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Author Topic: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...  (Read 41171 times)


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #45 on: October 19, 2018, 05:40:15 PM »

Never had too many problems with magnesium unless I took too much. So I'm good there. My body must really need it.

Thank CLKD, I will keep you updated. I'm not thrilled at all at my options but I need to relax and everything about it. I know that. It's just very hard right now. My hormones are not in a good place for that.


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #46 on: October 19, 2018, 07:14:10 PM »



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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #47 on: October 19, 2018, 08:03:03 PM »

Thank you.

So my regular doctor wants to speak with my GYN about the birth control options and see about a progesterone only. He's worried about my high d dimer results twice now and nothing else coming up that could be wrong. So I'm just waiting. Not sure how I feel about progesterone only though. Maybe I should try a progesterone cream? No idea. Just lost.


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2018, 08:35:52 PM »

I'm honestly just the most worried about getting a blood clot and with the high d dimer, I think my regular doctor is worried that I have small clotting going on somewhere they haven't found yet or something. I do worry about feeling worse than I do now too. A progesterone cream would probably be nicer than the pill but I don't know if it would be enough to manage my Endo and everything.


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #49 on: October 19, 2018, 10:10:29 PM »

I think I'll look into. I was thinking if getting a natural progesterone cream today but the price.... :o
Can find something online for less. I might wait to see if I can get a prescription for it though....I'd rather not take a pill right now.

My legs are downright achey today. Not painful, it's more like the achey you get when you are getting sick but just in my legs and hips... little bit lower back. I can feel a spot in the bottom on my foot the pain goes to...maybe it is nerves? It's such an odd feeling. It's like I'm in the middle of a heavy bleed but barely spotting. I need to get to the chiro I guess. Too many things going on. I have a hard time believing it isn't hormones. As I'm writing I can feel my face getting hot. I'm also to the point where every time I stand up, I'm getting dizzy. But my blood pressure is okay. It seems to come after periods for about a week to week and a half.

Yeah right my hormones are fine!  >:( So stupid! Might have to see another GYN.  :hotflash:


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #50 on: October 20, 2018, 08:19:22 PM »

Hello ladies.

I just wanted to send hugs to all those suffering from this hormonal madness.

I actually had a few good days recently ( miracles do happen ) but I'm back to being a nervous wreck today. To make matters worse some relatives that I find hard to tolerate have just invited themselves to lunch tomorrow!  If this had happened a few days ago I may have felt better about it but as things are I just want to hide away.

Sending hugs to everyone struggling with hormonal turmoil.



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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #51 on: October 20, 2018, 08:40:32 PM »

Kathleen, Best of luck with the relatives for lunch. I hope you can at least feel well enough to deal with it. Or hide away. That's what I would do!  ;D I've found I don't like being around even people I enjoy lately.

Birdy, I'm definitely a mess. I'm looking into the progesterone cream. I'm finding good info...reading that it works great quickly but can become a real problem as it ends up stored in your fatty tissue and can wreak havoc on the body later (why many women start out great and end up just awful on it!) and that can takes many months to over a year to get out of your body completely. It's recommended, something to think about.

I'm really thinking of seeking out another doctor to investigate the hormone mess. I honestly feel really close to normal today except the aches in my legs. I'm trying to let not those bother me but they do. Both legs ache and feel heavy (right worse than left) and I just feel 'full' down there. It's probably the endo...but seriously why is it coming back so quickly? (have read something to do with the peri hormones going crazy) Ugh, just a mess. Not bleeding much at all but the aches feel like I should be heavy right now. This mess is getting old. I'm tired. I want help and I feel I'm getting no where.


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #52 on: October 21, 2018, 02:15:18 AM »

I can't believe I can feel the hormone shifts....heart palpitations seem to be taking a break...heavy legs passing...mild headache and random vertigo feelings now. Sheesh!


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #53 on: October 23, 2018, 12:43:37 PM »

Things are just awful. Yesterday was terrible, 2 panic attacks and anxiety for most of the day. Had to be checked for clots and have lungs checked to rule it out. I'm clear but dealing with it all was too much. I actually felt okay starting the day. I hate being in that grey area where my doctor worries about my risk almost as much as I do. If my body didn't show symptoms it would be easier. Blood tests to rule out genetic clotting as soon as I can bring myself to go get the draw. Then we know what we can do for me exactly.
Yesterday was rough. Took so long to fall asleep because the heart pounding was shaking my body.
I had to force myself to eat dinner after eating nothing but a small breakfast. Not helping with the weight loss.
I can feel every rib, starting to see them too. Hip bones are visible now too. Nice that clothes at the back of the closet fit but I need the weight loss to stop. I feel like it's drained my body. And of course the eating problems now...not getting the nutrients I need. I think some of the heart pounding is because of that. I think some of it is also because I don't have the fat anymore to pad anything.
I think I need to find a good progesterone cream today...get started on something at least. Going to use it only as needed, get myself feeling okay and then back off on usage to just maintain that.  The endometriosis is spreading I think. Not sure but more odd cramping.
Only had a 9 day long period this time, mostly spotting after a few very heavy days. Maybe I'll get longer than a 2 week break this time?


