #270 on: March 06, 2009, 09:21:19 PM »

Thanks Rosebush - its amazing the difference I feel - the anxiety levels have definately eased - and believe me, thats such a relief!!  I am having reflexology on Tuesday (I have a good friend who is a highly qualified therapist) and she is going to work on my kidneys and adrenals - as they obviously come under attack when all the stimulants coming into the body!!  But like you, I do want to have the odd treat of a glass of wine every so often. 

Yogini xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #271 on: March 07, 2009, 08:00:39 AM »

I am in the fortunate position of not suffering hot flushes (yet) and I have wondered why some women suffer so much and others don't. I am a very small drinker, the kind of person who can make a glass of wine last all evening without even trying. From reading above threads maybe that is connected. Don't even ask me about chocolate because if that were connected to hot flushes I'd be permananently dripping :D :D



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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #272 on: March 07, 2009, 10:34:52 AM »

Ohhhh chocolate, i do have the odd Sq 85% cocoa, but it has to be in the morning/lunchtime... did have some at night wks ago..OMG never again, sweats were back to every 1/2hr..ladies if you can have a glass of wine & choc's with no effect, have some for me.. :clapping:

As for some women flushing/sweating and some not...My Sister (2yrs younger) had early meno at 39, periods just stopped, she has not had any symptoms at all, that was 18yrs ago....she jokes i am having her share.. :-* My younger Sister is so hoping she doesn't follow me!!!


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #273 on: March 19, 2009, 08:57:57 AM »

I have been getting dizzy spells occasionally for the last couple of years. They only last a few seconds, and they may even happen when I am sitting down. This morning I had a particularly bad one and nearly fell over. It has left me feeling very shaky and anxious. Is this all part of the vaso-motor symptoms do you suppose? I don't really get hot flushes, although I do wake with night sweats sometimes.

Kathy  :-\


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #274 on: March 19, 2009, 09:14:37 AM »

Hi Kathy, sorry to hear you are suffering.  I had lots of dizzy spells when i first became perimeno.  (I am 52, and 2 years into it).  They could of course be linked to other things - inner or middle ear problems - and could also be related to the anxiety and stress around meno.  Maybe get an appointment with Doc., and get the ears looked at, and see what Doc. says.  Many of the ladies on the forum have commented on dizziness.

Yogini xxxxxxxxxxxx


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #275 on: March 19, 2009, 09:19:42 AM »

Thanks yogini, I think I probably should get this investigated. What worries me, if it should happen when I'm driving.......

Kathy xxxx


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #276 on: March 19, 2009, 12:07:18 PM »

I used to worry like that too - but it never did!! I think we have to be careful not to restrict ourselves, or to talk ourselves into something - we can do this very easily.  I remember my dear old Mum used to get my dad to drive her to work when she was menopausal - she panicked and could not drive herself.  I have often felt like that, but have made myself go!!

Love Yogini xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #277 on: March 19, 2009, 01:52:38 PM »

Thanks Yogini, I feel a lot better now. I've just had a run and that always helps me think and I feel much more positive.

Kathy xx  :)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #278 on: April 09, 2009, 08:48:11 PM »

Hi Guys

I've been having flushes and night sweats for about 6 weeks now and they're happening more often and are more intense. I can cope with the days but I'm having about 5-6 every night and am totally shattered. I have confusion, memory loss, elation/doom feelings constantly and absolutely no sex drive. I will be getting results from my blood test next week - don't know whether it will prove anything but the doc wanted to do one anyway so I'm happy with that. During our chat she told me that I should try agnus castus and that from now on soy and linseeds will be my best friends - anyone had any success with these?
Also will try Starflower oil for the flushes, don't think I could cope with these for 2 years let alone 5 or 15!

I must say that after finding this site and getting info from it I feel more positive then I have for a long time cos I now know that I'm not going mad and at some time this will pass and I'll eventually feel better - there IS a reason for how a feel and its NOT me - for this I am truely thankful  :'(

ps has anyone experienced any problems with taking multiple oils/herbal things - apart from a very empty purse  ;D ;D

Thanks to all the lovely people on this site  :thankyou: :foryou:for sharing their experiences and for making me feel 'normal'


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #279 on: April 10, 2009, 08:02:09 AM »

Hi Pebble, when I first became perimeno, I took a Vitamin B complex, plus Agnus Castus plus Omega 7 capsules - plus I had some acupuncture treatment.  The Vit B did help my skin problems but everything else just upset the balance even more. 

I then stopped everything and tried one thing at a time - but it was like the body was saying STOP .  Now I take nothing - but have changed my diet.  My worst symptoms were the anxiety rushes and the panic attacks and feelings of doom and gloom.  I have given up wine, caffeine and chocolate - and the improvement is dramatic.  I tried a couple of squares of chocolate this week and i could feel the anxiety starting to surge again.  So no stimulants is working for me!!  I dont take HRT, so have had to find my way of coping.

Love Yogini xxxxxxx


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #280 on: April 10, 2009, 09:19:49 AM »

Hi Pebble, when I first became perimeno, I took a Vitamin B complex, plus Agnus Castus plus Omega 7 capsules - plus I had some acupuncture treatment.  The Vit B did help my skin problems but everything else just upset the balance even more. 

