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Author Topic: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES  (Read 746481 times)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #465 on: March 30, 2011, 09:24:27 PM »

Hi jesi
Hope that the things you're trying now help you but otherwise I'd go back onto HRT if I were you! I've only been on it a couple of years (now 51) and current plan is to try weaning off at 55. However, if the symptoms return, I'll be back on it like a shot - quality over quantity every time for me!  ;)
You'll find lots of info and support here - maybe introduce yourself in "New Members" as you might get missed in an existing thread and others will want to welcome you.  :)
Bette x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #466 on: March 31, 2011, 12:08:26 PM »

HELP!!! :-\

I'm 53, been meno for nearly 5 years now. Hot flushes day and night, lack of sleep etc. My doc won't let me have HRT as my Mum had breast cancer, aged 80.

I have tried many, many alternatives, nothing's worked. My doc has tried many non-hormonal drugs for me but they either don't work or work for a while then stop.

The latest one being "Abufen" which is "Beta Alanine". This seemed to work for a couple of months but then I gave up smoking last November and the hot flushes are now worse than they've ever been.

We've just had to buy a new mattress as our old one literally rotted! :o

My weight has increased a lot but I put this down to stopping smoking.
 However....I've been searching on the internet for info on Abufen and Beta-Alanine" and found that it's used by weight trainers to build muscle and improve how on earth can this drug also help with hot flushes???  >:(

I'm wondering if this is contributing to the weight gain.... :boobs: :boobs:

Can anyone advise?

 :'( :'(



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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #467 on: March 31, 2011, 01:43:33 PM »

Susan, I agree. I live in France, he's a French doctor and very nice but very adamant!

I'll just keep going back until he gets fed up with me and has to give me something that works!

I am currently seeking further info on my Mums breast cancer type (she died in 2004 of a brain tumour).

I have done some research and apparently if it was "oestrogen fed" it would be an issue regardless of her age.

ho hum!!  ::)

ducky ducky

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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #468 on: March 31, 2011, 03:05:39 PM »

Hi All
 Just reading your threads on hot flushes and was wondering if anyone else has had a a connection with the flushes and high Blood pressure. My pressures always been low but flushes start and its sky high, now on tablets for it. Just a thought, I ve given up trying to understand my body anymore, ha ha


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #469 on: March 31, 2011, 08:07:31 PM »

Not sure where I should post this but thought it might be helpful to do a Tridestra update. Im on Day 18 and feeling ok. Much calmer, more rational and able to cope with most of the c..p at work! I was getting yucky sick headaches about 1-2 hours after taking the tablets in the morning so decided to take them at bedtime. Im still sleeping well with no hot flushes, wake up with a bit of a headache but not too bad and able to function ok. Im dreading the little green pill (progesterone phase) but so far so goodish. One of my colleagues has started having menopause problems and I have recommended this forum as I have found it so useful. I also recommended this article as it summed up our problems:


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #470 on: April 07, 2011, 07:16:03 PM »

Hi All - Interesting reading all your stories, and it is evident that we are all suffering; some more than others.  I just want to share my experiences with you and also remedies I have tried.

In June last year, I had a total hysterectomy.  I knew I would experience some menopause symptoms, but as they came on immediately, I thought I would get over them more quickly.  How wrong was I?

In week 6 of my post op recovery, my Mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness and was given until xmas.  I was trying my best to be supportive to her and my dad at that time, being signed off work supposedly trying to get back to some kind of fitness.  However, she deteriorated (or gave up) and died in September last year. 

I went back to work in November.  I aren`t someone who takes medications easily.  So I have tried Homeopathy, for both menopause, grief and broken thumb!  Every morning I take 1000 mg starflower oil, a calcium supplement, and Menopal (red clover, cohosh).  I was also taking Menopace (night) but felt they were keeping me awake so stopped taking them. 

My colleagues suggested Apple Cider vinegar in hot water, this did help with poor sleep pattern for a time and the sweatshttp:// 
This week I started drinking Soya Milk (with drinking chocolate added to taste like milk shake).  Too early to say whether it is working.

But some nights are worse than others, I seem to have  a couple of good nights, and then several bad nights!
I am working full time, absolutely knackered, I have painful heels and ankles making it nearly impossible to walk first thing in the morning, for which the GP said to do exercise.  My hands are stiff in the morning, and I have now developed sore elbow and shoulder.  I really don`t get why.
I am permanently tired, and tearful most of the time, which I don`t know whether is because of my grief or due to the menopause.  I am having counselling.   I have tried walking regularly, but now I am back at work, I am just too tired to do this at night when I get home. 

I am now going to try Aromatherapy.  Geranium oil is good for balancing hormones.  I need to make time for myself and my husband.  Our relationship, although still good and strong, has limited sexual activity.  Even a cuddle brings on hot flusheshttp://.  I also suffer with vaginal atrophy for which i have tried lubricants.

