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Author Topic: Hysteroscopy, polyp removal under general anaesthetic?  (Read 7067 times)


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Hysteroscopy, polyp removal under general anaesthetic?
« on: July 10, 2018, 01:33:36 PM »

Hi Ladies,

As if hyperplasia (simple, without atypia) wasn't bad enough, endometrial thickness now 8.7mm, a polyp has been confirmed and needs to be removed, so Hysteroscopy was recommended first to check the lining properly, cut out the polyp, and insert Mirena. Sounds painful, the doctor said it is going to be more painful than biopsy, so I am thinking GA (general anaesthetic).

Anyone had all this done in the same procedure? the options are painkillers tablets before procedure, or local anaesthetic, or GA? Even epidural is mentioned in some leaflets... I am really scared, find all this very traumatising... Never had kids, never been pregnant, had a cervical op 18 years ago ( local anaesthetic on the cervix), was painful, in the past years even smear tests have been getting very painful. Had a recent endometrial pipelle biopsy with only a painkiller tablet, but it was painful, although over very quickly. However, Hysteroscopy sounds longer, there is more for the doc to do while in there, but I never had any ops with GA...

What would you recommend?

P.S. I am 47, three years post menopause, I am just finishing a year of Elleste Duet 1mg sequential (last 2 tablets left), then switching to Kliovance + 2x Noriday for extra progestin treatment with continuous HRT as an interim measure until Mirena can be fitted.

Thank you xx



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Re: Hysteroscopy, polyp removal under general anaesthetic?
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2018, 02:39:08 PM »

If you live anywhere within the boundaries of the United Kingdom the NHS Choices website indicates that you take paracetamol at  specified times before the hysteroscopy procedure. The hospital where I live sent me a leaflet which also stated this. Before I went for my hysteroscopy I googled the procedure and found that hospitals in neighbouring counties offered different forms of pain relief. It appeared that a GA was a last a last resort if you are given a choice. I had a hysteroscopy with paracetamol as pain relief.

Like yourself I have never had kids or been pregnant. I do have a history of D&C under GA, internal examinations and internal scans as I have always had problems since the age of 12. That aside. I found that the paracetamol pain relief was not enough to reduce the pain I experienced so the hospital agreed that I would go for a second hysteroscopy using the  Myosure process and stronger pain relief given by the hospital. I went for the second hysteroscopy. The pain relief given involved paracetamol and strong pain killers inserted via the rectum(bottom) but the procedure did not take place as I had not had a scan! The effects of the pain relief on the second occasion were very strong and no doubt would have eased the process. I was told that I could also have gas and air during the process if I needed it, as they allow women in labour to have gas and air I felt happy about having the hysteroscopy.

What ever methods of pain relief you are offered I feel that paracetamol alone is not enough. Good luck and good health to you.   


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Re: Hysteroscopy, polyp removal under general anaesthetic?
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2018, 02:39:52 PM »

If I had, had the choice I would have the local & tablets. Personally I wouldn't have the mirena at the same time, I would prefer to get over 'the snip' before it was put in. Or I would be wondering which was coursing any discomfort.
But then it depends on your pain threshold, if in doubt go GA, but that has its own risks on top.
Nothings easy eh 😶


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Re: Hysteroscopy, polyp removal under general anaesthetic?
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2018, 02:52:58 PM »

Me - I would opt for a general anaesthetic every time.  It means that the patient is completely relaxed.  No need to be sick after, appropriate medication can be given to stop that effect.

That way I wouldn't be worrying if the pain relief would be enough! 


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Re: Hysteroscopy, polyp removal under general anaesthetic?
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2018, 09:11:29 PM »

Hi Ladies, thank you for sharing your experiences, I appreciate that everyone is different. I'm too nervous to handle the pain etc so I'm really thinking GA, especially since there's polyp removal and god knows what else they find while there... never had a GA, any chance you could tell me more about it?

Would I have a tube down my throat? How does the gas work? Is the GA for Hysteroscopy different from when they do long surgeries? Ie quicker recovery?

Also, I hope I can choose GA, they can't force me to have it with local or none if I don't want that, right? I hope it's nit that barbaric... 

