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Author Topic: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES  (Read 749924 times)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #405 on: June 08, 2010, 05:15:19 PM »

Awww bless ya :( x lm 44 had my hyster 11 weeks ago glad the hrt has now stopped mine they were awful :( l found drinking hot drinks made them worse anyone else? Wish l could help you your stil;l a babe !! Good luck x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #406 on: June 20, 2010, 06:55:19 AM »

Hi Ladies
I havent posted in  a long time but some of you will remember me ::)
I stopped posting because i felt I was letting the meno become the focus of my life so i made a decsion to turn things around ( see embracing the meno thread for details)
Since then like most ive tried every herbal under the sun, done the no alcohol, no chocolate, no caffeine bit, had hypnotherapy and been on a Trial to see if paced breathing and CBT would help which it did ...a bit ::)
Flushes..well dripping sweats really day and night almost hourly have plaqued me now for 2 1/2 years.

However at last progress has been made, a colleauque of mine who was suffering similarly, was trying Citalopram with remarkable effect.
So i hot footed of to my GP to see what he would its an 'off licence' use for hot flushes he needed to check it out first. Anyway to cut a long story short, i started Fluoxetine 20mg on wednesday, and already they are almost gone, they are mild flushes, with a slight sweat across the brow. And joy of joys i have just had a nights sleep where i woke up once with a mild flush and was soon back to sleep :ola:
long may this last, if i have to be on them the rest of my life i will.
 love to all my friends in mad meno land


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #407 on: June 20, 2010, 07:44:38 AM »

Wow Poppins that fantastic news!  :cancan:
Nice to see you again by the way  :)
Luckily I'm not a flusher as a rule but I'm sure your post will give other sufferers another option to think about.

I don't post as much these days either, I'm feeling much better after 5 years of peri meno.  I went into town yesterday morning on my own and it suddenly struck me that I FELT COMPLETELY NORMAL!!!  :bounce:
So to any newbies reading this, don't despair it DOES get better, either on it's own or with the help of medication like Poppins has found.

Catweazle x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #408 on: June 20, 2010, 07:56:44 AM »

Hi Catweazle.
Nice to see you too :-*
Glad things are coming back to normal for you to. Apart from the sweats i am also feeling much better generally, less episodes of forgetfullness, much less ranting and raving over nothing, and now Ive got my thyroid sorted out more energy as well.

Just as an aside to all you ladies taking mega soya type products,  it can interfere with thyroxine production, I know this time last year I tried this route an it wasnt long after my thyroid became a real problem, Im not saying it caused it as it is an another auto immune condition ive got, and rules out another herbal remedy.
Remember not all our symptoms are due to the meno, depite being tested normal for thyroid at the begining of this journey it is still possible to develop it at a later stage and still blame it all on the meno ::)

Yes I can echo your words Catweazle it does get better...its a pity it does take such a long time, but its not called the 'change for nothing i really have changed in myself too, and that needs to take time...I like who I am now, and thanks to the meno, i have made a number of new hopefully lifelong friends...a real added bonus  :wub:


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #409 on: June 20, 2010, 09:26:31 PM »

Wee Rascal....any luck with the sage yet?

wee rascal

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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #410 on: June 20, 2010, 09:33:29 PM »

Well....i'm taking it along with the 0.25 Estradot can't say what's doing what really but I don't want to stop either, just in case  ;D

Flushes and sweats do seem to be reducing a bit now. I'm hoping that as time goes on and the estrogen builds in my system they'll go away. The sage tablets may be helping too, so will keep on taking them  :)

Catherine x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #411 on: June 21, 2010, 11:46:28 AM »

Hi Ladies
I havent posted in  a long time but some of you will remember me ::)
I stopped posting because i felt I was letting the meno become the focus of my life so i made a decsion to turn things around ( see embracing the meno thread for details)
Since then like most ive tried every herbal under the sun, done the no alcohol, no chocolate, no caffeine bit, had hypnotherapy and been on a Trial to see if paced breathing and CBT would help which it did ...a bit ::)
Flushes..well dripping sweats really day and night almost hourly have plaqued me now for 2 1/2 years.

However at last progress has been made, a colleauque of mine who was suffering similarly, was trying Citalopram with remarkable effect.
So i hot footed of to my GP to see what he would its an 'off licence' use for hot flushes he needed to check it out first. Anyway to cut a long story short, i started Fluoxetine 20mg on wednesday, and already they are almost gone, they are mild flushes, with a slight sweat across the brow. And joy of joys i have just had a nights sleep where i woke up once with a mild flush and was soon back to sleep :ola:
long may this last, if i have to be on them the rest of my life i will.
 love to all my friends in mad meno land

Why were you not given 'Citalopram' though? Isn't Fluoxetine 'Prozac'?
Am interested as I have both upstairs in my drawer and just daren't start either....


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #412 on: June 21, 2010, 05:21:13 PM »

I am on Fluoxetine and have been told it is prozac, but it works, so don't really care what it is called, lol!


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #413 on: June 21, 2010, 05:58:30 PM »

No...I really meant why did you not get Citalopram? Was Prozac your GP's choice?


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #414 on: June 21, 2010, 07:13:31 PM »

Prozac is now used for hot flushes. Citalopram can also be used as they are both SSRI's but this tends to be the drug of choice when there is also anxiety involved.

Taz  :)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #415 on: June 28, 2010, 01:08:07 PM »

Hi Mad Hot Magda.
I was given fluoxetine/prozac for the simple reason that i had had them in the past fro depression so knew they suited me.


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #416 on: June 28, 2010, 02:42:43 PM »

Oh poppins.... am in a real mess today. The depression is huge now. This also makes my flushes worse. I tried Prozac last summer and it did help with depression but made me even more anxious and gave me insomnia.
I'm neurotic about weight gain too.
I was on seroxat for over 12 years and gained nearly 4 stones.....
just don't know what to do....  :-\
Thank you for your replies. XX


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #417 on: June 28, 2010, 09:10:24 PM »

MH Magda,
It really does sound like you have got to give something a go , you cant stay like you are. I was on Prozac for 9 months several years ago, and weight gain was never a problem.
this time ive put on 2lbs but thats just because ive been away on holiday.
How about the citalopram if you have it in the house, you can always stop it if it doesnt suit.
love poppinsxx


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #418 on: June 29, 2010, 09:23:01 AM »

That's so good that prozac is getting the widespread use it deserves and doctors are getting better at prescribing it.
It's really helped me although the doctors are still pushing the only stay on it for six months thing.
I got back on them after a short break when I felt terrible again.
BUT  :( the last few days during this heat (over 30 here in London) I have been feeling bad again. Continuous sweating (hideous!) and slightly heightened anxiety. I'm hoping it's not that the pills have stopped working just that the combination of heat and menopause is causing a temporary malfunction... :sweatdrop:


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #419 on: June 29, 2010, 07:06:29 PM »

Im glad youve said that, ive been worse the past6 couple of days and was worrying the opills wornt working. I think it must be the humidity as ive just had a week in France and didnt feel like this, it was hot but not humid.
Even tho i still managed to sleep heaps better, last night getting a full 4 hours :o
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