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Author Topic: Evorel Conti - Weight Gain?  (Read 18545 times)


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Evorel Conti - Weight Gain?
« on: September 10, 2018, 07:57:27 PM »

Hi All!

So... quick brief... after avoiding HRT because of the health scares I finally started the BHRT prescribed years ago by a Doc in Switzerland. It was Oestragel (2 pumps) and Utrogestan200 pessaries. I found it helped immensely but was both messy and inconvenient.

I came back to the UK a month ago and spoke to my Doc here who changed it to Patches... Evorel Conti.
Before starting this I had started to feel really good and lose a bit of weight with a new healthier way of eating... but since starting Evorel Conto 3 weeks ago I have gained 5kg!! all the weight I lost has come back and I appear to be losing hair and not sleeping so good....

Could it be the patches? What other options are there? I am seeing the Doc again this Thursday but want to know what is available and if anyone else has found the same issues.

Thanks ladies..... xxx
« Last Edit: September 10, 2018, 09:34:29 PM by Nikkisyard »


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Re: Evorel Conti - Weight Gain?
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2018, 06:48:56 PM »

Hi there Nikkisyard!

Which of the two types of hormone did you want to chnage ie that you found messy and inconvenient? Also were you using them on continuous basis (like Evorel conti) because you are post-menopausal, or on a cycle ie two weeks of oestrogen and then two weeks of oestrogen and progesterone giving a withdrawal bleed?

If you don't like gel then yes patches are great but it sounds like the progestogen in Evorel may not be agreeing with you.  The good news is that you can get Utrogestan here in UK but the 200 mg dose is no longer available for HRT but the 100 mg dose is and so you just use double. It is licensed here to use orally so maybe you would prefer to try that, although some women find they experience side effects taken this way - however if it suited you before then maybe ask for it again. You would then have oestrogen only patches alongside - either Evorel - or what I use because they are much smaller - Estradot (also means you don't have to have a mahossive patch if you need to increase the dose!).

Other alternatives are a Provera tablet or the Mirena coil. They are listed here:

Also some of the progestogens are more androgenic in their effects and can lead to hair loss - norethisterone ( in Evorel conti) is one of them. See here:

Progestogens which can be used cyclically are of 3 main types:

    Testosterone derived - Norgestrel, Norethisterone acetate and Levonorgestrel.
    Less testosterone related - Medroxyprogesterone acetate(MPA).
    Least testosterone related - Dydrogesterone and Micronised progesterone (Utrogestan).

Side effects are often experienced during the progestogen phase of treatment and can be reduced by using a product containing a different type or route of progestogen.

Hope this helps and let us know what you decide!

Hurdity x


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Re: Evorel Conti - Weight Gain?
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2018, 01:09:26 PM »

Hi Hurdity!
Thanks for takeing the time to reply and offer such comprehensie info... I will sift through it as soon as possible...

First to answer what I can:
Which of the two types of hormone did you want to chnage ie that you found messy and inconvenient? Also were you using them on continuous basis (like Evorel conti) because you are post-menopausal, or on a cycle ie two weeks of oestrogen and then two weeks of oestrogen and progesterone giving a withdrawal bleed?
I am post meno by around 5 years so I was using continuously. Two pumps of the Oestrogel was a lot to use on a daily basis and took time to apply and dry... I found it laborious and after a long day sometimes forgot. The Utrogestan I used as a pessary. It was REALLY creamy and much of it was lost... and while my libido is zero I didn't like the idea of my partner being covered in it should those moments happen! Using two pessaries would be messier I imagine... and I don't like the thought of orally because of the strain on the liver. So - the patches seemed like a good alternative and I do much prefer it (thought those sticky marks are unsightly and a pain to get off!).

Interesting that you note norethisterone can cause hair loss... there is s definate increase in loss of hair - much more in the brush and shower/bath. That scares me. However, am I to understand that this is derived from testosterone? I always wanted to try testosterone for my Libido. I have zero interest but miss it... and it has affected the closeness to my ever patient and loving partner. Any advice on that from would be welcomed.

I dont really want to do cyclically as I really don't want to return to the bleed so I am looking for continuous.

Its a shame as I was really happy with the outcome of the gel and pessaries, I slept well after years of insomnia, hot flushes disappeared and I started to fee "normal" again... I started a new way of eating and finally managed to lose weight and was looking forward to being a new slimmer younger feeling "me"... but the methods of taking was VERY laborious - such a shame I have had such a different experience with the patches... love the method but the quick weight gain (after managing to lose some!) plus hair loss is upsetting.

I will take a good look at the Treatment Options you have shown me and go armed with this to my Doc tomorrow... whatever we decide I will sick with it til Xmas when I am back in the UK again and can review it. meanwhile I will come back here for more of your help and great advice! I will keep you posted!



