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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Am I using too much Oestrogel?  (Read 11442 times)


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Re: Am I using too much Oestrogel?
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2018, 04:08:23 PM »

In peri it could be that 4 pumps overrides your own cycle enough to calm your own oestrogen surges but 2 just add to it and makes the oestrogen surges even more volatile.

With the pill it takes about 7 days for the high oestrogen to take over and I've heard the gel is much stronger than what's in the pill in terms of how your body accepts it and responds.


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Re: Am I using too much Oestrogel?
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2018, 04:15:59 PM »

In peri it could be that 4 pumps overrides your own cycle enough to calm your own oestrogen surges but 2 just add to it and makes the oestrogen surges even more volatile.

With the pill it takes about 7 days for the high oestrogen to take over and I've heard the gel is much stronger than what's in the pill in terms of how your body accepts it and responds.

It's not an exact science that's the problem.  Too much not enough.. trial and error ..

I know I'm meant to give it 3 months and I will but if I'm no better (and actually worse in the grande scheme of things) I don't  have the backbone to do another 3 months on another type of HRT. I want my ovaries removed... i want this to end.

Sorry I'm feeling sorry for myself... angry and depressed and sick of being in my pjs carrying tissues around xxx


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Re: Am I using too much Oestrogel?
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2018, 04:22:08 PM »

I started off with 2 pumps but my GP told me to increase it because she said I had to get the levels up and the only way to do it was to increase the dose for quite a while to let the body take it on board English Rose.  Now if I miss a dose or don't put it on at the same time I cant feel any difference, so no outward symptoms because my body detects it doesn't have enough.  This must mean my levels are sufficient to last 24 hours if I missed a dose for some reason.  No palipitations or anxiety or sick feeling - all

Ah, so you had the whole rollercoaster, “do I feel crap because I've too much or is it too little!?” thing until one day you stabilised?
I have no idea how HRT is meant to work
I only have one blood test
 minus 18 Oestrogen FSH 70

But sometimes like these last two days I feel like I've too much oestrogen and then I think “should I reduce?”
But I've been fine on this dose for two weeks.

It would be fine if I didn't have two cycles a month 🥴


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Re: Am I using too much Oestrogel?
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2018, 04:29:48 PM »

Hi RoseEnglish

I'm sorry you're feeling low again - it's awful to feel like that I know. I agree with Ladybt though, do stick with it for the three months to give it a red hot go. Have you reduced the cyclogest down to 200? And have you started using it vaginally? As that may be what is influencing the severity of your pms too...

I've just started adding a smidge of testosterone to the blend - I'm 4 days in, and apart from heart flutters about an hour after applying, that horrible, gnawing anxious and depressed feeling seems to have gone. I'm having issues trusting it, but I seriously feel more like my old self than I have for close to two years. I did loads of research, and apparently it can help our adrenals by shunting norinephrine and ephrine from one type of receptor (the one that makes the ‘fight or flight response) to another type of receptor that keeps us calmer - so far it seems to be working, but time will tell I guess. Lol I'm only four days in, but my voice is still the same and my girly bits haven't started turning into boy bits. No extra chin hairs, and my hair seems to be staying put....

Do give it the full three months, and if it still isn't helping, go back to your consultant and talk about other options. I hope you're feeling a bit better today ❤️❤️

No I'm still on 300mg, but I agree I wil start to use it Vaginally.
I do plan to drop another 100mg but the last 6 weeks have been hell, I've had 12 “ok” days now back to this,,,I needed some calm be before I cut it a third time...each cut upsets the apple cart ...PMs symptoms

I wish I understood how HRT worked..


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Re: Am I using too much Oestrogel?
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2018, 04:45:40 PM »

EnglishRose - yep I did the roller coaster but I didn't worry about too much or too little and I have never had any blood tests either as I am an NHS patient and they don't do them.  I think Dangermouse is onto something for you and I  read in someone else's post a while back (sorry cant remember who) who said they varied their oestrogen depending on where they were in their cycle because they were peri and still having hormone surges.  I don't have to worry (now!) because I am post so my own levels are pretty much done.

