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Author Topic: I want my life back!!!!  (Read 1826 times)


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I want my life back!!!!
« on: September 06, 2018, 12:25:12 PM »

I have never posted anything before, but I feel so lost.
Since 2011 my troubles began - aged 41. I have always had problem periods and was on the pill since 14 years old. Aged 38 I had a mirena fitted and my world seemed great. No more heavy bleeding (7days, 3days off and then bleeding again)
But by 41 I started to notice changes. Painful breast - nothing found. since 2012 I have been visiting the Dr with extreme tiredness and brain fog. Itchy skin, sinus problems - things I'd never experienced before. Heart palpitations, which caused me to visit the hospital!!
Pelvic/right hand stomach pain, b12 deficiency, more migraines, sweats and so much more.
Each time I was told I was too young for the menopause.
Finally last October I had coil removed to see if this caused the problem. No - still had pelvic pain - but instead my world collapsed!!! Anxiety and depression through the roof!! No periods returned.
Paid for private bloods and FSH came back as 181 - informed I was POST menopausal!!
I'll shut up now, but suffice to say since April ive entered the world of HRT. I've yet to find something that suits me. I cannot tolerate the progesterone. Waiting to see specialist to have coil refitted, but now have thickened lining, so won't refit until I see specialist - appointment not until February 2019!!!
I have a demanding job, but I cannot cope currently and have been off sick for 2 months.
I hope that this is not my life, as I don't want it anymore!!


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Re: I want my life back!!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2018, 07:42:34 PM »

Hi VR46

I'm sorry your feeling so bad, and I haven't any answers for you, but I do know you will
feel better one day, just don't give up, you've come a long way, and one day things will just start to
get better. You've just got to hang on in there, as hard as it is,.....
I'm sure someone will come on soon with better advice than me, but in the mean time, ask away, have a rant, anything you want, someone's always on here, ok?

Jd x


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Re: I want my life back!!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2018, 07:56:05 PM »

VR46 - you poor thing. It's just so crap, isn't it? I can't help with your HRT issues. I'm 46, perimenopausal with a raft of yucky symptoms, many the same as you. But I'm too tired to deal with most of them because I don't sleep much due to my anxiety!!! I can be fine for hours, then I come over feeling quite unwell and nauseous and hot and then the anxiety floods in. Ugh. I try and get outside and keep busy but that's putting a brave face on it. I'm so sorry you feel like life has become awful - I can empathise with that. I feel like I'm trapped in someone else's body. Lovely Jillydoll is right - we've just got to hang on in there. Feel so much respect for older ladies who do and have done this with so little help and understanding. No wonder my grandmas were so grumpy!!


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Re: I want my life back!!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2018, 08:08:22 PM »

Hi Jillydoll
Thank you for your kind words - I find it amazing how many of us are suffering and for how long.
If men experienced these symptoms I have no doubt traditional medicine would be far more advanced about the menopause.
I have paid to see private menopause specialist and am now on estrogel - 2 pumps in morning and night, testosterone and the progesterone (every 2 days marginally). Only started on 16 August - had hoped for a miracle cure!!! I just need to be patient!!
Am away on holiday - although not great company and keep bursting into tears.
Have stopped taking the progesterone as after 9 tablets (18 days duration) I have had heavy bleeding and flooding, bad pmt and dreadful anxiety - totally spoiling the times I'm not in tears. If I were my husband i would leave me!!
I've been having counselling too, but im not responding well to anything. How can this be natural!?!?!


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Re: I want my life back!!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2018, 08:21:28 PM »

AgathaC thank you too x
I wonder whether our lifestyles have affected all of this?
My parents and grandparents all had children and stresses in life, but it somehow seems different. Also so many of us appear to be suffering from younger ages!
The last 10 years (of 26 working full-time) ive worked 10-14 hour days, 6 days most weeks and been on call. I didn't have kids as i wanted a career - and now im wondering why i bothered.
We all seem to be so busy and stressed and I honestly think it affects us in the long run.
I totally relate to you feeling like you are in someone else's body. Life better improve soon because I cannot go on like this indefinitely!!
I wish everyone out there well xx

Golden retriever

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Re: I want my life back!!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2018, 09:05:10 PM »

Hi VR46, sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time. When you mentioned your work load it was the same thing I was doing. I'd stay late to make sure everything was ok and was too on call.
For the past 6 years (I'm nearly 42), I was trying to juggle a lot of different jobs, trying to keep everyone happy and then during the summer I broke my finger and couldn't do anything for 8 weeks. Then my dog died and it was like losing everything. Sorry my point being , I have cut my working hours now and do not work weekends anymore.
On top of that my HRT like you were describing hopped up my anxiety level unreal. I've changed my hrt to patches and that horrible progesterone. Yes I can relate to just bursting out in tears it's unreal.
VR46, I'm on the progesterone at the moment day 3 out of 12.
Counting the days as the side effects are horrific. The other days are good and better then they were before. Give it time, I know it's frustrating.
We are patient, and we will get through this difficult time. Keep saying ‘ we can do it'
I went to a conference a few weeks ago and he was talking about this green platform of positivity etc.. I was on the progesterone at the time and he was lucky he didn't ask me a question 😜😂😂
Hope this is of some help xx


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Re: I want my life back!!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2018, 09:33:09 PM »

Omg Golden retriever I've just laughed that I nearly speed myself!! Another joyful experience of low estrogen. I could easily strangle someone when I get lectured about positivity!!

The progesterone side of this is really intriguing -having had the mirena for nearly 10 years when I look back i was able to tolerate it well. However as I had no periods I could not tell what my normal cycle was. I now truly believe that i have been peri for years and could have 'avoided' the extreme symptoms ive had for the last year.
I'm praying that a new coil will help.

Having read so much here in the last few days i think a collective thank you to so many ladies, who I am only familiar with from their pseudonyms, is so deserving - thank you to you all xx


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Re: I want my life back!!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2018, 08:38:16 PM »

Hello VR46 and welcome to the forum.

I  completely understand how you feel. The power of  hormones is amazing and not in a good way lol.

Am I correct in thinking that your mirena coil seemed to protect you from the worst of the menopause symptoms  but  now you are finding that the progesterone tablets have increased your anxiety and given you pmt? Perhaps a knowledgeable lady can explain how progesterone works in such different ways, it may just be as simple as dosage.

Wishing you well and I hope you feel better soon.
