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Author Topic: Which menopause symptoms will pass?  (Read 15122 times)


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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #45 on: June 19, 2018, 09:32:01 PM »

Thanks, Daisydot.  ;)

Just don't get me between 2 and 4pm. - awful brain fog then! Couldn't even tie my own shoelaces...... ;D xxxx


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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #46 on: June 19, 2018, 09:45:12 PM »


I never read the leaflets, don't want anything odd put into my head  ::)

I do garden: occaionsally walk.  'Must Try Harder'  ;)


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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #47 on: June 20, 2018, 06:42:58 AM »

Hi Hurdity,
I was wondering why some women sail through. Is it because their oestrogen doesn't hit rock bottom or that different women react differently to oestrogen?

I think it's probably either/both Wilks, explained as with everything by a combination of genetic and environmental factors - although I know that it too general too be useful!!

Yes some women are more sensitive to CHANGES in oestrogen levels - eg some women start to experience flushes towards the end the menstrual cycle even before peri-menopause begins - when hormonal fluctuations can become increased. Others only start to get flushes when oestrogen has decreased.

From what I've read - the degree to which a woman experiences flushes is not related to ABSOLUTE oestrogen levels either - and borne out by what have seen on this forum, women require different doses of oestrogen in order to eliminate flushes. It would be great if there was a magic number - say at 200 pmol/l no woman should get flushes - this would be easy!

In terms of osteoporosis, I did read a paper which gave minimum oestrogen levels needed to help prevent osteoporosis, which I presume is why there are minimum doses specfified (in the list of HRT preparations).

Prof Studd discusses the causes of reproductive depression (PMS and PND) in detail and the effect of reduced oestrogen but it is not clear whether this is due to absolute oestrogen levels (ie low) or relative changes (ie dramatic reduction) or both. As part of our natural variation, some women will overall have lower oestrogen levels - including at the end/start of the cycle - than others - and may be more likely to experience PMS.

Other components of PMS though are intolerance to protesterone itself, and the typical PMT symptoms of progesterone withdrawal. An unlucky woman would experience all of these...

Hurdity x


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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #48 on: June 20, 2018, 04:11:28 PM »

Hello ladies.

The meno consultant I saw yesterday suggested that some women are more sensitive to hormonal changes  and feeling better during pregnancy is due to the absence of any fluctuations.

A friend  was told by her gynecologist that the ovaries continue to produce some oestrogen into our seventies.

Take care ladies.



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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #49 on: June 24, 2018, 12:33:51 PM »

Hi ladies really interesting post and I've bedn doing some reading around all of this (must be the nurse in me). Apparently body shape appears to have some degree of influence over age related disease etc for example, a pear shape is at a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis, me being mostly “boy” shape doesn't fare so well apparently! Higher risk of the above and i do struggle with middle and back fat unless I run and exercise weekly! Also I used to get bad pmt (as in cyclical mood swings) my periods were never really that bad, I felt fantastic through pregnancy and the peri/menopause has hit me like a train!! May be a correlation. A friend and I were discussing this last night she's the same age as me (nearly 53 officially, 25 in mind 😁) and she's still having regular periods, no hot flushes, a bit of sinus problems maybe but no other symptoms! I told her I hate her 😂. She has suffered neither pmt or depression so again wondering if there is a correlation there! It's certainly interesting and I love doing my research around this. Just to add also (re original post and coming out of the other side), I do believe that can happen. For 10 years now I've taken oxybutinyn for urinary urgency and frequency and now I'm on what I hope and pray is the right combi of hrt for me with vagifem every other day, I've been a week free of these tablets and “touch wood”, hoping I've cracked it. Usually can't go 2 days without the tabs, have cut out all caffeine though which defo makes a difference. I'll use vagifem for the rest of my life if I have to and the other hrt if I need to but wondering if looking after yourself and maybe some supplements will suffice in later life.
Ps update...Ive been gardening,it's really hot so lots of water but just found some coke in the fridge, downed half a glass (never usually touch it) and whoosh, ran to the loo for an urgent wee 🤣😂🤣 naughty me 😁.
Anyway I've rambled enough,hope you're all having a lovely day xx
« Last Edit: June 24, 2018, 12:37:18 PM by Optimist »


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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #50 on: June 24, 2018, 12:56:15 PM »

Think you have something there Optimist and have read  similar elsewhere.

I am pear shaped and narrower at at top, small waist and big bottom, I always had painful periods and symptoms of high estrogen so to me it suggests more estrogen going through menopause and an easier one.

It is thought provoking.


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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #51 on: June 26, 2018, 09:27:47 AM »

Really interesting post here. I have always had problems coping with hormone changes - puberty, going on/off the pill, pregnancy and peri and now menopause. A blood test last year showed my estrogen was so low it was classed as ‘undetectable ‘ yet I still am struggling with symptoms a year later. Maybe I am still having fluctuations?! Would love to know why some people coast through and other struggle, and why some symptoms are worse for some people. Personally I hardly get any hot flushes but the palpitations and weight gain have been horrendous!


