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Author Topic: Headaches - what to do?  (Read 10750 times)


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2020, 07:48:51 PM »

Let us know how you get on Nattles. My headaches have really ramped up this week, knew it was to good to be true. Absolutely throbbing at the moment. I'd be interested if a continuous HRT suits you as I think I'm going to try that.


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2020, 12:15:12 PM »

Oh dear shropshirelass, how awful and I totally understand where you are coming from because some months would be ok and I'd start to think Id turned a corner, then they'd hit again and I'd be beside myself wondering where to turn and what to do. WELL, I started HRT on Monday...?.I'm almost too scared to tell you how I am in case I jinx it!!!! After three days my constant headaches had eased and I can honestly say I have been headache free. I can't quite believe it. After years of struggling I cant believe this has worked. I had tried sequential combined HRT before but I really don't think I gave it enough time but it also didn't work like this continuous combined transdermal has. I use the low dose Estalis patches. It is meant to even out the fluctuations, which is supposedly what causes the daily/cyclical headaches. I am in Australia and Im not sure of the equivalent in the UK. The dosage is 50/140. The breakdown of this is 50 of oestradiol and 140 of norethisterone acetate. I hope this helps to find something similar to try. I will keep you up to date as to how it is going. I had also tried a couple of BCPs but they did not work like this and I was worried about them having to go through the liver etc. This seemed the best for me I think, being 53 and still getting a period, albeit irregular. Feel free to ask any more questions and let me know how you are feeling because I can totally relate. X


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2020, 09:03:27 PM »

Thanks Nattles x. Hope you continue to feel well, keep in touch.


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2020, 09:37:26 AM »

I'm at the end of my rope with headaches  :( :( :(

It doesn't seem to matter what HRT I take, they are still getting me!! In a last ditch effort my new GP moved me on to patches this month, but I am evidently between strengths as 50 patches leave me wired and 25s are ok until I add my progesterone in and then I am floored with fatigue.

Does anyone get any relief from a supplement? Magnesium? Feverfew? I am fed up with taking paracetamol and scared that I'm going to get to the stage where I'm getting rebound headaches because I can't go without. The headaches come out of nowhere, and some days even OTC doesn't shift them completely.


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2020, 10:33:10 AM »

Mogster71 I had the same with patches and found sticking to my 25 and now adding 1/2 or 1 pump of oestrogel to see if I can find a balance again. I use a magnesium spray and found it helped a with the headaches and a little with the endless anxiety, but got lazy using it and boy oh boy do I regret that now, so am back on it and have set my phone alarm to remind me x


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2020, 03:56:16 PM »


Thank you for answering my question my lovely, what a relief! I had the same thought, hopefully my GP will be on board with it when I talk about that tomorrow. I am going to ask to go on my tablets again which are low dose, but just up the oestrogen with a smear of gel :) The dydrogesterone is a bit kinder on me than the utro. How do you get on with the utro?

Sorry to be dumb but the magnesium spray - is this the external one? I have got one and when I used it on my neck and shoulders at the time I had tension there, I itched like crazy! It does say you might on the packaging though. Where do you apply?? I have got some high dose magnesium glycinate supplements which I can take if need be.

I have ordered myself some Better You Multivitamin spray which arrived today, that's full of B vits and other stuff.
Hope you're having a good day x


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2020, 08:21:44 PM »

I've got a menopause clinic appoitment tomorrow and I am specifically going to ask about options re headaches. I'm not convinced I'll get any real answers. I'll let you know if they make any recommendations


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2020, 08:39:27 PM »


I'm also suffering with headaches. I'm getting migraines (without aura) regularly and I'm at the end of my tether! They last 3-4 days🙄and it's above my right eye like a throbbing/stabbing pain. I take aspirin along with paracetamol and if I'm desperate I take prescription medication zolmatriptan which I have to limit. I cannot take hrt so really don't know what more I can do. I'm also suffering with insomnia which doesn't help matters and sometimes dizziness and hot flushes. Damn menopause is driving me crazy!


