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Author Topic: Really scared -Menopause??  (Read 1159 times)


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Really scared -Menopause??
« on: October 19, 2020, 07:58:08 AM »


I was recommended to visit this website by my GP as she thinks my symptoms are consistent with the menopause.

I just wanted to tell you a little bit about me, I'm 47 and have had health anxiety virtually my whole life and it seems to have got worse as I've got older.

As a result of this I've pretty much spent my life on various AD's trying to control the symptoms.  My current fear for probably the last few years has been Leukemia and it's compounded by the fact that I've not had a blood test since my son was born 15 years ago!
I've been going through issues with periods since my late thirties,  stemming from really heavy periods,  skipping an odd one and I'm now at the point where I've not had a period since March.  I had some cramping and very light spotting about a month ago but nothing else.  I've also been experiencing severe hot flushes on and off which seem to ease off around the time I have a bleed and then restart again whilst I'm skipping periods, joint pain and dizziness at times.

I have asked for a blood test for menopause but GP said no point due to age and symptoms she is fairly confident that's what it is.

My main issue at the moment is bleeding gums.  I've recently swapped my AD's as I was taking Venlafaxine but they seemed to make the hot flushes worse and I also found that ever since I started taking them I bruised really easy. - You can see why the Leukemia fear has set in.

Anyway about a month ago I swapped to Fluoxetine which I always took when I was younger without problem. However,  I'm feeling more anxious than ever on it and it's compounded by the fact that my gums have started to really bleed when brushing my teeth and flossing.  I have to really pay attention to my gums as if I skip flossing for a day or two they will bleed but the last few days the teeth at the back are really bleeding when I floss and brush and I've noticed in two areas at the back of  my mouth if I rub my gums they start to bleed lightly.

The Fluoxetine has made by mouth really dry which probably hasn't helped but are just wondered if this was a common problem with menopause. Obviously,   because of my anxiety the Leukemia fear has risen up again.

Thanks for reading,  sorry for the lengthy post!


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Re: Really scared -Menopause??
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2020, 08:12:26 AM »

Not lengthy at all!    :welcomemm:

Bleeding gums first - my Dentist recently told me that if they bleed it will encourage any bacteria to be washed away.  It's not always a sign of disease.  My teeth are really crocked so I have to use a pointed 'thingy' - flossing is gross  >:( ;D and should be banned  ;).  I can't get floss between any of my teeth to be successful.  I use 'Tip-pe' sticks too 2/3 times daily, various thicknesses available.  They keep between the teeth really clean, I got 8/10 at my last visit.  I have 3 implants so have to keep on top of cleaning between.  Make an appt with your dentist, they are open!! 

Leukemia - if you have it by now you would have suffered symptoms.  Health anxiety may increase during The Change. 

As for your GP not doing blood tests, she is quite correct as hormone levels alter all the while.  Some ladies find that keeping a mood/symptom/food diary of use to chart progress.  As for ADs, I found that if I stopped one it would never work if I went back to it.  I take escitalopram 10mg at night and 5mg in the mornings and have an emergency pill for when anxiety floors me.  I don't look any further than half a day ahead when possible.

As oestrogen levels drop so the body may become dry: inside and out; skin, scalp, nostrils, deep in the ears, vagina  :o - we have threads on bladder issues and vaginal atrophy, do read.  Make notes ;-).



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Re: Really scared -Menopause??
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2020, 10:49:51 AM »

Thank you for the welcome CLKD.

I do keep telling myself that about Leukemia, I've been worrying about it forever and as is often the case with Health Anxiety you tend to make any symptoms you have fit with the illness you are fearing.

That's useful info about the AD's,  I actually just spoke to the GP who wasn't concerned about the gums and said more likely a bit of gum disease and possibly due to the AD's causing some increased dryness and the menopause issue as well. Interestingly enough she said to give the Fluoxetine another couple of weeks and increase if I want to. If that doesn't work she suggested sertraline as I've apparently not tried that one,  she's also suggested talking therapy as she feels it will help.

I honestly have never felt so anxious than these last few years.  As I say I've always had HA but managed to keep relatively on top of it but not anymore. 

I absolutely love the forum and it's actually really reassuring to see so many people with the same odd symptoms.

My next step will possibly be HRT as I'm currently not taking anything but GP is happy to prescribe if I want to try,  although not sure I'd know where to start,  there looks like a few different options!



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Re: Really scared -Menopause??
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2020, 02:14:25 PM »

Plenty of options.  Anxiety may be helped with HRT but it's Trial and Error to find out if any suit. 

Browse round.