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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #52 on: June 26, 2018, 06:02:40 PM »

I also find this very interesting.
I am also one of the unlucky ones to suffer badly with meno & I too had awful pmt, PND & now meno BUT during my 3 pregnancies I positively bloomed. I felt my best when pregnant which is when all our hormones are sky high.
I did a little survey with some friends & family & discovered all the ones who had miscarriages because of low hormones didn't have any meno problems. I have always found it so easy to get pregnant, never a problem. So I am wondering if this is because of the high hormones throughout our life & then suddenly as in PND & meno our bodies are in turmoil because we can't cope with the lowering of hormones. I'm not sure it is inherited either because my 2 sisters sailed through the menopause without a problem & they both had miscarriages. Don't you think researchers should be looking in to these sort of things. It takes us women to try & work through this.


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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #53 on: June 27, 2018, 10:01:07 AM »

Paisley, that is really interesting. Now you mention it I have two friends who suffered miscarriages and both sailed through this stage of life!


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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #54 on: June 27, 2018, 11:16:14 AM »

I don't fit into that category though

During puberty I went extremely shy, probably suffering mild anxiety. My first BCP knocked me sideways but once they put me on a gentler one I never looked back.

I fell pregnant each time I tried straight away.  I bloomed during pregnancy all bar the one that was incompatible with life, I've had a miscarriage and both my boys were fraternal twins where I lost each one, out of 4 births I only had PND on the one a year after the stillbirth.  Have never suffered PMT

When my ovaries failed after my hysterectomy the first hrt I tried worked wonders and stayed on that for 13+ years until literally everything went wrong at natural peri, the rest is my journey on here x


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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #55 on: June 27, 2018, 12:38:45 PM »

Hello ladies.

I always believed I only experienced mild PMT in the form of tender breasts just before my period. As a young woman however the first two days of my bleed were always difficult and I would often feel faint and sweaty with bloating and  loose bowels. My remedy was always to loosen my clothing and find somewhere to sleep, I would then wake up with all symptoms resolved and be fine again.  Everything quietened down as I got older and my  pregnancies were trouble free. I have had issues with anxiety on occasion but always due to life events so a logical response, it is only now with the emotional and physical problems of the menopause that I realise how sensitive I can be to hormonal changes, I just didn't recognise it.

One further point, I believe that disturbed sleep has a huge part to play in how we feel at this time in our lives. The only other time I have struggled with this level of anxiety was when I was seriously sleep deprived when my children were young so I wonder if some of us are also sensitive to lack of sleep, especially if it continues over many years.

Take care everyone.



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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #56 on: June 28, 2018, 08:37:59 AM »

I think you are quite right about the sleep thing Kathleen...

My worst symptom at the moment is hot flushes, I can cope with day time flushes (if I must!) but waking 3 - 8 times in the night is not good.  I do believe that all my other symptoms tearful, low mood, headachey, ratty etc are all due to my lack of sleep rather than hormones....

Ali x


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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #57 on: June 28, 2018, 12:50:09 PM »

Why are you still putting up with hot flushes you poor thing,have you discussed the various  options with your gp it's such a shame because the sleep deprivation will make you feel so crap and as you rightly say exasperate all those other things,if your on hrt keep changing because you will get a balance at some stage I was third time lucky with mines,good luck and keep persevering xx


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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #58 on: June 28, 2018, 01:42:00 PM »

Hi Daisydot!

Currently trying Clonidine for the flushes.  If the truth be told I suppose I am satisfying myself that I tried all options (I've already tried magnets, supplements etc) before going on HRT.  Also I should say that my symptoms have been intermittent over the past year, the flushes have not been a permanent fixture....  I am currently at the four week mark for this bout (feels like eternity tho!) and around now my flushes would usually disappear although I am fully aware the time will/may come where they stay for good...

I know a lot of folk will think I am daft for considering HRT as a last resort, I guess a lot of it does stem from the bad reports from the past..... also I am slightly worried about going through the whole process of finding the right HRT for me and extra side effects that might bring...

Gosh I am waffling a lot today - is that also a symptom of the menopause!!!  ;D ;)


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Re: Which menopause symptoms will pass?
« Reply #59 on: June 28, 2018, 02:24:37 PM »

Hello again ladies.

alibeau - I completely understand considering HRT as a last resort. When my meno hit I decided to try to tough it out especially as my GP at the time told me it would all be over in a few years! Unfortunately for me my symptoms increased when I was three years post meno so I began HRT. I am still trying to find the right balance which is both frustrating and exhausting!

Wishing you well and hopefully you will find a treatment that works for you.

Take care and let us know how you get on.

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