The "stabalising" thing is a difficult one to call.  I have had 5 types of hrt in all over 10 years, and I was on PrempakC (now discontinued for 7 of those). Controlled the flushing but not the anxiety or aches or panic or insomnia or nausea and I didn't know any different that it was obviously the "wrong" hrt for me!  GP useless and never caught on either so much so I was sent to a Rheumatologist and diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Also during that time I was put into counselling and CBT 3 times!  Obviously it was of no help because it was my hormones going haywire!. 

Anyway now on oestrogel and utrogestan vaginally on a cycle because I couldnt do continuous progesterone and everything bar bad depression and lack of motivation gone.  And the "gone part".... - you just dont wake up one day and "its gone" - it sort of creeps up on you - well it did for me.  Dangermouse is defo onto something and I think you need to stop examining how :foryou: you are feeling every minute of everyday because it's gonna drive you loopy - it kind of doesn't work like that.  When you are new to this meno thing it is very frightening but you are in good company here and in fact I think there is more good advice here than you can get from the medical profession who are either men or NOT menopausal women who should know better!  Let your body and the hrt meds do their thing - experiment a bit by varying your oestrogen around your cycle but you are going to have to stick to 1 month at a time in order to really work out what the results are and what is actually happening.

2 cycles a month is not unusual when you first start out - you are going to have to persevere.  I know its not what you want to hear because when we are bad we just want it fixed now but you dont persevere then you wont ever know if you can get it fixed and you will be stuck with dodgy symptoms all the time especially as you are peri.

Take it easy RoseEnglish  :foryou:


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Re: Am I using too much Oestrogel?
« Reply #20 on: December 17, 2018, 07:58:16 PM »

I will do. I'm glad your better ... truly.
Do you think I'm doing too much on 4 pumps?

No, I don't think you are using too much.  Most of the menopause specialists seem to understand we need more than the standard 2 pumps.  All sorts of things affect the uptake of the gel through the skin so you may not absorb as well as the next woman and need more to get the same effects.  I'm on 4 pumps now and told I can go up to 6 if I want too.

Also I got told off for applying it in a layer and leaving it to dry as I'd seen advised on here.  I have been told to rub it in well, not to leave it to evaporate.  It's so much easier just rubbing it in.


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Re: Am I using too much Oestrogel?
« Reply #21 on: December 17, 2018, 10:34:05 PM »

I will do. I'm glad your better ... truly.
Do you think I'm doing too much on 4 pumps?

No, I don't think you are using too much.  Most of the menopause specialists seem to understand we need more than the standard 2 pumps.  All sorts of things affect the uptake of the gel through the skin so you may not absorb as well as the next woman and need more to get the same effects.  I'm on 4 pumps now and told I can go up to 6 if I want too.

Also I got told off for applying it in a layer and leaving it to dry as I'd seen advised on here.  I have been told to rub it in well, not to leave it to evaporate.  It's so much easier just rubbing it in.

Hi Sue,
Yes I got told this by another lady.. her prescriber told her off for not rubbing it in , apparently if you don't rub it in, the oestrogen evaporates with the alcohol. I wasn't sure but after your post I'm going to rub it in now. Thank you.



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Re: Am I using too much Oestrogel?
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2018, 10:40:01 PM »

EnglishRose - yep I did the roller coaster but I didn't worry about too much or too little and I have never had any blood tests either as I am an NHS patient and they don't do them.  I think Dangermouse is onto something for you and I  read in someone else's post a while back (sorry cant remember who) who said they varied their oestrogen depending on where they were in their cycle because they were peri and still having hormone surges.  I don't have to worry (now!) because I am post so my own levels are pretty much done.

