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Author Topic: Bugger... blood test shows high cholesterol [and I had my HA totally under contr  (Read 5012 times)


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I have suffered on and off [mostly on] with health anxiety for the past four years.  But since giving up oestrogen only HRT about two months ago I have managed to get it under control and have had a really calm, pleasant time.

However, my doc ordered various blood tests recently [I waited ages for an appointment and was well when I went but she did the tests anyway].  And all is well apart from my cholesterol, which is high at 7.  I had a test about four years and it was 6 but so is my mother's and my sister's, so I figured it was hereditary.

Problem is, I already eat really well and take exercise every day [I do the parkrun each week and go to the gym three times, aswell as lots of walking].  I'm slim and only drink a couple of beers a week.   I do eat butter rather than marg, but only on one sandwich a day.  I cook everything from scratch, have porridge for breakfast and each loads of fruit and veg.

What else can I do?? And am confused about the whole cholesterol thing - should I try Benecol??


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Did she suggest statins?

DH tried to lower his by altering our diet. For 3/4 months.  Level dropped. Our GP explained really well that the guidelines have altered so it was wise 2 take statins. 

If you aren't being pressured, I would stick with a good diet ;-)


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I haven't seen the GP. just got results over the phone and was offered a nurse appointment to look at my diet.  I have made a GP appointment but it isn't for 3 weeks, so think in the meantime will cut out most carbs like bread, rice, potatoes and see what difference that makes as I read an article by Dr Mark Porter where he says that, and cutting out sugar, worked for him. 

I will also try benecol drink.


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My cholesterol is on the high side- 6.something but my doctor explained that with women it is a judgement based on a number of other factors- weight, blood pressure that decides on the need for statins. I think it is a lot to do with heredity as both my parents had high cholesterol and both live(d) into their nineties.


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Thanks - my grandmother lived to 98 but had a stroke at 93; after a lifetime of little exercise and a fairly old-fashioned, high fat diet.  My mother [who also has high cholesterol] is fighting fit at 82.

Am really confused now after researching this.  Am really cross as was starting to get my life back after major health anxiety.  Bugger.


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I hope not!  Am trying hard not to start one of my healthy anxiety sessions.  I've worked so very hard to get it under control.

Will also give up my nightly 5 squares of chocolate.  😢. And switch to Benecol spread! 



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YUK to the latter  ;D although the drinks were kind of OK  :-\

The Nurse will probably be programmed to offer statins - at least ours was  :-\


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I have had to go to my usual blood pressure clinic review and had to have my bloods done.  Needless to say that my cholesterol is high but my "bad" cholesterol is very low!  GP wanted to give statins but I said there was no way I would take them.  When I came home with my newspaper there was a whole article in the Daily Mail reporting the results of a recent study done which shows there is no "evidence" that the level of "bad cholesterol" is a major cause of heart disease.  You can look it up on google it was 4 days ago.

My dad had the most unhealthy diet (well unhealthy according to todays professionals).  Only vegetable eaten = peas and carrots - no salad.  Only eats meat and potatoes and loves profiteroles, chocolate (dark mind!), sticky puddings custard and ceam and worked for a Brewry for 32 years during a time when drink driving limit was higher or overlooked, where he drank every day and continues to have at least one beer and maybe a glass of wine in the evening with his dinner! He retired about 38 years ago.  He has smoked all his life.
Hes now 91 and his doctor keeps checking him and can find no high blood pressure, or cholesterol or diabetes  He's a fit as a fiddle!

Yep we are all trying hard to keep up with latest thinking but hey to be honest - what do they know? - and what they do know they cant make up their minds on!


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Thanks so much!  Must admit that my rational mind was thinking that anyway but glad to have it reinforced by someone.

I'll still for for the benecol but am really pleased that i'm Managing to keep my health anxiety at bay!


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Dr Malcolm Kendicks website. That's all the information you need.


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This comes up reguarly - cholesterol - there was a recent thread on it discussing lifestyle and the ratios of the different cholesterol types here:,40662.0.html

Doc should do your Qrisk score based on age, body weight, blood pressure cholesterol level (total and HDL I think) and question you about diet and lifestyle ( ?possibly family history but I don't think so). Sounds like you are doing the right things! You can do the Qrisk yourself online and see what comes up. Trouble is I think some GPs seem to be as bad (or rather mixed knowledge/diagnosis/prescriptions) as they are with HRT.

As I said on the other thread -  mine is always this high between 6 and 7, but Q risk is low despite my age. Cholesterol and BP rise with age I gather, and also my GP said some poeple are better at clearing Ch than others ( from loiver) so it's a genetic thing too as you pointed out. My doc just said come back in two years and be measured again - cos like you I am not overweight, eat a ridiculously healthy diet, takle plenty of exercise and have low BP despite being mid 60's. No meds were suggested or mentioned whatsoever and it didn't even occur to me.

Don't worry!!! If your doc has suggested no action then that's fine!

Hurdity x



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Thanks Hurdity, reassuring as usual.

I am trying Benecol,drinks as that was in the message from the GP but otherwise not sure what more I can do.  Have done my usual parkrun this morning, and am out for a few beers and a curry tonight.   In the week I am very abstemious but need just the one day off the wagon!

My diet is great and i'm Not overweight.  If anything my blood pressure is on the low side. 


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Bump for Northarm


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Good grief!! Here in Australia they start throwing statins at you when your level is about 5!

Thank you so much for bumping this Hurdity, I've just done my Q risk test online, and I've come out at 5.7%....

I need to go for a fasting test, last time was just a random test and I was dehydrated, so between now and then I'll up the water intake lol. Everything else is fine, diet is good, exercise level is good....

So, time to educate my GP I think....if she insists, I shall take the script, but not fill it and exercise my right to not accept treatment that way!!


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Hello ladies,

New Qrisk3 calculator that includes more risk factors. I had a 2,5% score, but when added migraines it changed to 3,8%!

Conolly X
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