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Author Topic: So hot at night but low core temp...not flushes just permanently hot!  (Read 2156 times)


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Does anyone suffer from the same? Wondering if I have an underlying health issue. Nights spent so hot I can't sleep but core temp 36.2. BP normal, heart a bit high but nothing crazy. Is this a menopause thing? I know so little about it all as I'm forever dealing with other health issues.


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Re: So hot at night but low core temp...not flushes just permanently hot!
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2021, 06:46:19 PM »

Hi Iris, I found the same, that I'd be so hot as if I were burning up inside but perversely my temperature showed at the low end of normal.  In my case it definitely was (and still is at times) post menopausal hot flushes.  I didn't always experience them just as 'flushes' either, they would last for so long that I sometimes assumed that was my new 'normal'.  Hot hot hot.




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Re: So hot at night but low core temp...not flushes just permanently hot!
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2021, 07:41:27 PM »

Thanks Lamplighter.  :) I am deffo postmenopausal but I got really stressed about this as it seemed to be hours and not 'flushes' as such.

One thing I do find though - if I have the luxury - I can sleep a perfect sleep 6am - 10am


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Re: So hot at night but low core temp...not flushes just permanently hot!
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2021, 08:09:17 PM »

I do worry about everything as I had cancer 12 years ago so it's good for people to say 'oh yeah nothing special' Makes me feel loads better.


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Re: So hot at night but low core temp...not flushes just permanently hot!
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2021, 09:05:33 PM »

Just to say that even the most drenching hot flushes/hot sweats don't change your core temperature. This is one way of determining whether you have an infection which is causing you to feel hot or whether it is Meno related.

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: So hot at night but low core temp...not flushes just permanently hot!
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2021, 10:39:24 PM »

You know, that's something that's always bothered me - having these appallingly intolerable periods of literally burning up, sweat dripping off you, you can feel the heat coming off you in waves, yet somehow your body temperature remains constant.  How is that possible????? Does anyone have an explanation for that? 


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Re: So hot at night but low core temp...not flushes just permanently hot!
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2021, 12:15:46 AM »

This is taken from the A.Vogel site.

 home > health > menopause > videos > do hot flushes raise body temperature
Do hot flushes raise body temperature?

 I often get asked if hot flushes can raise your body temperature as a fever does, so today I thought I would take a closer look at this question and explain what happens your body and temperature when you have a hot flush and how to tell the difference between a slight fever and a hot flush.

Eileen Durward
Menopause Advisor

20 April 2020
Today's topic
Today, I'm going to be answering the question, "Do hot flushes cause a temperature or fever?"

This is the question that I have been asked a lot just recently, with a lot of women are wondering that when they get a hot flush or a sweat, is that putting their body temperature up and can you measure it?

The answer, in general, is no. But it's quite important to understand what the mechanism is for a hot flush. And once you've realised what's going on, it can be much easier to sort, and also, you'll know exactly what's going on in the body.

So what exactly happens here?
We know that oestrogen interacts with the brain and your central nervous system. And the central nervous system helps to control your body temperature. So, when your oestrogen starts to fluctuate or, and this is the interesting bit, you get anxious or stressed, then your body's thermostat, can go haywire.

The brain then thinks, "I am getting far too hot. The body's getting too hot. I need to do something quickly before I overheat." So, what happens is that your blood vessels suddenly open up and very often, it tends to be the chest area, the neck, the face, and the head. Although for some women, it can start in the feet and others, in the hand.

At the same time, your body is so desperate to get that blood to the surface where it can cool down that very often, it will induce palpitations as well.

At this point, your circulation will be whizzing around all over the place trying to get to the surface of your skin so that it can start to cool it down. So, although you are feeling really hot and sweaty and you're thinking, "You know, I feel as if I'm having a fever," your body temperature doesn't go up, so you can't measure it with a thermometer.

What may happen is that your skin temperature can increase for a very, very short, maybe one or two minutes, due to all the extra blood that's surfacing there.

The problem is that once your body has done this cooling down process, very often, it can slightly lower your core temperature.

When that happens, the body then goes into panic mode again, thinking, "Oh, the core temperature is too cold. It's too cold. We need to get the body temperature back up." What happens then is very often, you will start to shiver because shivering is your skin and body's ways of generating heat.

Some women find that once the sweat or flush is gone, they start to shiver, or they start to chatter, or they start to get chills and what happens then is that process will just very, very slightly bring your temperature back up again. If you think about it, it's quite a process that goes on here!

So, at that moment, when your body feels extra hot and as I said before, although you're feeling it really hot, there isn't actually a rise in your body temperature as such. So, it's not the same as having a fever.

What does a hot flush feel like?
A lot of women like hot flushes to a sudden creepy feeling of heat that just very slowly works its way up. Other women find that it's a very quick rush of heat that comes all the way up to the head or the face. Some women liken it a little bit to a sort of pulse. Suddenly, they feel as if, you know, maybe it's just their heart going that little bit faster that suddenly, everything is creeping up.

So the one thing to be aware of here is that if you have a hot flush or sweat, it's not going to raise your temperature.

How to tell the difference between a fever and a hot flush
In most cases, the flush will be over quicker than what you could take your temperature with a thermometer. The difference between that and a fever is that the fever will be prolonged. That feeling of heat will go on. It's not something that happens very quickly and then subsides.

Also, if you have a fever, you will notice a difference in your temperature if you take it with a thermometer or some of these other temperature-taking machines that you can either put in your ear or on your forehead.

So I hope this answers your question. As I say, the mechanism for hot flushes is quite a fascinating one. And it lets you see just exactly what's going in your body and how falling oestrogen can interfere with how our body controls itself in very, very many different ways.

Any of you have any comments on this or want a little bit more information, then please do get in touch by asking me a question or commenting in the comment section below."

Hope it helps!

Taz x


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Re: So hot at night but low core temp...not flushes just permanently hot!
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2021, 12:26:11 AM »

Thanks Taz, that's very interesting.  Though I have to take issue with her statement about hot flushes only lasting a short time!  I've had them go for hours, and even had times when I've been sitting in a hot flush almost the whole day (or night) without respite, to the point where I thought, ok this is now my new normal I'm never going to feel calmly cool again.  Oh to be able to wrap myself in the duvet and sink into the (dry) fluffy sheets. 

Interesting too about stress and anxiety contributing to feeling hot - that does make sense.  I suppose it could become a vicious circle - have a hot flush, get stressed, more heat, get anxious (will this never stop...) more heat and so and so forth.



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Re: So hot at night but low core temp...not flushes just permanently hot!
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2021, 10:09:48 PM »

Yes I’ve had this for years before I realised I was in peri menopause. I felt hot almost all the time but worse at night. I had a 3 tog duvet for winter!  I was hardly ever cold when my husband was sitting shivering in the house ! I thought a hot flush meant just washing over you and then going away. I started HRT patches when other symptoms became really bad and the feeling hot or too warm all the time went away.


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Re: So hot at night but low core temp...not flushes just permanently hot!
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2021, 01:11:03 PM »

Thanks everyone - so helpful!  :)

I had a bad infection before Xmas (CRP 117 yikes) so I am constantly taking my temp. It goes up half a degree in the afternoons, half a degree if I have a bath etc etc. It's always the same in the morning and last thing at night. So some external things affect it, but when I think it's going to be up due to a hot flush - sure enough it isn't. But to be hot for hours on end?


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Re: So hot at night but low core temp...not flushes just permanently hot!
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2021, 03:56:01 PM »

This is so me...its snowing outside and I can barely keep a jumper on today. In fact I keep going out in the snow just to cool down. My body temp barely seems to reach over 36!