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Author Topic: Help - advice needed PMDD/perimenopause  (Read 1332 times)


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Help - advice needed PMDD/perimenopause
« on: May 28, 2018, 09:59:20 AM »

My situation is this; I had been on depo provera from 16 to after having kids,felt fine when pregnant but started to get panic attacks at 24 so went on an ssri which I went on and off until after I had my kids then stayed on it as got PND with the kids. 3 years ago I came off depo provera and began to get regular periods for the first time in 18 years and it was then that I  started to notice that my anxiety and panic, and more recently depression too would hit me suddenly at day 14 when I ovulated and would stay for around 10 to 14 days until my period started again when normality would generally resume in terms of mood. Initially I thought it was something to do with my SSRI not working so,over the last year I tried various different ssris and combinations but nothing improved. In Nov I went to the hormone Health clinic in London and was put on 2 pumps of estrogel and 12 days utrogestan. Every time I took the utrogestan I felt so depressed I could barely leave my bed (which is odd since depo provera is progesterone and I was on it for years) so I came off that after 3 months, had my estrogel put up to 4 pumps but, 2 months into this regime I am still cycling so still feel the same. I plan to have the mirena put in tomorrow as I know I need to have the progesterone but am pretty terrified it's going to tip me over the edge. I actually feel worse on the estrogel I think (possibly because it's giving me higher levels of hormones but not actually stopping my cycle). So, my options appear to be a. See what happens with mirena and estrogel 4 pumps - maybe that could shut down my cycle b. Wean self off estrogel (any tips on how to do this?) And just have the mirena c. If mirena sends me mad for more than 2 weeks then get it taken out, sack off hormones for good and increase ssri (already on quite a high level of this) d. Ask for estrogel to be put up even higher to 6 pumps and find some way to get progesterone into myself without going crazy. It's a total nightmare but I am wondering if having the estrogel should be making me worse? 

Any advice gratefully received....I wonder if it's just change that I am sensitive to as opposed to progesterone itself?

I did get some bloods taken in the luteal phase last week - day 24 of a 28 day cycle and my FSH was 2.1 (range 1.7-7.7), my progesterone was 18.8 (5.2-71.9), testosterone <0.4 ( 0-1.8 so seems very low), FHBG 154 (27-146 -lower than should be) and estradiol of 626 (122 - 1094). Don't know if these mean anything to anyone?!



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Re: Help - advice needed PMDD/perimenopause
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2018, 10:23:15 AM »

Hi darlingbabs,I am not an expert,but I did find snri's were much more effective for anxiety and depression,ssri's did nothing for me. This hormone buisiness is a nightmare,ovulation and pre menstal I could murder someone,it's a horrible feeling.i read that u need to take high levels of estrogen to override cycle, whether it works or not I don't know,but proff studd says u need 2.5-5mg gel,or 100 or 200 sure someone more knowledgeable will be along soon to help u more.take care.

        Lisa x


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Re: Help - advice needed PMDD/perimenopause
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2018, 10:27:13 AM »

Thanks Lisa


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Re: Help - advice needed PMDD/perimenopause
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2018, 11:35:08 AM »

Hi, not sure if I can be a lot of help but I do sympathise, as I had dreadful PND and PMS. Now I'm peri menopausal I'm on fluoxetine for the low mood but have recently started testosterone (as well as being on hrt). My testosterone was low but slightly higher than yours. It might be worth trying as it can help with energy and mood.


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Re: Help - advice needed PMDD/perimenopause
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2018, 01:50:37 PM »

As you state that it was after stopping the Depo that the anxiety set in (and the Oestrogel makes you feel worse), I would go for the Mirena or the mini pill so that you can go back to progesterone only.

It's common in peri for progesterone to fall too low and this can cause anxiety and low moods. This may mean you don't need to override your cycle with high dose oestrogen, although this could be an option if you can't quite get enough progesterone from the Mirena levels.