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Author Topic: Can you get flu or similar virus without respiratory symptoms?  (Read 2359 times)

Witch hazel

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I am feeling rough ... had a manic day at work this week, major mail shot had to go out and I collated, folded and enveloped 200+ leaflets.  Following day I had achy back and soreness around my ribs, but put it down to repetitive twisting movements the day before, took a couple ibuprofen and ignored it.  Yesterday I came home from work with a banging  headache, stiff neck and the back/rib pain was much worse ... ibuprofen and paracetamol helped, but by the evening I also developed chills and shivering.  Ended up wrapped in a blanket, then went to bed and started getting rigors (really intense painful shivers).  Managed to doze off for a few hours, got up 2am for more pain meds; shivers eased then I started sweating buckets ... woke this morning with soppy wet PJs.  Felt a little better this morning, took more pain meds, managed to do supermarket shop etc.  Been keeping up ibuprofen throughout the day, as aches kick in again as soon as they start to wear off ... not just back/neck now, but knees and other joints sore too.  Then about half an hour ago, the chill feeling and shivers started to return ... nowhere near as bad as last night, but still not right.  Can you get flu or a similar virus without any respiratory symptoms as I have no sore throat, cough or runny nose? Not feeling sick, but I don't have much appetite. No strong wee or burning/urgency so its not UTI.  Beautiful weather and I just want to curl up indoors with a blanket  :( Any thoughts/advice appreciated.


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Re: Can you get flu or similar virus without respiratory symptoms?
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2019, 05:59:56 PM »

If you have rigors you need to be seen. I had these with an upper Urinary tract infection. You don't get burning or UTI symptoms especially as you get older. Please don't delay in getting antibiotic treatment. Your symptoms sound identical to mine. I left mine for two days and ended up really ill which took four months of antibiotics to shift!

Taz x


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Re: Can you get flu or similar virus without respiratory symptoms?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2019, 06:19:02 PM »


Very similar symptoms and my doc thought it was gallbladder. Luckily he did a wee test and confirmed acute kidney infection.

Action required now.


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Re: Can you get flu or similar virus without respiratory symptoms?
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2019, 06:38:29 PM »

Rigors are the clue. They are a sign that your body is dealing with an overwhelming infection. Body temperature may be high or low. Please let us know how you are.

Taz x


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Re: Can you get flu or similar virus without respiratory symptoms?
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2019, 06:43:51 PM »

If you have rigors you need to be seen. I had these with an upper Urinary tract infection. You don't get burning or UTI symptoms especially as you get older. Please don't delay in getting antibiotic treatment. Your symptoms sound identical to mine. I left mine for two days and ended up really ill which took four months of antibiotics to shift!

Taz x
I am inclined to agree with Taz and Shadyglade. Most of my past UTI's which needed AB's didn't have any of the burning/cystitis symptoms. I only started getting burning last September (apart from the very first cystitis many years ago). Perhaps I should use that pattern to distinguish between UTI's and VA.

However I think that I have once or twice had a flu like bug which had me in bed with a temperature and aching all over just for 24 to 48 hours but not any longer. No rigors.


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Re: Can you get flu or similar virus without respiratory symptoms?
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2019, 07:27:54 AM »

How are you today Witch hazel? Did you get any treatment?

Taz x  :hug:

Witch hazel

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Re: Can you get flu or similar virus without respiratory symptoms?
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2019, 07:31:58 AM »

Hi Ladies, thank you for replies.

When I went to loo late last night I wiped and there was a smear of blood.  I have only had about 4 periods in the last 12 months, so this was unexpected.  I have looked online and there is info on something called "period flu" and US term I think.  This includes muscle/joint aches, chills, fever and shivers amongst other things.  The chill/shivery feeling last night did not develop into the full rigors and eased as soon as I went to bed.  I am still a little achy this morning, but I slept like a log until very "urgent" diahorrea woke me, which I often get around start of a period, so I think this is all pointing to a severe PMT reaction, rather than anything more serious.  I will take on board all your advice and monitor, and get second opinion if its not starting to ease, but definitely better than yesterday.

Thanks for all you help xx


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Re: Can you get flu or similar virus without respiratory symptoms?
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2019, 07:42:20 AM »

That's good news.

I used to get diarrhoea and fatigue with periods so I sympathise.  Being female is fun isn't it.  ::) ;D


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Re: Can you get flu or similar virus without respiratory symptoms?
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2019, 07:49:22 AM »

Sorry Witch hazel but I really think you need some medical advice. Bleeding is common with kidney infection as is diarrhoea. Rigors should be taken seriously. Maybe it wasn't a rigor? Did your fingers and toes turn white as the blood was diverted to other areas? How is your temperature? Sorry to keep on but just don't want you to become more poorly. 

I'm glad you're feeling better though. :)

Taz x

Witch hazel

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Re: Can you get flu or similar virus without respiratory symptoms?
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2019, 08:07:53 AM »


Temperature is normal now.  I have had rigors once before when I was in hospital many years ago having surgery on an abscess, so I can only recall that as being similar. Not sure about my fingers/toes as was wrapped in a blanket and then in bed, so maybe it wasn't that serious. The blood was brownish and with my normal muscousy discharge and not mixed with urine, so don't think its coming from bladder.  I do take on board everyone's comments, but don't think I would be feeling better today if it was an ongoing infection.  Still convinced the achy back is due to my straining it at work and just coincidence.  Thank you for your concern x


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Re: Can you get flu or similar virus without respiratory symptoms?
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2019, 01:09:43 PM »

Sounds like a combination of stress at work with a fixed position.  Plus sudden unexpected period arriving.  But do speak to your Nurse Practitioner in the morning or a Pharmacist if you don't feel better! 

Yes in answer to your query, one can have 'flu with respiratory symptoms.  I had it in 1989 and 1990 - sudden, intense aches all over on waking, temperature, shivering ......... sensitive to light.  But no cold, cough unlike when I get a head cold  ::) Keep up with the medication!


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Re: Can you get flu or similar virus without respiratory symptoms?
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2019, 07:58:58 PM »

How R U today?