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Author Topic: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(  (Read 2049 times)


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Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« on: February 14, 2019, 03:38:47 PM »

I'm sorry to post again, but I'm really struggling at the moment.

Still waiting for my gynae appointment, the hospital messed up, I was supposed to get a two week appointment, but they sent me through the triage route (it takes 2 weeks just to triage), and then gave me an appointment 12 weeks away.  I pointed out that I am supposed to be seen in 2 weeks, and they admitted that they had mad a mistake.  That was on Tuesday, and said that I would hear from the hospital by Thursday, still nothing,

I have had a scan and was told (by the sonographer) that all looked okay. Obviously this still needs to be reviewed by the gynae. 

I also did not get the smear test the doctor ordered, so I have made an appointment for next week, again I had to chase it up.

I am 3-4 years post menaopausal and am bleeding.  Had a small bleed 3 weeks ago. that was just on one day, and stopped.  Then I started bleeding on Monday, and it continues.
Its about as much at the later part of a period, if that makes sense.  I have a strange pain on my right side, at the base of the ribs too (not severe though).

I am freaking out thinking I have cancer, and nobody seems in any rush for me :-(.  Getting the appointments seems a difficult task, which makes me feel very alone.

Should I stop taking my HRT?  I've been on Oestrogel and Utrogestan since June 2018 and Androfeme since November 2018.  Should I ring the meno clinic and ask them?

I'm sorry to go on :-(.. I don't know what I would do without this forum, thank you all so so much

Jeepers x


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Re: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2019, 04:01:13 PM »

Hi I would ring the meno clinic and ask for advice.  I presume it is a private clinic as you re taking Androfeme? x


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Re: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2019, 07:05:50 PM »

Hi Jeepers.
I've had two/three bleeds in the last 12 months, and all was ok.
I had a scan and was told there and then it all looked ok.
Then recently I've bled after sex too, which I'm now using VA cream for, and it's stopped.
What I'm trying to say is try not to worry, I know it's hard, especially if you suffer from anxiety, but I'm sure the sonographer would have said something if something was out of the ordinary, it can be quite normal to bleed on hrt, and also I found when I upped my dose it stopped on one occasion recently and hasn't returned. So obviously I was low on progesterone or something.
As for the pain , maybe it's just a pulled muscle or something and your linking the two together, I know what that's like......
Try to calm down, breathe, and don't think your going on at us, that's what we're here for.
Please let us know how you get on, keep posting....




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Re: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2019, 07:16:07 PM »

Just a thought Jeepers, and I'm no way any expert but,
You say you're on oestrogel  and utrogestan, since June last year, then in November added in
Androfeme , maybe it could be somethings outa sync now you're on the androfeme, that's causing the bleed?
It could be as simple as


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Re: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2019, 09:52:52 PM »

Poor you jeepers, you don't seem to be getting what you need from the health professionals. I think you need to keep bothering them and phoning.  When my bleeding would not stop my gp advised stopping the hrt and it stopped in 24 hours.  As dotty says, ring the clinic and ask if they advise stopping the hrt.  I really feel for you as it is so frightening when it happens.


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Re: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2019, 05:07:32 PM »


Thank you for you replies, I can't tell you how much it helps.

After I posted yesterday, the surgery gave me the direct line to the fastrack appointments booking people, but try as I might, I couldn't get through.  No one was answering and it jut kept ringing out,  Spoke again to the surgery practice manager, and she said they were trying, and exactly the same thing was happening.  Anyway,  they kept trying and eventually got through.  The hospital said that I would hear about an appointment by 27th Feb.  That's just to hear about it, not the actual appointment.  So, its going to be 5 weeks before I even hear about what should be happening in 2 weeks.  What a shambles!  My bf has given me the PALS number, not sure if its worth ringing.

At this point I feel like its all a bit pointless, so have asked for a referral to a private gynae as well. 

I have also emailed the menopause clinic to ask about whether I should discontinue HRT until I get a diagnosis?  I'm really not sure.

My side doesn't feel muscular, its an ache, although not all the time.  About where my liver is front , right side and back.  Could be something totally unrelated, as I get sp many pains these days.  My upper back, fingers, toes, chest , the list goes on.

The bleeding seems to be stopping now, just a slight spot today. So 4-5 days then.  I don't know if that's a good sign or not?

Again, thank you all for being there  :thankyou:

Jeepers x


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Re: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2019, 05:16:24 PM »

If the scans don't show anything un-toward then there probably isn't any urgency.  But you would like to know so that you can enjoy the Spring!

