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Author Topic: When progesterone tablets stop I’m depressed.... experiences pls  (Read 1438 times)


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Ladies.... I'm trying to gauge how others get on when progesterone stops in combined pills

I'm very depressed and even have suicidal ideation ie what's the hell is the point to life....

I'm 42 (early memo diagnosis) at 37.... loved prempack c then had to swop.... ellese was a disaster ... currently taking feme (something). I have womb still.

By careful tracking I have worked out when progesterone stops I'm vile and literally count down to when I can take them again

GP appt booked to see great GP

ALL ADVICE very welcome, shared experiences and treatment ideas especially

Thanks all


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Hi Southselly
I think I posted to you before? It seems you are one of those ladies that gets a bad ‘downer' with the withdrawal of progesterone - this is quite common and usually only lasts a day or two but if it is severe for you and last some days then you may need to try a continuous HRt ( if you are post meno)  or the Mirena.   Did you not get this reaction with Prempak C ? - I personally had to change from Prempak C to something else because I felt dreadful on the progesterone in Prempak!!!
Do you feel Ok when on the progesterone in Femoston?  How many months have you been on the Femoston? 

If you are now post menopause ( blood test could well show this), then you could simply go to the continuous version of Femoston but having a Mirena fitted and then using oestrogen as gel, patch or pills alongside, could offer you a bleed free HRT regime - so minimal hassle. DG x


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Hi I've no idea where I am on my journey! 6 years was the last time someonebothered to check

However when I had a blood test recently I fibbed and says to the nurse... oooo gp wants fsh measuring too

But I'm not sure if that's what would be looked at.

I'm not allowed continuous as I dont think I'm post yet???

Didn't even know I was going through menopause on Prempack c ! I actually forgot ha ha

I feel wonderful when progesterone is taken, it's the 2 weeks of not having it.

I think I might need separate Eostrogen and progesterone TBH and doses can be adjusted

Femoston 3/4 months now. I've stuck it out as wanted to gather themes, patterns.

Dancing Girl thank you so much, this means everything to me, to have someone share knowledge !

