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Author Topic: Post menopause blues  (Read 2780 times)


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Post menopause blues
« on: June 28, 2018, 04:18:00 PM »

Hi everyone, it's been some time since I've posted.

Been post menopause for almost 3 years, had quite a bad time during peri & reluctantly ended up taking antidepressants which made me worse, as I anticipated they would. Stopped them & anxiety which was my worst symptom settled down slightly. However I'd say ever since, I've become a bit antisocial, frustrating,as in my head I want to do stuff but can't muster up any motivation.

Anyway fast forward 4 years & all the old symptoms seem to have surfaced again. anxiety, depression, no appetite. Can't even be bothered with my family. Saw GP last week & came away feeling worse as I refused antidepressants. GP asked why I bothered going to see her, most are same in practice.....rather dish out pills, when I repeatedly tell them they make me worse.

I also developed vestibular migraine 2 years ago, ENT said it's common around menopause & could disappear.

Just wondering if anyone else has been in similar situation.

Feel like I'm in limbo at the moment.

CG x


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Re: Post menopause blues
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2018, 08:17:21 AM »

Morning CG sorry I missed your post.
Your gp sounds as if she went to the same charm school that my lot go lol.
Are you on hrt at all.?
All the things you are experiencing are a normal part of menopause the anti social the anxiety the lack f motivation there's at least 34 of the suckers in the symtoms chart and probably a few they don't know if so your not in a class on your own we've all been there.
Put some more details on wether your on hrt and what your on and the ladies should be along to help you soon xx take care xx


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Re: Post menopause blues
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2018, 09:51:47 AM »

I know its hard cheekygal, but please, please try to keep going and do 'normal' stuff, the more you do it, the easier it will become, I promise you.  I hit the same place last November and would have been quite happy if a bus had run me over.  Tried HRT (not able to take it, gave me Burning Mouth Syndrom, sob), tried anti-anxiety pill (just the one Mrs Wembley), but it made my dry mouth symptoms worse.  So plodding through without anything now, taking baby steps and one day at a time, but things are starting to look up. As Daisydot has asked, are you on HRT?  In the 3.5 weeks I was able to take it, it made the world of difference and still upset I am not able to take it, so this may be a really good option for you. Take no notice of your stupid doctor! Keep going cheekygal, just one foot in front of the other, no matter how long it takes. x


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Re: Post menopause blues
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2018, 05:03:34 PM »

Hi ladies, sorry I should've mentioned I'm not on HRT, I'm so sensitive to medication of any type. I've been on a couple others for years without ever being reviewed, I think they call that involuntary dependency. Some of the meds they've tried to give me have strong interactions....quite worrying really 😲

I was trying to keep going doing normal things, but my neck dystonia/tremor & vestibular migraine flared up....oh & chuck IBS into the mix....all depressing on their own, I just feel 💩 (no pun intended).

Spoke to another GP at practice today who told they have talking therapy at the surgery, why did the crabby old bag the other week not tell me that. Might take a while but I'm on the waiting list now at least.

CG x


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Re: Post menopause blues
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2018, 07:30:45 AM »

Morning Cheekgal

You have a lot going on, it must be completely overwhelming.  Its frustrating as like you I have turned out to be sensitive to all meds that Dr has tried with me for meno symptoms, so where do we turn to? Tried all the natural things first before the HRT, including the lady magnet in the knickers!  Excuse me if this has been mentioned elsewhere in other posts, but have you tried a probiotic for your IBS (I like your pun!)? I take the Optibac one a day and also now a inulin prebiotic.  Maybe if you are able to sort out your tummy it will at least be one less thing making you down.  My brother has IBS and he tried the Optibac and said it made a difference.  Having said this, you have probably tried everything under the sun already, but I'd rather not assume that you have, just in case. Good luck with the therapy, we know that talking about these things really helps. x 


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Re: Post menopause blues
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2018, 08:02:30 PM »

Hi everyone, it's been some time since I've posted.

Been post menopause for almost 3 years, had quite a bad time during peri & reluctantly ended up taking antidepressants which made me worse, as I anticipated they would. Stopped them & anxiety which was my worst symptom settled down slightly. However I'd say ever since, I've become a bit antisocial, frustrating,as in my head I want to do stuff but can't muster up any motivation.

Anyway fast forward 4 years & all the old symptoms seem to have surfaced again. anxiety, depression, no appetite. Can't even be bothered with my family. Saw GP last week & came away feeling worse as I refused antidepressants. GP asked why I bothered going to see her, most are same in practice.....rather dish out pills, when I repeatedly tell them they make me worse.

I also developed vestibular migraine 2 years ago, ENT said it's common around menopause & could disappear.

Just wondering if anyone else has been in similar situation.

Feel like I'm in limbo at the moment.

CG x

Hi I could have written your post. Same here bad anxiety at perimenopause. Fine for around 7 years then at post menopause +3 years has hit me hard again. Can't work, socialise, go in queues, to name but a few things. Been on HRT patches for 11 weeks now as was hoping that would sort it out. I seem to get around 5 days good then a run of anxiety.  Has yours calmed yet? Xx


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Re: Post menopause blues
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2018, 02:00:08 PM »

Tried HRT (not able to take it, gave me Burning Mouth Syndrom, sob)

What kind of HRT did you try?  If it were a pill, you might be fine on gel and utrogestan vaginally.  Worth a shot at that perhaps.  It really does reduce the symptoms.


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Re: Post menopause blues
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2018, 06:37:47 PM »

hey cheeky girl- i have that thing of being super-sensitive to meds/supplements- even tiny amounts of oestradiol drive me crazy!! i've not had a period for 5 months so prob early meno- today i feel really low so pissed of with it all!
i am on an antidepressant- venlafaxine- which got me over a horrible "hump" in peri- but i appreciate that we're all different and anywayg it seems to have stopped working as well now- perfsonally i think ssris are good short term but over time effect becomes blunted and side effects like fatigue, weight gain can increase
sorry not much help but wanted to say youre not alone and i was particularly interested to hear of someone else who's sensitive to stuff.
i've just started magnesium today- already feel a bit shabby from it- but i'll let you know if it helps :)
tried maca and it sent me doolally!! it's a flipping plant- i'm so sensitive!


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Re: Post menopause blues
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2018, 07:12:49 PM »

You're not the only one - I can't take any anti-depressants, beta blockers, sleeping tablets, anti-anxiety drugs, st. Johns wort, antihistamine sleeping tablets, testosterone even, the list goes on and on, without getting suicidally depressed. The only thing that gives me any relief from anxiety, but is a really bad idea long-term, is diazepam. Oh and alcohol. But what the hell can you do when you literally can't live your life otherwise? I think there's probably more of us super-sensitives out there than we think - a lot of people just suffering in silence.


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Re: Post menopause blues
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2018, 07:36:50 PM »

Hey Racjen- that is really interesting that you're similar -tho sorry for your sake :(- it's bizarre- and yes, things tend to make me feel depressed and shabby- be they testosterone or some pathetic plant extract!
i'm also like you with beta blockers, sleeping tablets etc- though it tends to be in the form of "hangover" the next day.
ditto alcohol of course!!
i've been getting quite depressed that hrt isn't my magic bullet wondered what the hell's wrong with me that it's not wokingr!!
anyway on that cheery note i'll go but i will post any positive updates on the magnesium