The "stabalising" thing is a difficult one to call.  I have had 5 types of hrt in all over 10 years, and I was on PrempakC (now discontinued for 7 of those). Controlled the flushing but not the anxiety or aches or panic or insomnia or nausea and I didn't know any different that it was obviously the "wrong" hrt for me!  GP useless and never caught on either so much so I was sent to a Rheumatologist and diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Also during that time I was put into counselling and CBT 3 times!  Obviously it was of no help because it was my hormones going haywire!. 

Anyway now on oestrogel and utrogestan vaginally on a cycle because I couldnt do continuous progesterone and everything bar bad depression and lack of motivation gone.  And the "gone part".... - you just dont wake up one day and "its gone" - it sort of creeps up on you - well it did for me.  Dangermouse is defo onto something and I think you need to stop examining how :foryou: you are feeling every minute of everyday because it's gonna drive you loopy - it kind of doesn't work like that.  When you are new to this meno thing it is very frightening but you are in good company here and in fact I think there is more good advice here than you can get from the medical profession who are either men or NOT menopausal women who should know better!  Let your body and the hrt meds do their thing - experiment a bit by varying your oestrogen around your cycle but you are going to have to stick to 1 month at a time in order to really work out what the results are and what is actually happening.

2 cycles a month is not unusual when you first start out - you are going to have to persevere.  I know its not what you want to hear because when we are bad we just want it fixed now but you dont persevere then you wont ever know if you can get it fixed and you will be stuck with dodgy symptoms all the time especially as you are peri.

Take it easy RoseEnglish  :foryou:

I am a worrier. Sorry.
It's just I got through ten years of peri without much drama, thr night sweats and the day flushes and insomnia (not much) rage, anxiety etc I could handle.
But now I'm at the end of peri and since the new symptoms kickdc in,  my mental health is fragile plus I have VA symptoms or at least I'm assuming that's what they are.
My vag has felt like someone kicked me in it and later like I'd been stung by a wasp. All swollen feeling outside and inside. But I wasn't.
Combining  vagina pain with hormone depression is not easy to brush off.

Like you say, this is new to me. You have ten years of it and seem to have come through the other side which is great, that's what we all hope for.
So do you have fibromyalgia or was that a misdiagnosis based on not getting your HRT and hormones balanced?

It's so upsetting to have to put your faith in the nhs. I was told I probably have IC because I pee a lot for years and the front wall of my vagina (where the bladder sits) was sensitive upon examining.
Thankful I've been told by MaryJane she was told the exact same thing about the same symptoms and location and it was VA.
Had she not shared that I'd be off having my bladder stretched and all kinds of invasive treatments.

So I value your opinion as you're a veteran on the subject of HRT, I wonder if you're in a better place bc your no longer fluctuating hormonallyl

What ever the cause, long may it last, you've been through hell it seems x
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 10:49:21 PM by EnglishRose »


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Re: Am I using too much Oestrogel?
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2018, 01:04:56 AM »

Yes bit better place but we are not there yet, I wouldn't say I was out the other side - it is still to early really to say as I am only in month 4 of a regime that seems to be working, RoseEnglish.  So much for being a veteran - my life has been hell as you say.  The depression part is very dangerous and I cannot get it under control and that needs work.  I am going to try and ask for testosterone when I get my next review but whether I will be successful who knows or whether it is the key to the depression problem I will just have to try for another 3 months if I get given any to see how it goes.  If it doesn't work I will have to devise plan b but I know I cant cope without hrt so I don't have much choice.

When it is all new rely on the forum, there is always someone like I say who can guide you veteren or rooky - we all have our own experiences and can learn from one another.  I am going to be rubbing in my oestrogel from now on!!


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Re: Am I using too much Oestrogel?
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2018, 07:37:03 PM »

Hi RoseEnglish

Not on HRT as mentioned, so I am of not much help for adjusting HRT but I do also think that towards end of peri, where I am likely at as well, things are very "turbulent" with regards to hormones, and the unpredictability can make things difficult in everyday live. I am thinking I may actually improve quite a bit post meno. Or at least then, hormone levels should have stabilised, and adjusting with some HRT may be easier. Wishing you all the best, Anna
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