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2020, 09:29:03 PM »

Shropshirelass, good luck with your meno specialist!! Be interesting to hear what they say about headaches :)

Hi Catlover, sorry to hear you're suffering too. Do they tend to come in a pattern for you? Mine tend to settle over the left eye or behind both. I'll let you know if the magnesium spray does any good. I have heard that the preventatives for migraine can knock you out a bit. Dizziness is awful and does tend to go hand in hand with the headaches for me as well. You're right, it does drive you insane!! x


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2020, 01:59:38 AM »

Hi Mogster

I'm finding I get them sort of around the same time of the month which makes me think it's hormonal. I've been feeling crap for about 3 years now and I do feel slightly better in the last 6 months but still suffering on and off with symptoms. I've got mirena coil so don't have periods so no idea if post menopausal or still in peri. I do take magnesium tablet every night,be interesting to see if the spray works.

Shropshirelass I shall be interested to hear the outcome of your visit to the clinic,let's hope a miracle cure is out there😀


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #25 on: February 11, 2020, 05:03:55 AM »

Hi Catlover

Similar here - and my headaches are worse in the "period" week. Flipping hormones, I'm being paid  back big time for having an easy ride in my teens I reckon!!

Well I slept very soundly last night, I had to take the socks off at bedtime because my feet were literally roasting..which is unusual for me as they are generally ice cold! Other than feeling a bit tacky I didn't notice anything much except this morning the soles of my feet are tingly.

SL you are building a headache posse here who are right with you today!! All the best x


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #26 on: February 11, 2020, 10:45:09 AM »

Well I had another rubbish nights sleep🙄another symptom I'm plagued with! It's like a vicious circle,I'm so tired during the day then go to bed early and awake half the night. I might take half a sleeping tablet later which at least gives me 5 hours most times. I'm also taking anti-histamine when needed but they don't always help. Touch wood no headache today but that could change as off to work later which can be stressful so hoping I stay headache free!

Good luck at the clinic Shropshirelass😀


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #27 on: February 11, 2020, 06:42:19 PM »

Hya, hope you're headache free today,
Sorry no miracle cures. Infact I think they don't know much about headaches! The only thing she said was that conti regimes sometimes worked better as you avoid the highs and lows, but if you're not menopausal that's not an option. She was relucanat to give me conti as she felt I may not be menopausal yet due to my pattern of bleeding, even though I'm 57 (I had regular periods before starting HRT 18 months ago). I'm now just hoping I can get some evorel conti as soon as it's available. The dr wanted me to go on gel and utrogesten as she says its easy to adapt according to symptoms, but after reading stories on here, including yours I think Mogster, I am really relucant to try utrogesten orally and can't face doing it vaginally every day. Also, I thought people with headaches shouldn't have oral preps but she was really advocating it. The only alternatives she suggested were estrogen patch and provera (which she said had more side effects) or increasing patch to 1.5 which she didn't recommend as more likely to get more side effects with increased progesterone. She kept saying utrogesten is the bio identical and most people get on really well with it.  I can always try that if there's no improvement with evorel conti or alternatively try weaning myself off HRT. What I don't understand is how come you can have any number of pumps of gel and utrogesten but you can't increase estrogen patch without increasing the progesterone. I don't get it.


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #28 on: February 11, 2020, 07:54:35 PM »


Sadly worst headache for a month today :( I've been wondering how you got on! Hmmm no further forward for you then? I think if you can find the balance oestrogen wise then you may be ok with the utro - we do all absorb things differently. I guess it depends on how far you want to go. I can safely say that the patches have not reduced things for me headache-wise but it is very early days and I am only in month 1 of course. I tolerated the Femiston pretty well and knew immediately. Gel you can tweak a bit easier than patches but if you start cutting patches up or portions of a pump then it may not be 100% scientific. It does your brain in, doesn't it? Why can't they develop a progesterone only patch?

I read something interesting yesterday, about HRT versus the combined pill. It has helped me get my head around it a bit. Probably old news to you all, I didn't realise that the combined pill actually switches off your own oestr/progest cycle, so the amounts in the pill are the amounts on the packet. With HRT, it supplements your own cycle, which means when you have some activity of your own left, supplementing can sometimes be too much. I think this could be where I am. Maybe I don't quite need it yet? I have no idea what my own cycle is doing as my last period on my own was April last year. I've mucked about with hormones since July on and off.

Do you feel otherwise well on the HRT? xx



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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #29 on: February 11, 2020, 08:22:52 PM »

Sorry about your headache Mogster, hope it lifts soon. Headaches are my worst symptom but still get other things, but definately improved since starting HRT. None of my symptoms were typical, (stomach issues, nausea, dizziness) but there again not many people are as late to menopause as me, so I'm just plain weird!
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