Why couldn't your GP Surgery send an e-mail or fax to the appropriate. dept. rather than 'phoning?  Or contact someone directly who could go to the dept. to ask them to ring the GP - there are ways and means but a lack of joined-up thinking  :bang:

I have various aches and pains which disappear after a few days.  Usually it's due to lifting boxes of books or something in the garden [note, never due to ironing  ;)].  How do you sit in the day, how is your footwear - things can cause the body to compensate which may cause aches and pains  ::)


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Re: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2019, 05:23:10 PM »

When I had pmb, no mention was made of being seen in 2 weeks, it was 6 weeks which was supposed to be urgent. When I got the date I rang the hospital appointments to see if there were any cancellations. I somehow found you could do this a couple of years ago when first seeing gynaecologists for V A.  It's a free phone number where I am so I tried every day.  I did get seen sooner than 6 weeks in this way.  Don't know if that's an option where you are.  All the best to you.


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Re: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2019, 05:38:27 PM »


Its definitely supposed to be 2 weeks if you have pmb and are over 55 (I'm 56), it even says so on the NHS website. 

I don't know why they had to phone.  Practice manager said they told her they only answer the phone between 2 and 3 and 10 and 11!  It would be nice if they made that clear rather than just letting us ring over and over again.  ho hum.

I do a very sedentary job (I work in IT), but I do walk when I can, I did 18 miles last weekend.  Went to see the rollright stones :-).  I've had problems with my shoulder and back, apparently my shoulder is misaligned from using the mouse all day, every day.  Footwear is mostly flat.  In the last year or so, I have almost turned my back on heels.. still got loads in the cupboard though!

Yes, the sonographer seemed happy with the scan, but you know how HA is, I am thinking Cervical cancer or something missed now.  I hate being like this!

Thank you again

Jeepers xx



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Re: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2019, 05:51:43 PM »

Hi Jeepers

Try not to worry although I can understand your concern - you are in the system and hopefully all the proper tests including smear will be carried out.

However "true" post-menopausal bleeding is more of a concern if you are not on HRT as it comes out of the blue so until a reason is found one might fear the worst (re endometrial cancer).

I can't remember your story - whether you have been on HRT prior to starting your current regime in June as this could affect whether and how soon you bleed, as does the balance between the oestrogen and progesterone.

If you have had a scan which is OK (lining thin or within normal limits and healthy?) then I really wouldn't be worried at this point about endometrial cancer but important to have everything else checked out too. Did they look at your ovaries at the scan and did you have a blood test too?

I don't articulate my hypochondria but I have it to a certain extent in my head nevertheless, so I completely understand.

Wow 18 miles - Jeepers!  :o. That is amazing!

Have a relaxing weekend and don't think about bleeding or serious illnesses if you can - and enjoy the sunshine if it's still around!

Hurdity x


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Re: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2019, 06:33:11 PM »

Hi Hurdity

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

I started HRT for the fist time ever last June.  I was on Oestrogel (2 pumps) and utrogestan orally 25 out of 28 days.  Then  in October my meno Dr put it up to three pumps, and added in Androfeme, and that has been my regime since (oh, and Vagifem twice a week).

I went away to visit friends this weekend.  After  a six mile walk I discovered I had had some spotting.  I'm afraid I had a bit if a meltdown, as I was thinking it had stopped and could have been hormonal as it was 4.5 days like a period might be.  However, it has stayed away, apart from this small spotting.  its getting to the stage where I am afraid to go to the toilet, for what I might find! (not in the toilet, haha).

My pains in my right side, come and go, but are definitely there.  I'm thinking liver of kidney?  Which makes me think it could be something serious.   

I hate being ;like this, I just want it all to stop. :'(

My scan -- the sonographer said bladder walls were smooth, womb lining nice and thin.  She first said she couldn't find my ovaries, but found them in the end.  she said they looked okay, and the fact that should couldn't find them easily was a good thing (implying if they had something sinister they would have jumped out at her?).  she seemed happy but said I would still need to see the gynae. I assumed this was for things like cervix etc?  I don;t know if a trans vaginal scan would pick up anything untoward on the cervix?

The pain in my side is making me feel really scared that its something awful though. Oh, and as I was away, I forgot to do my 3 pumps and androfeme  today... aarrrggghh

thank you all again, I'm going to throw caution to the wind, and have a bath!

Jeepers x


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Re: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2019, 07:22:08 PM »

That might make the bleeding worse/longer, Jeepers...
Have you missed before?


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Re: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2019, 07:54:31 PM »

Hi jillydoll

No, I think that's the first time I have forgotten the oestradiol.

And - I rang PALS and they confirmed that I now have my Gynae appointment for 1st March.  Thank goodness for that, I now have something to focus on.

Jeepers x

« Last Edit: February 18, 2019, 01:13:19 PM by Jeepers »


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Re: Post menopausal bleeding -- still freaking out :-(
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2019, 10:26:39 PM »

Kidney pain is definitely getting worse. I don't know how much more of this I can take

It seems easier if I just don't wake up, feeling to wrung out with it all

Jeepers x