I then stopped everything and tried one thing at a time - but it was like the body was saying STOP .  Now I take nothing - but have changed my diet.  My worst symptoms were the anxiety rushes and the panic attacks and feelings of doom and gloom.  I have given up wine, caffeine and chocolate - and the improvement is dramatic.  I tried a couple of squares of chocolate this week and i could feel the anxiety starting to surge again.  So no stimulants is working for me!!  I dont take HRT, so have had to find my way of coping.

Love Yogini xxxxxxx

Thanks Yogini xxx

I stopped taking caffeine about 3 years ago - by mistake as was only going to cut down for a while - and am now completely intolerant. I rarely drink, only on the odd accasion we go for a meal. Am a veggie and try not to indulge in 'naughty food' but find myself at the mo craving choccy.
I'm going to get some agnus castus and Starflower oil - am only taking EPO at the mo and don't really know if it does anything but I've always taken it every now and then.
Since the sweats started, my skin actually feels better  ???. I suppose the worst for me is the mood swings, which I'm trying really hard to control but the lows are very low and dark but I have to keep telling myself that it's my hormones and things will get better. I'm just soooo glad I've found this site  ;)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #281 on: April 10, 2009, 12:47:13 PM »

Hi Pebbles, sorry you are feeling so bad.
I have been on HRT for about 2 years now. I tried several alternatives such as Femal & black cohash but they took about a month to kick in & after 3 months they stopped working altogether. Like you say it can be a strain on the old purse strings.
I am on a low does of HRT & they have stopped my hot flushes  :) :). I still get confused about every day things & at work they must think I am losing the plot sometimes. I use to worry about turning in to my mum who ended up with altzheimers but now I try & just take each day as it comes.

I always have some Bach rescue remedy pastilles in my bag & when I get nrevous or panicky about things I suck one & it just takes the edge off of it.

Like you say you aren't going mad, & now you understand what is happening to your body you will be relieved a bit, well I know I did when I realised what was going on.

Glad to have you with us & I hope you keep posting. If you need to ask anything then let us know.

Love Cazikins xx
 :cat48: :cat48:


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #282 on: April 13, 2009, 07:47:44 PM »

Thanks so much Cazikins  :thankyou:

Have had a couple of really low days but am trying really hard to be positive.  :)

Have started to take flaxseed capsules, vit B complex, Zinc and still taking my EPO so will see what happens. Will be getting some agnus castus this week as well, but thanks for making me feel so welcome xx

hot and nowty

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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #283 on: May 25, 2009, 07:51:55 PM »

Before I went on my hols I had been suffering from Night sweats keeping me awake and disturbing wat little sleep i had, also had sweats in the day, cud be any thing up to 20 a day.
But i bought some Menopace and some starflower tabs, (i'd tried the cohash for a month) and took them away with me, did not have one flush or kept awake at night while i was away.
Had a little bit of hot spot saturday night when we were out, not as bad as previously tho.

So when i go back to the doc I'm gonna ask for a month in Turkey.
Can't see it happening tho.
Hope everyone else has found there own remedies and are coping ok.
There's nothing worse than  losing sleep when ya have to try to work the next day, I was told to have a nap in the afternoon but think my manager may have something to say as well as my customers. :)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #284 on: May 29, 2009, 06:26:47 PM »

Hi all, hope you're all enjoying the Spring sunshine!
I'm so glad I found this forum as I've been searching the web for support and advice re: hysterectomy and menopause for a couple of days now! My name is Cessj, and in 2003, aged 43, I had a total hysterectomy as I had the most humoungous fibroids. After the op., the docs showed me the largest which was the size of a new born baby!
Anyway, about a year ago, aged 47/48, I started getting meno symptoms, especially hot flushes and the odd night sweats. I went to my GP but as I have a history of high blood pressure and recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes, and my family has history of stroke, my GP would not put me on HRT. The hot sweats/flushes went away, but in the last month have returned, and boy! with a vengeance. I get them by day and night, and my nights are broken by hourly sweats that leave me drenched and freezing- I'm sure you all know what I am going through. So I wake up in the morning with a fuzzy brain, tired, sometimes dizzy, and find it really hard to get up for work....some days, if I could stay in bed all day, I'd happily do so.  I'm reasonably functioning by mid-late afternoon.
I would really like some advice on treatment options as I am not a good candidate for HRT...but I've been told that some of the natural remedies can be pretty bad.

The other thing is sore breasts, especially my nipples. I don't have periods any longer as a result of the hysterectomy, but still get the physical and emotional problems - sore breasts, mood swings. It seems so unfair in a way that although I am no longer fertile, that I have to be reminded of this every month...and for some reason, the nipple/breast soreness has been worse since the most recent onset of night sweats/hot flushes...I also ocassionally have the most awful panicky sensations and feelings of dizziness but they have subsided for now...does anyone have any advice to offer...I am only 48 [soon to be 49] but I'm finding the meno very hard...I've always been used to looking 10-20 years younger, but suddenly I feel like 79 [apologies to any 79 year olds on the forum]. my skin looks awful, the weight is piling on,  have no energy, sex drive disappeared, tired, and worse of all, can't even envisage a future...sorry to offload, but I don't know if anyone else but you all will understand
Cessj ;)
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