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Re: Evorel Conti - Weight Gain?
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2018, 01:20:37 PM »

Just to add.... the weight gain has been rapid.. and I feel really bloated - barrel like! So it must be a reaction to something in the patches... can I assume its the progesterone?

One thing that WAS important to me was to use Bioidentical non synthetic, which I understand Oestrogel, Utrogestan and the Oestrogen in the patches are, but that norethisterone is not?

Perhaps I could use Oestrogen patches and find a progesterone similar to Utrogestan... or just return to the pessaries! (I can get these in Switzerland, where I work; and otc in Spain I believe)


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Re: Evorel Conti - Weight Gain?
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2018, 02:00:15 PM »

Hello Nikkisyard,

I'm not on HRT and I have the same bloating/rapid weight gain issue so it could not be a reaction to the patches but just another menopause joy! I'd be glad to hear if you have any improvement.

Conolly X


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Re: Evorel Conti - Weight Gain?
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2018, 02:22:36 PM »

Hi Conolly!

Oh believe me... I had serious weight gain after peri and could never shift it.... After always being a svelte 8.5/9 stone I bloated to 11 stone... but after starting HRT a few months ago I managed to lose some of it, after many years of trying. So after finally getting into the swing of things and seeing some hope for the future, this 'regain' in weight is gutting... especially with the hair loss...

Ah they joys of Meno!


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Re: Evorel Conti - Weight Gain?
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2018, 04:58:35 PM »

Maybe get your thyroid checked if you also have other symptoms as well as weight gain - underactive thyroid can cause this - as well as fatigue and hair loss, and feeling cold.

None of the Utrogestan products are pessaries - they are capsules but in France ( and presumably elswhere on the continent) the info says they are for oral or vaginal use. In UK the 200 mg dose is available for fertility purposes only but it's the same capsule as for oral use. The 100 mg are just very tiny so not especially messy - but I do get your point about your partner. I can't imagine anyone in a relationship wanting to use it vaginally on a daily basis - even if intimacy only happens sporadically  ::).

Some women find that the testosterone derived progestogens help with libido but hair loss can be a side effect! Norethisterone is synthetic - yes, and other women have reported bloating.

Weight gain generally is tricky around menopause - sometimes it can be coincidental rather than because of the HRT. I have finally worked out a way to lose weight and keep it off - but I have had to radically change my diet and increase exercise - I am on Estradot and Utrogestan on long 6-8 week cycle, + small blob of testosterone. Cut down (out) all sugar - for most of the time - except fruit, as well as foods high in carbs (especially refined carbs - eg rice, pasta, bread, cereal, pastry, biscuits etc) and increase your intake of fruit, veg, pulses, nuts and lean protein. Keep alcoholic drinks low and fruit juices.

HRT is  a trade-off between benefits and side effects - I put up with an unwelcome bleed so that I can have the benefits of oestrogen only for several weeks,. Also I compromise the dose because if I had too high a dose then I would need more prog or a shorter cycle. It depends what is most important to you. I'm in my 60's so have been doing this for some time and have just got used to it!

Hope you sort it out and find a regime that works for you!

Hurdity x



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Re: Evorel Conti - Weight Gain?
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2018, 09:20:20 AM »

Hi Ladies... thanks so much for your input... its really helpful.

Stellajane, yes my hair loss is significant since starting the patches so it figures that its the norethisterone that is causing this... and quite possibly the bloating if, as Hurdity says, this has been reported by others too.

Once I finally started the HRT earlier this year I almost instantly felt better... it was like a weight was lifted. I also started a new way of eating, similar to yours Hurdity, (Low Carb/Zero Sugar) and it was fantastic. Energy levels rose, I felt happier and the weight started to fall off... I truly felt that this was IT.. I had finally found my 'post meno path' as it were... I felt like the final pieces of the puzzle were to find a method that wasn't so messy, and explore the use of Testosterone as this might help with Libido (as I have read). switching to these combined patches is a bit of a blip in my search for the right HRT for me.

The Utrogestan200 was prescribed to me by my Doc in Switzerland, where I work for the best part of the year, and while orally may have been possible I was told to use vaginally. I am not keen on the idea of orally anyway due to the load on the liver so it suited me - aside from the mess.  I trusted her judgement on the dose but only recently found that this is usually prescribed for cyclical use. I actually started using cyclically as I was advised to by another member here due to the high dosage but the bleed was so awful (heavy and painful) that I stuck with continuous with the plan to revise it all once I was back in the UK. I have now been to my UK Doc (I rarely go so its a new one now! but she is a partner in the local practice so I feel like I'm in good hands) and we have revised the prescription....

