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Author Topic: Need some advice again plz  (Read 1194 times)


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Need some advice again plz
« on: July 12, 2018, 08:29:34 PM »

Hi everyone,
Is anyone taking femoston conti 2mg?
I'm currently taking 1mg, but I've been so low, crying, bad moods, ect...
So don't know wheather to go to doctors and ask for the 2mg, and see how that goes,
Or completely change to a different hrt.
I do seem to be fine for a few hours after I've taken the pills, but it soon wears off,
so I know I need to up my dosage,
If there is anyone On the 2mg, did you have any problems with it?
Thanx,, jillydoll xx


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Re: Need some advice again plz
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2018, 09:59:14 PM »

Hi jeaniewigs... ;D
Glad your back babe, hope your ok, but you say yours has gone tits up too,
Ent it a right game eh?
I've been struggling for a while now, but everyday thinking, no , you'll be ok tomorrow,
But I ent, and it's got so bad today, rowing with OH, we sat in the park tonight, talking about
if I'm depressed or not.  After a long chat, it was clear that if I was depressed, I wouldn't change
and be ‘normal' at nighttime, after I've took the hrt pills, I'd be depressed all day and night..
So the conclusion is, I'm not having enough  hrt......
So I just posted to see if anyone else is on the higher dose.

What are you gonna do, are you changing, or stopping altogether or what?
Hope you sort something out babe, this is really crap ent it.....



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Re: Need some advice again plz
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2018, 10:59:57 PM »

I'm so sorry to hear that Jeanie,
Just when we think everything's going good, something creeps up on us and destroys
everything, it drives us mad don't it?
I absolutely hate this time of life. >:( >:( >:(
Does it ever get easier, now that's the million dollar question ent it?
I've only got the ultra low dose pills, at the moment, so I've been taking 2 of them instead of 1,(which is still only 1mg)
and at 1st, that done the trick, but now, they just ent working properly, so I've upped them again
tonight, just to see if that works, (which is 1,1/2mg)if it does then I'll go to docs and ask for the higher dose of
2mg, which I'm scared to death to take , but I've got to do something.
Just my luck, the 2mg will be too but we'll see.

Hope everything goes well for you Jeanie, like you say, take one day at a time,
And I too, tend to shut down and bottle things up, then explode when everything gets too much.
My Oh, has had a lot to put up with, plus family stuff too, so things aren't easy at the mo.
So I'm sure as hell, gonna sort myself out, we don't need me making things a whole lot worse.!

Let us know how things are going, and post, im sure we can all help each other out.....

Take care menobabe, wishing you well,

Jd xx



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Re: Need some advice again plz
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2018, 05:41:36 AM »

Hi Jillydoll,

Was just reading this thread and your words ‘feeling normal at night' jumped out at me. I am suffering badly from anxiety at the moment but however bad a day I've had I nearly always ‘feel normal at night' so keep in my mind when you speak to your doctor to tell them that.

Don't want to confuse or complicate matters for you just wanted to point out that feeling better as the day goes on is a classic characteristic of anxiety/depression.

Take care and keep us posted after you see the doc



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Re: Need some advice again plz
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2018, 10:21:31 AM »

Thanx for that miabella,
I took an extra pill last night, only 0.5mg, making my total mgs 1 and 1/2 mg
And I do feel better today up to now anyway.
Maybe that's all I need at the moment.
I'm booked in with doc Tuesday, and will mention getting my thyroid checked too.
Have ever had yours checked Miabella?
Maybe worth it, it's only a blood test.....

How's the holiday, ?
