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Author Topic: New and Not Coping!  (Read 863 times)


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New and Not Coping!
« on: October 31, 2019, 05:36:31 PM »

Hi all. I am 49 and started perimenopause about a year and a half ago. To begin with it was mostly hot sweats all day and depression, which I have suffered with most my life on and off. Recently the depression has taken over my life and I have been to the doctor and been referred for counselling. Really feel like I am having a mid life crisis. The other thing that is really taking over are my debilitating migraines. I had them growing up and I had to have injections for them. They eased off during 30's and 40's but are back with a vengeance. I tried HRT both patches and tablet and it made them worse. Doctor recently prescribed Sumatriptan Which are amazing but she now tells me I cannot take them as I take Venlafaxine. But I don;t think I can not take one when my next Migraine hits. I feel totaly helpless at the moment. Like I will never feel "normal" again whatever that is! I cry at everything, have no self esteem, ache all over, hate everyone and everything! I am unhappy in my marriage. I have no energy and just want to sleep. Life is not good. Please tell me I am not alone! Not that I would wish this on anyone! I have other issues ongoing with my lower back. I had spinal surgery 5 years ago but it failed so on meds for that too and they all seem to interact and stop me taking other things that could help. Sorry to rant, we all are living our own battles here but nice to be able to put it all down in a group where everyone else can understand and sympathise!  :'( :)
« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 06:49:50 PM by LisaCB »


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Re: New and Not Coping!
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2019, 06:07:02 PM »

Not alone!

How much do you need the venlafaxine?  Maybe wean off if the other medication helps the migraines?  Some ADs can ease hot flushes and if your depression is hard to cope with, there are other medications to help.  Maybe have a chat with a local Pharmacist who may know more about what can be mixed?

Browse round. Make notes.  Is it pain meds that you take for your spinal condition?  Have you been referred to a pain clinic or physiotherapist recently?  Again, talk to the Pharmacist about what you take and how to mix if necessary.  Some find yoga useful, or swimming as it helps build muscle without being weight bearing. 

Let us know how you get on! 


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Re: New and Not Coping!
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2019, 06:44:48 PM »

Thank you for replying. Yes I have had physio, osteo, Acupuncture amongst other things. I take Amitriptyline for sciatic pain which I am trying to come off but I think the pain is returning. I would love to wean off the antidepressants, been on them for 17 years! But because I am so low right now I don't think it is the right time. I also take Propranolol for palpitations. Quite a mixture. I have hallucinations at night, had them for probably over a year now, not sure what causes them but they are very alarming but doctors do not seem concerned. Its so hard isn't it where drugs are concerned, they all take so long to see if they work and what they don't mix well with. And I am quite a lightweight when it comes to drugs! I so wish I could have stayed on the HRT. I was on the higher dose. I wonder if trying the patch or gel would help. I have actually recently gone back on the mini pill to try and ease the hormones and stop the migraines but we will see.


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Re: New and Not Coping!
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2019, 06:51:28 PM »

Also does anyone know how I move this to another forum post. I meant to post it in New member section  :)


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Re: New and Not Coping!
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2019, 07:59:02 PM »

Send an e-mail to Emma ...........

It could be the combination which is why you have been told not to use the two meds., or simply that the mind is more active right now.  I have busy, involved, long dreams  ::) which leave me exhausted some mornings.  I rarely dream in the day time although yesterday afternoon my mind was busy.

Does the Amitriptyline help?  Is the sciatica a side effect of surgery?   Mine is worse when I don't kneel properly, 2 Nurofen and a brisk walk will ease the nerve. 

Migraines are the PITS  >:(  :-\