My Gp is reluctant to give me HRT and to be honest, I don`t really want to risk the breast cancer (which my mother had at 59 which came back 19 years later)!, and after having an operation to reduce risk of other cancer. 

To conclude. my flushes/night sweats http://vary from being very bad to tolerable.
I don`t know whether the tiredness, weapiness and mood swings are due to the menopause, grief or the hysterectomy.
I have put on two stone in weight!
My quality of life is absolutely awful.   So do I risk the HRT. 
My sister has gone through the menopause naturally (but not had a hysterectomy) and her symptoms lasted about 4/5 years.  Even now though, she can still get some flushes.
I think I have tried most remedies, but if anyone can recommend anything else, please, please, please let me know.  Even though I am spending an absolute fortune on remedies.


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #471 on: April 18, 2011, 06:46:56 PM »

I was getting 10-12 hot flushes during the night.  I never had the "waking up dripping" type of hot flush and I don't seem to get them during the day.  Obviously I was suffering from lack of sleep.

My GP prescribed me Clonidine which is a non-HRT solution. 

For me this has worked extremely well.  I now only wake a couple of times during the night.


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #472 on: May 06, 2011, 08:39:59 PM »

Can anyone tell me - do flushes just stop?
I haven't had one in several weeks and I'm constantly feeling my boobs :o to see if they're tender/pre-menstrual - they aren't. I'm just waiting for a flush to slap me and shout "Behind youuuuu". Does this crappy flushing actually end suddenly - or just peter out?


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #473 on: May 06, 2011, 09:49:13 PM »

The only time mine just stopped were when I was  building up for a period. I didn't get any of the other premenstrual symptoms - just a stopping of the sweats. How long is it since your last period?  Let us know what happens!!

Taz x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #474 on: May 08, 2011, 09:29:39 AM »

Taz - I've gone almost 2 years and then 18 months.
I'm feeling the crampiness so I think it might be a hormonal last-gasp!
Just going to enjoy a few more days of feeling normal.

Larky - perhaps that's where I'm going to be next and it's all part of the wind-down.

I'm trying to enjoy how I feel now and not dwell on the return of the meno-monster  :-*


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #475 on: May 09, 2011, 12:56:15 PM »

I have been having night flushes for 18 months and they are getting gradually worse. I have a demanding full time job and this is really taking its toll. I don't get flushes during the day at all and have no other problems so would really like to avoid HRT.

Sleeping with a fan or a window open is a non-starter as I am a very light sleeper and the slightest noise wakes me up.

I take Black Cohosh with sage which seemed to work for a while but not any more. Red Clover and menopace didn't seem to make any difference.

I will try the starflower suggested by someone but if anyone else has any bright ideas I would love to hear them.



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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #476 on: May 09, 2011, 02:50:38 PM »

Hi sgf1960
No advice on alternatives, I'm afraid as I'm on HRT but you might find some ideas in the Green Menu under "Alternative Therapies" and "Alternative Techniques."
You might want to introduce yourself by starting a thread on "New Members" as newbies often get missed in the middle of existing threads and others will want to welcome you.
Bette x

coffee mate

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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #477 on: May 10, 2011, 06:15:18 AM »

Wonder why some of us suffer hot flushes, and some of us dont, even though we are all in meno?
Ive never had a hot flush...yet I have ALL of the other usual symptoms, I sometimes feel a bit jealous, as I can remember my Nan having them, and I always wondered what they felt like,  and I dont think Mum suffered with them to the same extent as my Nan and some of you lady's.
I would like to have one just to see [feel] what its like...... or maybe I should be careful what I wish for?......... ???


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #478 on: May 10, 2011, 06:30:32 AM »

Yes be careful Coffee Mate  :D  what do they feel like. Firstly, I would begin to feel sick and slightly dizzy and also a bit like I might need to rush to the loo, then my heart rate would start to rise and I would get a horrible feeling like I couldn't get enough air into my lungs - I wanted to fling my arms wide somehow to get some more air in - my mouth would go very dry and then the heat would start. With me the heat spread from my chest somewhere. It would travel up and then down my body and, lastly, the sweat would break out. The back of my neck would sweat leaving my hair really wet underneath and then the sweat would run down my back and into the waistband of my trousers and knickers. Under my boobs would be soaking and, lastly, it would drip off the end of my nose if I didn't have a tissue. My glasses would steam up too which would cause hilarity with my pupils.   :hotflash:

Of course at the beginning it was just a few little hot feelings and I thought, smugly, "what's so dreadful about flushes?"  ;D

Are you well into meno CM - sorry can't remember!

Taz x

coffee mate

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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #479 on: May 10, 2011, 06:46:30 AM »

Bloody hell they do sound awful Taz, I am post meno now, about three years?
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