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Author Topic: Can Utrogestan cause anxiety and irritability when you first start taking it?  (Read 9419 times)


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I started Evorel 50 Oestrogen patches 9 days ago and a 100mg of Utrogestan vaginally. I am also taking 10mg of Fluoxetine and thought it may still be that causing my anxiety.

Anyway, I have also been very irritable since starting the HRT and after reading some posts on here from ladies who said during the first few weeks or month of using Utrogestan they felt anxious and irritable I wondered if it could be that causing it?  Has anyone else had this experience on Utrogestan and did it go away? The best way to describe it is feeling  uptight.

I'm seeing the doctor on Monday so will also ask her. Thanks in advance for any advice you are able to give.

Jules x


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I have not found it to go away, it is awful! I feel wired up, get palpitations, get irritable and feel like I have had way too much caffeine, some ladies react this way, whilst others say it makes them feel sedated, wish it had that effect on me. ::)


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Thanks Cassie. I had a horrible feeling it may be that😢. I'm not going to take it for a few days and see if it makes a difference. Am seeing the doctor on Monday so if it does go away I may have to ask for something else.

Hope you get some relief soon x


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Yep, utrogestan sparked off horrible anxiety for me which I'm still trying to find a solution to. I know some women love it, but for me it was really bad news. Now on Provera, which so far seems to be a lot better (only one month in though, don't want to speak too soon).


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Thanks Jari. I'm going to leave the Utrogestan for a couple of days to see if it goes away, then I'll know whether it's that. I feel like I can't breathe but I  had anxiety before as well.

Did you have anxiety before you went on HRT if you don't mind me asking? X


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Hi ladies

Me again sorry. Didn't take the Utrogestan last night. I feel quite nauseous this morning, spaced out and still a bit anxious (but not as anxious as I did yesterday). I feel quite wobbly too.

A question - should I stay off it until I see the doctor on Monday and keep the Evorel 50 patch on, or should I stop the patch as well and speak to her on Monday? Have been on both 10 days.  Really don't know what to do😢.

Thanks x


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Thanks Jari.

I'm going to keep the patch on until I see the doctor on Monday but not use the Utrogestan. I have used it for 9 days since I started, so hopefully, that will cover me until then.

Not sure what the doctor will advise. I did have anxiety before but the Utrogestan seemed to make it worse as I am a bit calmer today.  I'm also on a low dose of Fluoxetine for the anxiety so my poor body must be so confused!

Thanks for your reply X


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Keep the patch on. Utrogestan made me feel awful too, it's not just you!

The benefit of the estrogen has grown over time for me and 6 months in, I have none of the symptoms I had before HRT.


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Thanks ladies. I went on HRT again for anxiety, hot flushes and nightsweats. I haven't taken the Utrogestan for a couple of nights and feel awful still.

Orange foot- are you taking Utrogestan now as well as the Oestrogen? Did it make you feel anxious?
Thanks.   Jules x


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Hi Jules53

There is a phenomenon known as progesterone withdrawal that is a bit like PMS =- so that when you stop taking progesterone of any sort, you experience symptoms as it leaves the system. The body is reversing the changes that took place while taking it. This is also what happens during the natural menstural cycle. These symptoms can be headaches, tension, irritability, fatigue etc. Any symptoms caused by the withdrawal should ease in a few days so if you still have these symptoms after that - they will probably be due to some other aspect of your meds or something else.

Hope you are feel better soon?

Hurdity x


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Hi the symptoms you are experiencing could be menopausal symptoms that you would be experiencing anyway and will go once your oestrogen levels have built up.

Can you distinguish between the symptoms you were having before the hrt and new symptoms ? I know it's difficult x


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Hi Dotty

I am physically shaking since I put a new patch on this morning. I have been shaking before but not as bad as this. Does it mean the Oestrogen is too strong for me? It's a 50 patch. Or does it mean my body needs it and is soaking it up? So confused 😢.

Thanks x

Karen max

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Yes I was on it few years ago and it caused my anxiety to go through the roof plus it caused anger with me I was always in a rage

Kaz x