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Author Topic: Migraine with reduced vision and high blood pressure.  (Read 1439 times)


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Migraine with reduced vision and high blood pressure.
« on: October 15, 2020, 04:49:13 PM »

So mid September I was put on Femoston 2/10and cerazette. I took the first half of the Femoston with no problems, felt quite well. Then when I started the 2nd half of the pack I started feeling yucky, achy, funny tummy and a headache the majority of the time. I persevered but last week I started with a horrible headache in the middle of the night. I didn't think much of it but just felt rubbish constantly. I carried on going to work even tho my head was bad and I carried on with normal routine and work at home stuff too. This Tuesday it was time for my 1 month pill review, by the time I got to the docs on Tuesday afternoon I felt dreadful and my head was agony. I also had pain and pressure behind my left eye. My doc said I looked rubbish and hattered, I'd not slept the whole month I'd been on the 2 new meds. Most sleep I'd had was 3.5 hrs a night. She took my blood pressure and it was very high. She took it a further twice each time it only came down a little bit.she took me off cerazette straight away. I told her I'd been seeing floaters in my vision and she was concerned. The floaters have gotten worse and my vision has become blurred so she has today had me referred to the eye clinic.she also told me to stop the HRT but I'd not taken anymore since I'd been to se her on Tuesday. I have an appointment with them tomorrow. Juat curious if anyone else has had any issues like this? My blood pressure is up and down, I have a home monitor, it's less than it was in clinic but higher than usual for me. I have slept the last 2 night for 7 hours so feel better in that respect. My headache/migraine has eased but my head still hurts behind my blurry eye.


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Re: Migraine with reduced vision and high blood pressure.
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2020, 10:09:17 AM »

Hi Lalb1, I'm sorry I haven't seen your post before your appointment. I think you have been prescribed two drugs that have different progestogens and this high dose has triggered the migraine. You should have been prescribed a combined contraceptive pill OR Femoston plus another type of contraceptive method. Hopefully this will be corrected by your doctor. Keep us updated.


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Re: Migraine with reduced vision and high blood pressure.
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2020, 02:03:42 PM »

Hi Uptick. Thanks for the reply. I've been to the eye clinic and the cause of my loss of vision is due to a bleed in a blood vessel behind my eye, that was pressured from high blood pressure which in turn caused the migraines. Got to be aware of it getting worse as could become a retinal detachment.
I'm off both meds now and my blood pressure is coming down slowly. I have a review with my own GP next week and an eye clinic review in 3 or 4 weeks. Still a bit shocked it's down to blood pressure and migraines. But guess it happens. Won't be going back on anything for a while that's for sure. Not sure if I'll need BP meds now? I'd been keeping it down with diet and exercise previously.


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Re: Migraine with reduced vision and high blood pressure.
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2020, 05:40:25 PM »

Hi Lalb1, thanks for the update. Do you/they think high BP was caused by HRT? If that's the case maybe you won't need BP meds, but I suppose this has to be investigated further. As I said before, that combination of contraceptive and HRT wasn't right. Maybe you can have transdermal HRT, it doesn't have the same impact on BP as oral HRT.


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Re: Migraine with reduced vision and high blood pressure.
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2020, 02:53:50 PM »

Hi, yes they think my high blood pressure was caused by the HRT birth control mix I was on. So I'm hoping that now I'm off all meds apart from my usual asthma stuff my BP will return to my normal, not perfect but not high.
Have been taking my BP at home as I have my own monitor and its been up and down but pretty close to what it used to be.
I'm going to have a month off meds and see how the BP goes, then have a chat with the doc again and see what can be done. Obviously want to make sure nothing like this happens again. 😔


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Re: Migraine with reduced vision and high blood pressure.
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2020, 03:45:22 PM »

Hi Lalb1, how are you doing? That sounds a good plan, I hope your BP gets back to normal levels.


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Re: Migraine with reduced vision and high blood pressure.
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2020, 06:07:20 PM »

Hi, err.. My vision is pretty grotty in my affected eye. Its got worse over the week since it happened. The eye doctor did say it'd probably get worse before I saw an improvement, but I have to say it's scary.
My BP is fine all back to my usual, have been asked by my doc to monitor it on a chart for a week and take it with me when I go for my review next tuesday.Ive been having some yucky moments that I'm guessing may be from the halt in meds.
My body feels odd, my stomach is weird and I've had horrible cramps. I've had some hot moments and some weepy moments. Have also noticed the itchy eyes have returned which isn't great when I have 1 poorly eye that I can't itch.
Still can't get my head around the fact that all this has been caused by going on HRT for the horrible symptoms.
Fingers crossed my vision starts to improve soon, getting worried now.


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Re: Migraine with reduced vision and high blood pressure.
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2020, 05:31:46 PM »

Oh no, let's hope the doctor is right. Glad to hear your BP is back to normal. Hang in there, it's a real withdrawal syndrome, it would be interesting to have rehab clinics for HRT abstinence  :o


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Re: Migraine with reduced vision and high blood pressure.
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2020, 10:42:54 AM »

Fingers crossed my eye starts to improve. Thankyou ☺️
Your not kidding it's a withdrawal! Even only after 1 month on the HRT and cerazette this is horrible.
Haha yeah I think there should be something available for coming off HRT. 😒
Bought some eye drops and a wheat eye mask yesterday to try and help with the itchy eye symptoms that have returned. Just need to find something to ease the aches and nausea again now... Oh yeah and the forgetfulness.. The hot sweats. Oh the joys! 😂


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Re: Migraine with reduced vision and high blood pressure.
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2020, 11:46:39 AM »

The joys, indeed. How are you doing?