She has put me on Oestrogen patches, and Uterogestan 100 pessaries. I pick this up on Monday. If, as you say Stellajane, these are smaller then this may solve the messiness issue.
ALSO... she is testing my Testosterone levels in view of putting me on low dose Testosterone to help with libido. I am SO pleased about this. She said that it has only recently been used for women here in the UK (I understand in the US they have been for some time now, with good results) but that they must monitor the use to ensure we stay within the correct levels for women. So I need to be tested every 2/3 months - a little tricky for me as I work abroad so much but its 'do-able'.

So... I am a happy bunny for now.. I know I need to exercise a little more patience but the bloating and hair loss really put the frighteners on me so had to make a change. Lets see what this new regime brings!

Meanwhile I will continue with my new way of eating and introduce a little more exercise...  :gym:


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Re: Evorel Conti - Weight Gain?
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2018, 04:51:10 PM »

Hi Nikkisyard
I've been using Evorel conti patches for 3 years. I've never had any problem with weight gain. I'm a size 10. Hope you are okay
Vickypk xx


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Re: Evorel Conti - Weight Gain?
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2018, 10:30:53 AM »

Vickypk I envy you.... I was a size 10 til this Meno Monster took hold... but these patches definitely stole any weight loss I managed to achieve.

So, I'm now on EstradermMX 50 and Utrogestan 100. If this gives me the same dose as I had with the cream and offers me the continuous cover I need from the pessaries, I'm dandy.... alas the Doc won't prescribe Testosterone as, while low, it's still within the recommended levels for women.... apparently. My gut feeling is that the T is the missing piece in my puzzle... so, seeing as I'm not able to get this prescribed I will be scouring the forum for hints and tips on boosting the libido!!


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Re: Evorel Conti - Weight Gain?
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2018, 07:58:43 PM »

Testosterone tests are unreliable for women because the test is designed for men and we are at the lower end of the range ie it's not sensitive enough to pick up the differences in levels which might cause differences in symptoms. Did you also have SHBG measured so that the Free Andrgoen Index could be calculated ( even if unreliable)? The gynae I saw when T was prescribed ( privately - before the NICE Guidelines came out) said she went  by symptoms - so - if a woman was on a decent amount of oestrogen ( transdermal - bexcause oral can depress libido), taken on a cyclical basis ( because progesterone can depress libido) and not taking anti-depressants ( because these can depress libido) - then if she presented with low libido, and possible other symptoms like unaccustomed fatigue and muscle pain especially after exercise (more than you would expect) - then tesosterone should be tried. Yes levels need monitoring so that they don't get too high but if a very small dose is taken this could be the missing link.  There is no medical direction for only prescribing T in the first place by measuring T levels - only afterwards, as far as I understand. Can you try again, if you feel you would like to try this hormone?

Hurdity x


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Re: Evorel Conti - Weight Gain?
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2018, 03:49:40 PM »

Testosterone tests are unreliable for women because the test is designed for men and we are at the lower end of the range ie it's not sensitive enough to pick up the differences in levels which might cause differences in symptoms. Did you also have SHBG measured so that the Free Andrgoen Index could be calculated ( even if unreliable)? The gynae I saw when T was prescribed ( privately - before the NICE Guidelines came out) said she went  by symptoms - so - if a woman was on a decent amount of oestrogen ( transdermal - bexcause oral can depress libido), taken on a cyclical basis ( because progesterone can depress libido) and not taking anti-depressants ( because these can depress libido) - then if she presented with low libido, and possible other symptoms like unaccustomed fatigue and muscle pain especially after exercise (more than you would expect) - then tesosterone should be tried. Yes levels need monitoring so that they don't get too high but if a very small dose is taken this could be the missing link.  There is no medical direction for only prescribing T in the first place by measuring T levels - only afterwards, as far as I understand. Can you try again, if you feel you would like to try this hormone?

Hurdity x

Hey Hurdity... Thanks again!
Wow there is so much I need to learn still. I have no idea if I had SHBG (what even is that? I will look it up alongside the Free Androgen Index!).
My Doc freely admits she isn't the expert and wants to consult an expert, so I hope all is not lost. Armed with this information (which I must try to understand) I hope I can have a review when I return to the UK at Christmas (I returned to Switzerland yesterday).

While I am on continuous Progesterone it is safe to say this isn't the thing affecting my Libido - I have been uninterested for years. Depression, fatigue, lack of motivation, and yes pretty painful muscle aches after exercise are all things I have experienced for years. Perhaps this is why I feel strongly that T is the missing piece in the puzzle now...
I truly hope I can sway her mind when I see her next.

Meanwhile, my EstradermMX 50 and Utrogestan 100 seem to be ok. The Estraderm patches are a little thin and papery so I have to keep checking its still there... the Utrogetan100 is fine... MUCH smaller than the 200 I was previously taking therefore much less 'mess' - actually none. I am slightly concerned my night wakes/sweats might be returning... and as I am now away with a limited supply I have considered topping up with the Gel if the night wakes/sweats obviously return. I will give it a few more weeks though.

We will get there!