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #54 on: October 29, 2018, 11:15:14 PM »

Finally ordered some progesterone here Wednesday. I had a great few days of feeling like the old me, even with the ovulation cramping from the endometriosis coming back. Ovulation time passed(not sure if I actually ovulated though..) and hormones switched. I felt the heart palpitations start last night while relaxing and today dealing with them as well. I wish I could have a day to day view of my hormones. I'd know exactly what I needed each day. So anxiety is back.  >:( Hate it honestly but it's all physical and just my hormones.

Hoping the progesterone cream will help slow down the endometriosis and give my hormones the boost I need right now, at least long enough to get blood tests all done and figure out a more solid course of action. I'm not planning on it being a long term solution at this time.

It was so nice to feel like myself for a few days. Thanks hormones for the smack in the face to bring me back to this current reality.  ::)


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #55 on: October 30, 2018, 08:43:06 AM »

Hey Birdy,

Honestly I'm doing pretty well. I mean, mentally I'm doing much better at the moment. Those few days of feeling like me was wonderful honest. I still had body aches, digestion issues, minor constant headache, chest pain, etc but I felt good. I think just mentally everything was good so the other stuff was minor annoyances.

Physically all the anxious feelings are coming back - internal shaking, heart palpitations, worse headache and just lack of motivation. Mentally I really do feel okay but after awhile the physical stuff wears me down and the health anxiety and such comes back. I'm really hoping to avoid that again.

I added gluten back into my diet and I don't think it's going well. Or it is all the junk I've been eating. But it is so nice having food cravings again! I'm enjoying food again and the weight is stable. But I can tell my body is not liking what I'm doing. But I still haven't stopped enjoying whatever I want to eat right now. I guess that stomach aches, even in early morning hours and not sleeping, aren't bad enough to make me eat better yet. Getting there though.

Found some old progesterone cream yesterday. Must still have a little bit of life left in it because not too long after using it last night, I felt the heart palpitations calm a bit, the bad headache I was dealing with all day eased, and just generally felt a bit better. That gives me hope for the new, stronger cream that is coming. I'm planning on starting with a very small amount and slowly building up. Then using it only as needed after that...just enough to ease symptoms is all I need. I'm so sensitive to hormone changes, I don't think it'll take too much.

How are you doing Birdy?


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #56 on: October 30, 2018, 07:30:50 PM »

I get that same issue from time to time with my tongue and throat. I honestly don't know why. Its always on one side only too. I think I might actually bite my tongue in my sleep sometimes. I clench my jaw often as well. I had weird sensations in my mouth for awhile too but some zinc supplements took care of that.

I will try to watch that with the progesterone cream. The stuff I have now that is old is a very low dose but it does help and quickly really. So that's my reasoning for starting lower on the stuff I purchased (it's 10x stronger). I'm hoping just to use it as little as possible, just enough to make life more enjoyable. We will see how it goes.

Glad you are doing a bit better. Are you just using oestrogen now?


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #57 on: October 31, 2018, 07:25:30 PM »

Is it all mixed together then? You must get it compounded I assume? Do you test hormone levels regularly?

I got bio identical P cream so we'll see. Fingers crossed it works but it has good reviews and been around for awhile. And if it doesn't work, well I'm not worse off really. Just have to try something else. Will keep you updated.

I still have been doing better though. Not great but better than before. Still having palps and internals shakes but the anxiety is taking a back seat at the moment, so I feel better. It's still there, I can feel it always lurking in the room, watching ....waiting. Awful anxiety.

 I went a bit crazy on the food! It was so nice eating again, enjoying food, I enjoyed too much.  ;D I think I might have even put a small bit of weight back on! Tummy is not so flat at the moment. But, sadly, some digestion issues came back so going back to no gluten, at least most days. I feel less anxious about my food and diet though so maybe I can find a way to enjoy eating gluten free.


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #58 on: November 02, 2018, 02:40:31 PM »

First day of progesterone cream went fine. I spent most of the day sitting around like a zombie, exhausted, hoping for my headache to go away. No, this was no from the cream. I woke up like that. Slept wrong so neck was sore and woke up with the headache. Got too cold during the night. So started exhausted and tired and then tried the progesterone cream in the morning (because I want to know how it affects me and can switch to evening once I know I'll stick with it). I could not stop yawning all day. This I do blame on the progesterone cream a bit. I was just tired enough I wanted to take a nap all day but not sleepy enough to actually do it. I used a couple small doses split during the day.
Slept better but still tired this morning. But I have already done some chores/cleaning around the home and gotten myself ready for the day, a HUGE step really. Seemed to wake up less anxious as well. Another small but slightly larger dose after my shower today. So we'll see if I get sleepy again. Feel less shaky internally as well. Kind of nice. Need to eat though...feeling the blood sugar drop now.

Don't know if it is the p cream helping all of that. It has been less on the hormones swings the last several days. But we will see.(I have had blood tests and I am estrogen dominant otherwise I would not try p cream alone. Just so anyone new knows. Hopefully this also helps slow or stop the endometriosis growth)

Got back to avoiding gluten again as well. It is amazing to me how much better my digestion is when I have avoided it for just a couple of days. I really don't want to see the correlation between gluten and my digestive issues because it means good-bye to some of my favorite foods.  :'( I will adjust. Bloating is subsiding as well.


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #59 on: November 02, 2018, 02:45:45 PM »

As an aside: Kathleen - "OK you'll be here for lunch but I will be elsewhere.  The top shelf in the fridge is all yours!"  ;)
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