I've read a research paper that found GA gave slightly better result in cases where Hysteroscopy is not just looking, but also operating on polyps/fibroids etc. This is apparently because the surgeon can use better/bigger instruments rather then the keyhole tools used in outpatient clinics, so the removal of polyps is more likely to be complete and they don't have to worry about the woman being in ‘discomfort' - ‘love' the word, real cases say it's more like excruciating agony...

Thank you xx
« Last Edit: July 11, 2018, 09:13:35 PM by AndieKC »


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Re: Hysteroscopy, polyp removal under general anaesthetic?
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2018, 06:46:02 AM »

It's a very light general anaesthetic. I was wide awake 30 minutes after hysteroscopy and removal of three polyps. No sickness unlike previous GA. I felt fine and could have gone to work the next day if it hadn't been a Saturday. I think they do insert a breathing tube with GA. At the hospital I went to all hysteroscopies done by my consultant were done under GA.


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Re: Hysteroscopy, polyp removal under general anaesthetic?
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2018, 07:07:28 AM »

Angie - calle the clinic/hospital where you will have this done to get advice. They should tell you your options. It would be a light anaesthetic as it will be a short procedure and I would definitely have the Mirena fitted at the same time as this takes only a minute or so to fit and it gets it all done in one go without further waits.
They will probably simply put a intravenous line in your arm/wrist through which they can give the  anaesthetic. You just wake up a short while afterwards. You will to take someone with you to accomonony you home.
If they offer just local anaesthetic then this with parecetamol and perhaps take ibuprofen together might be sufficient. Good luck. DG x


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Re: Hysteroscopy, polyp removal under general anaesthetic?
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2018, 09:11:30 AM »

I was going to suggest discussing with the Dept..  It depends on the time that the surgery might take, a pre-med is often given to soothe one's nerves or if a short procedure, the patient walks to Theatre.  It's the best sleep I ever have ;-).  "A small ****" is the usual expression as the Aneasehtis puts the canula in then a feeling of cold across the back of the hand/wrist and ...........   The 1st thing that I do is look at the clock to see how long I've been there but often can't remember ........

Let us know what you decide?


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Re: Hysteroscopy, polyp removal under general anaesthetic?
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2018, 07:47:26 AM »

Hi ladies
Thank you all for sharing, the details are appreciated, with more info I seem to be less worried about it all.
I phoned the hospita asking for GA, the secretary said that the consultant will call me back today
Thank you xx


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Re: Hysteroscopy, polyp removal under general anaesthetic?
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2018, 10:20:38 AM »

Let us know how you get on. 


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Re: Hysteroscopy, polyp removal under general anaesthetic?
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2018, 08:29:54 PM »

Two years ago I opted for a hysteroscopy with a general anaesthetic and while I was under, a d&c was also performed.
 I was happy I went for this  option as I know my anxiety would have been through the roof if I'd opted for a local or just painkillers.
It was all over within 30minutes and I came around really quickly. A cup of tea and a sandwich soon followed then I was off home.
The only downside was having to wear a pair of anti embolism knee length socks for a week after,but for me it was worth it.
Hope all goes well for you!


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Re: Hysteroscopy, polyp removal under general anaesthetic?
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2018, 07:47:01 PM »

Hi Ladies
I promised I'd be back... apologies for taking such a long absence from the forum. I was getting so nervous waiting for the Hysteroscopy, polyp removal and Mirena fitting ( I opted for GA) all done now. You were right it is very quick, total memory wipe afterwards so there's not much to be traumatised about, and the op itself wasn't as bad as I'd thought - the wait in the weeks prior to it was worse!

 I took ages waking up from GA, and my blood pressure kept crashing too low but once I was done with all this being a drama queen, the rest was fine.

It's been three days, only needed one ibuprofen per day for very mild pain, otherwise feeling fine.

Interestingly, the consultant surgeon was trying to tell me right before the op to stop estrogen or reduce it (grrr!) to help reverse hyperplasia but I didn't feel ready to debate it with him. I had a small polyp removed and should have biopsy results in two weeks or so. 

Now I need my GP to prescribe me those promised estrogen patches I had to fight so hard for, but can't even get an appointment for 3 weeks. Don't dare to go to another GP as they would not have a clue about the battle I went through for HRT.

Getting tired of these hoops I have to jump through, is it ever going to be smooth? Thank you so much for your support, now I know what it's like to have GA...